4 Habits For Quiet People That Make You Look Bad Ass

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Despite having social anxiety growing up, Tom Hardy has transformed himself into someone that oozes confidence and is incredibly popular.

Tom’s charisma is unusual because he doesn’t follow the normal advice you might see on something like a body language list. He’ll often slouch or fidget in conversation, doing things you’re quote unquote not supposed to do.

But Tom has a few core mindsets you can steal that will instantly make you more confident in almost any social situation. These mindsets allow him to project a confident “I don’t give a f**k” attitude that draws people to him.


0:00 - Intro
0:50 - #1: Be willing to polarize
1:35 - #2: Allow yourself to have authentic reactions
3:45 - #3: Stop trying to look flawless
5:23 - The shadow rule
6:47 - #4: Prioritize your own comfort
8:38 - Are your fears holding you back?
10:49 - Links & more videos

#TomHardy #CharismaOnCommand

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My special ability is turning anxiety into severe diarrhea.


Confidence isn’t “I know they’ll like me”, it’s “I’m okay if they don’t”.


“Are you asking me about my sexuality?….why?”

So simple but the message it delivers, resonates right away of basically saying “stop being nosey mind yo damn business!”


As a sober alcoholic, I can tell you that recovering alcoholics and addicts who have gone to AA/NA or something like that are often used to sharing very personal details of our lives. People have often thanked me for being so honest when I didn't realize I was telling them anything unusual. We just get used to not hiding our faults, because we have to do it to survive. I can get up in front of anyone and speak truthfully because of recovery, no fear. I've learned that everyone is screwed up, so people don't scare me. Tom reminds me of lots of addicts I've met. And lots of guys I knew in the army. People in acceptance of the situation.


Why do i feel like im studying to become a human lol


Best piece of advice my therapist gave me as a young anxious man. Stop concentrating on how your feeling/thinking and pay attention to what the person is actually saying and THEIR body language. Takes a bit of practice but it pulls you out of your head and allows you to start being more relaxed, authentic and socially confident. You'll start noticing other people's little signals and it'll help connect you to them much quicker.


Believing that no matter what happens you’re going to be fine anyway is always a great mindset to have


I like how all of these tips come down to “Just be yourself and love it”. That really is the base of most social problems


1) Be willing to polarize- Accept that some people won't like you.
2) Allow yourself to have authentic reactions- Instead of focusing on if they like you, focus on if you like them.
3) Stop trying to look flawless- You can't be perfect all the time so yeah, just be you.
4) The shadow rule- Sharing your imperfections, will slowly build more confidence in yourself.
5) Prioritize your own comfort
6) Don't let your fears hold back


Step 1: Be born in the darkness, be moulded by it. Don’t see the light until you’re a man and by which time it is only blinding.


“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” Anything is possible


Went from not sure about how I feel about Tom Hardy to loving and being a huge fan REAL quick. Excellent video.


When you can control your anxiety, you can own the room


It is so important to live FULLY and AUTHENTICALLY in all parts of our lives! We are the only ones keeping ourselves from truly living by letting our fears hold us back...it's time to live more and fear less!!


Lil tidbit that might help. Psychologist found that the same "butterlies in the stomach" experienced by someone about to public speak, is the same emotional response as an athlete before their game; Only difference is that one labels it as nervous, and the other labels it as Hype. Moral of the Story: If youre feeling nervous, breathe and imagine youre an athlete excited for their game. (or similar situation relevant to you)


I have massive respect and compassion for Tom's struggle with Social Anxiety. Went through my adolescence with it and again during the last couple of years. It's excruciating. Brilliant tactics and inspiration from Tom and you guys! Will definately be rewatching this video in the future 😊📹


*5 things to quit right now:*

*1. Overthinking*
*2. Trying to make everyone happy*
*3. Living in the past*
*4. Worrying*
*5. Doubting yourself*


The part where he says, "Not being in control, not knowing, anticipation, waiting for something to go wrong."

That's how I feel.


Something I learned after I joined the military (though the military didn't teach me this): when you feel fear or anxiety, acknowledge it in words with plain emotion either out loud or in your head, then push through it anyway.

It gets easier over time.


I was a chronic people pleaser. As I grow older I have learned to care less about what people think about me and care more about people. It's incredibly freeing. It's really helped me to take the focus off of me and put it on others.
