Looking for Great Sounding Headphones? - AKG K240 mkii Detailed Headphone Review

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If you want your audio to sound great on a budget, AKG's K240 mkii headphones need to be on your list!

The mkii are the latest version of the famous AKG K240 studio headphones first introduced in 1975. Times have changed, but the K240 mkii are still an excellent choice that compete with headphones that a considerably more expensive. For under $100 USD, there are no more excuses for poor mixes or content audio quality.

Features and Specifications:

Acoustic System: Over-Ear, Semi-Open Back, Dynamic
Impedance: 55ohm
Frequency Response: 15-25000Hz
Sensitivity: 104dB SPL/V at 1kHz
Maximum Input Power: 200mW
Drivers: 30mm Varimotion
Ear Pads: Leatherette (1-set installed), Velvet (1-set in the box)
Cables: 3.0m (10Ft) straight, 5m (16ft) coiled, Mini XLR to 3.5mm, detachable with 1/4" adapter
Weight: 240g (8.47oz)

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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Audio Test and Analysis - Sine Wave 20-20000Hz Sweep
01:57 Audio Test and Analysis - Music
03:38 Audio Test and Analysis - Spoken Word
04:29 Game Audio Demonstration
05:19 Build Quality Assessment
06:25 Features and Specifications
06:53 Audio Test and Analysis with Leatherette vs Velvet Earpads
08:40 Final Recommendations - What are the K240 mkii For?


🔥Do This First:

To get the most out of your recording or streaming space, I recommend sound treatment including acoustic absorption panels. This is the single biggest way to improve your audio before investing in other gear. You can make your own, or I highly recommend GIK Acoustics as they manufacture some of the best quality acoustic treatment available at an excellent value.



#akg #studioheadphones #homestudio

Рекомендации по теме

my brother bought one of these in the late 70s. he is still using it and enjoying it


Thanks for the actual sound test! Most other videos I watched have some mixed opinions from use but not test so is very hard to say is unbiased.


Hello, sir. Thanks for the review, this is by far the best channel for headphone reviews. Most people present a graph and subjective opinions that tell you nothing about how good or bad the respective pair will sound for you, but your binaural recordings immediately provide a great deal of info about the openness and detail retrieval of the product in question. Absolutely top class, you've got a new subscriber. Keep up the good work !


I bought my k240 back in 2013. Couple of years ago my daughter borrowed it and never returned it. I think I'll get another k240 or k275. I love the gimbal headband and very good mid range.


Your review sold me on these, especially because i somehow did not notice the *mkii* comes with optional velvet pads, and that they slightly slightly reduce the high frequency which i wanted. Absolutely great fun for 80 euros i paid.


I've used the akg k240 studio (not mkii !) for about 6 years 4+ hours daily on average and my experience largely lines up with your review. They are very comfortable even when worn 8 hours straighdt, sound very natural and were fairly robust. However:

Do note that they leak a lot of sound, so they probably aren't great for train- or bus- rides.
I've also had the cable break on me after 4 to 5 years of intense use, I don't know whether that's out of the norm but watch out for that.
With the original pads, I had the issue that sometimes my ears would touch the fabric cover for the speakers, which did get uncomfortable over longer periods. I had to replace them after 5 years because they started to dissolve and chose deeper (leatherette) pads, which solved this issue. I tried third party velvet first, but they absolutely butchered the sound, so I'd recommend going for leatherette if you want to replace them.


I have been using my MK II pair for... geez 13 years now. I will swear by these until I am dead.


I just received them. I already have two pair closed backs from Shure (SHR-840) and Audio Technica ( ath-mr7b, best headphones I've ever owned). I wanted a cheaper open back pair for practicing . Never owned or tried AKG cans so it was a gamble. . It is not instant love with the AKG's but after 3 hours of burn-in the honkyness is slowly dissappearing. I want to practice guitar with them and I think they are great for that purpose because of the nice midrange. Blues(rock), soul, and 70's rock sound awesome with these cans. I think they will grow on me. If this is the AKG sound signature I will try the higher end cans in the future. Great soundstage for the price. Good honest review! Cheers


Great content. You are my headphones guru, period


Fantastic reviews from you, sir. You’re the best.


My favorites among them all. Had them for a studio I had back in the late 80's. The same pair of K240 Studio's look like new in 2024. I just ordered a 240 MkII set for my new setup. They are so comfortable and don't present annoying mud when tracking vocals.


I've used the AKG K-240s (Not mk.II but the same guts) near daily since 2017. I'm a proponent of different headphones for different tasks, and I love these particular headphones for watching YouTube, podcasts and chatting on Discord. The semi-open design is a huge advantage for voice calls since you can hear yourself speaking even over the noise. I also have a pair of vintage Sony MDR-7506s for movies, editing, and gaming. Something that would benefit from the thumpier bass and detailed treble you get with a closed back. Finally, I love music over both pairs.


Thi gay is amazing no other channels does this kind of thrall headphone examination thank you so much i appreciate it great videos. Wish you all the best good luck.


Dropping in after the fact here... I'm currently shopping for beginner/cheap mixing headphones.
I love that you put up actual sweep analysis for a lot of gear and it looks to me that this pair is actually VERY accurate in the frequency domain, even more then much more expensive alternatives.
So given the low price, why aren't they just the best choice ever, period ?
I can get them for ~80€ here in France and they look better in theory compared to say HD 280 Pro/M50x...


Talk about detailed! I love your videos they are technical. Thanks and keep up the great job.


Great production quality in your videos and a really helpful review. Your video helped me make the decision to get a pair of these. Thanks!


Thanks so much for this detailed review. This really takes any preferance or bias out of recommendations. Thanks for creating and testing these headphones.


Excellent review, as always! Been waiting for this for quite some time. All I need now is the comparison between these and the Mark I, and possibly with the AKG K271's. Your reviews' technical consistency is what makes them valuable to me. Cheers !!!


Also when EQd with EqualizerAPO or else, they are at their full potential. Yesterday I corrected the frequency response curve from rtings to get the flatest curve possible and holy molly they sound good now!


Incredibly detailed..also, love the 80s jam 😉😎
