Put Baking Soda On Your Garden Plants and This will Happen

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You probably have at least one box of baking soda in your home – if you’re like so many other Americans, it’s most likely sitting in your refrigerator as a way to combat odors, and you might have another carton in your pantry for baking. But there are so many other uses for it, from household cleaning and health to gardening, you might want to go out and purchase at least a couple more.
Here is what baking soda can do to your garden.

1.Get more beautiful blooms.
For flowers that thrive in alkaline soil, such as hydrangeas, begonias, and geraniums, you can encourage them to bloom magnificently by using baking soda. Just dissolve a little baking soda in your water before giving them their regular drink. Also to keep your cut flowers fresh for a long time put a teaspoon of baking soda in the vase.

2. Sweeter Tomatoes.
Sprinkle a small amount of baking-soda around the base of your tomato plants. The baking soda will be absorbed into the soil and lowers the acidity level of tomatoes, thus gives you sweeter than tart flavor.

3.Give Plants a Boost.
Mix together 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon clear ammonia and 1 teaspoon Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Mix well and give each plant about a quart of the solution. This solution will work as a fertilizer, the plants that are looking dull, and growing slowly will perk up, rejuvenate their growth and become lush green.

4.Use it as a Pesticide.
Use baking soda to effectively reduce infestations of many insects such as aphids, scales, and the spider mites. It may not kill them all but have a repellent action and halt their progress.
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/3 cup of olive or mustard oil. Measure out 2 teaspoons of this mix and add it to 1 cup of water. Mix it well together and spray it on the infected plants.

5.Smelly compost.
To keep the smell from a compost pile under control, use a small amount of baking soda which will eliminate the odor and prevent acidity build up – just use it sparingly as too much can slow the composting process.

6.Kill crabgrass and discourage weeds.
If you have weeds or crabgrass growing in cracks on sidewalks, edges, patios or garden beds, you can use baking soda to get rid of them. It’s able to kill small weeds that have already sprouted, as well as to prevent new weeds from coming up. It will burn unwanted foliage, and feeds should disappear within just a few days. Just pour a thick layer onto the weeds and crabgrass after moistening it with water. Sweep the baking soda in a thick layer into any concrete cracks.

7.Test Soil pH.
Take some soil on a dish and make it muddier. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto the soil. If the combination bubbles, your soil is acidic.

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Рекомендации по теме

You showed an acidic BLUE hydrangea when talking about using baking soda to make soil more alkaline and you showed a picture of a ladybug when talking about pests; they are one of the most beneficial creatures in a garden


My Grandfather planted his whole yard with flowers and some vegetables. People came from far away to see. He often supplied wedding and funeral flowers for needy. He swore by bonemeal. Miss him.


los of garden uses I’ve never heard of, some I knew, I’m learning again, after 40 years gardening. yay!


Trust me, baking soda actually really works on plants that have LOTS of pesticides on them and All the plants in my Mom's garden grew so fast within 3 days. I only used it ONCE with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 3 and 1/2 cups of tap water. I was so shocked that the squash seeds that I seeded in the little potting grew so freaking fast after I sprayed the baking soda water!!!! Surprisingly my Mom told me it was very Luscious! Oh my Goodness! Thank GOODNESS!!! It is Unbelievably Beautiful to SEE and know this solution and SUCH A Relief, such a FREAKING Relief!!! Because, boy oh boy, those little pests were so MUCH to deal with! Yes, use baking soda water on the soil and leaves that have those micro-sized pests, Once a week. I am going to try this for my own Head hair Once every week too (PINCH of baking soda and Himalayan pink sea salt into a cup of water). Keep up the Healing FAITH, GRATITUDE JOURNAL, and PRAYERS, because that was what I did daily! Good LUCK and Sovereignty Remain with All! Thank you ALL for the Healing Truth.


Thank you I 've learned More God BLESS PO 🙏💖


Thank you so much for your work and goodwill for your fellow growers!! We appreciate it!!


I've used Epsom salts. Works miracles on my outdoor plants. Never tried it on my vegetable garden. I like my tomatoes acidic.


Fyi, Ladybugs/Coccinellidae are not pests, they combat pests, always encourage these into your garden, despite the animation & voice over stating otherwise.


once mixed baking with epsom and sprayed on my plants, it never recovered again and all died withered beautifully, try to save them, but they already in heaven....


I used Epson salts on my camelia which had never flowered had lots of lovely flowers this year, and leaves are so healthy.


Every corner of my inside house.
It absorbed moisture and neutralized the unwanted odors.


This was very informative I've baki g soda I found so many new use


Same thing that makes flowers grow makes weeds die. Baking soda is hella smart. 💐 🍀🌼🍃


Yeah, I put baking soda in the vase and the flowers looked horrible next day. I also tried in the roses outside and other plants and almost killed them. DO NOT USE IT, unless for killing plants/weeds, though.


I love these ideas. Thank you very much‼️‼️‼️‼️. I am looking forward to more‼️‼️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Baking soda, a bit of soap, water all mix will help the white stuff on rose . I have tried it and it does help
Make sure you spray the roses early morning or late night


Tried this baking soda hack on my hydrangeas, pepper and tomato plants and now they're all on life support. Don't know what to do to bring them back. Tried micronutrient liquid supplements, epsom salt, and tomato plant food. So far nothing but leaning, wilted, and sickly leaves. Any ideas? No more baking soda on any vegetation, ever!!!!


DO NOT put baking soda in your soil unless you definitely know what you’re doing. Don’t do it because you saw it on YouTube. Bad idea. Real bad idea.


I'm a soil and crop consultant. You need to test your soil with a high quality soil analysis before adding anything, otherwise you can make things worse!


Half of these if not all are wrong. Hydrangeas and the rest of the plants you mentioned need acidic soil because they have iron deficiency isues. Raising the pH will worsen this. If you want to drop the pH of the soil use sulfur that is especially made for this reason. Most fertilizers have a little of sulfur in them for that reason. Best solution buy fertilizers especially for these plants. If you want sweeter tomatoes, or sweeter and tastier fruits (with the general meaning of fruit) just add potassium. It will make your flowers produce more flowers and your fruits tastier. The amonia solution works because of ammonia which is mainly Nitrogen and not baking soda. Nitrogen is the main element your plants need to make leaves branches etc and look healthy. The oil+baking soda mix works because of the oil that bothers the insects and not because of the baking soda. Petroleum derived oils are used most of the time but plant oils work too although in a much less better way.
Last but not least. Horticulture, in my country is 5 years of studying in the university. Do you think you can bypass it by a few hours reasearch and a 3, 5 minutes video. Come on now.
