DON'T Add in More Cardio

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The way I've always looked at cardio is it's not just for losing more weight. It's for heart health, cardiovascular conditioning, making myself feel good, building those positive neuron pathways.

A good diet, lifting, and cardio all go together. it's like a burger, fries, and a drink. Sure, I could just order the burger and fries but I wont feel right if I dont have something to wash it down with.


Cardio is good for fighting, breathing and sex.


The thing I have learned from you is I have to get my diet under control and juat move my body. I don’t have to overthink it and think I have to do crazy things at the gym. At least for my goals.


heart and lung strength! cardio will keep you going longer, and will help you to hold on to mobility in your old age.


I train about 2 hours a day, and its ABSOLUTELY psychological. I was addicted to substances and did not take care about myself dor years. My way to treat myself good is running a hour (slow pace), calisthenics for 45 minutes and some shadowboxing. I do it everyday. It keeps me sane. I dont even look at my body, i like it. Sometimes its even 3 hours but its not 3 hours of grind. Heavy training is max a hour, often less. The rest is fun, boxing, dancing, etc


My experience is that a reasonable amount of cardio actually increases my N.E.A.T. because I get more energy and more motivated. So I start doing more work in the garden, clean the house, clean the car and so on.


I lost weight (12 kg) by gradually eating a bit less and doing more cardio.


Doing cardio makes your weighlifting routines less exhausting and less strenuous on your heart. I used to feel nauseous and lightheaded after a hardcore weighlifting routine and adding cardio into my weekly plans a few times a week really helped with that.


Consistent cardio is life changing believe what you want.


Thank you. So many people judge others and say "just eat less and go running". But if you have "fiddled switches" because of hormones and burn out, the thing that might actually help you lose weight is more sleep, not more running.


Truth. A few years back I tried doing tons of running to lose weight. I lost exactly zero weight. Later I adjusted my diet, and then I finally started to lose weight. Diet is key.


Heart health is important. Those extra few calories burned are a cherry on top


I truly love Dr Mike and gained A TON in muscle building know how- BUT on this 1 point I have to agree with coach Greg, adding in 25min to a hour walking a day for the majority of ppl will help lose body fat. Period.
And walking- NOT jogging or running. A light non tiring form of cardio is best. Due to fatigue, energy levels, hunger levels


To have this mans lifetime of education, knowledge and experience at our fingertips is absolute gold.


Body builders always downplaying cardio, then they start weezing from climbing one set of stairs


This man is at the razer edge of exercise and nutritional science. Thanks Dr. Mike!


Great point you made that I NEVER hear anyone else mention about the body becoming efficient at burning calories to eek out more work. It's evident when you see elite boxers or mma guys. I used to box years ago and got in pretty good shape, but I would periodically stop and then pile on weight without increasing my diet. Then think of Ricky Hatton or others who, after like a month, pile on 20 pounds. It's not just them craving 6000 calories; their body is still very efficient for each calorie, so they burn them slower.


Personally it depends on what your goals are. If your going for aesthetics I can partially agree. But if your a sportsman mid to high intensity cardio every second day is your bread and butter to keep you fit for the season.


My cardio is distance swimming. My heart is extremely healthy because of swimming. My resting heart rate is 38! I am 44 years old! Swimming 1 hr a day burns 600+ calories. If I swim at 5:30am it jump starts my day amazingly. If i swim after work around 4pm. It takes the rest of my energy that i have and im exhausted afterwards. Morning cardio is the best!!!


As a PT, I always put my clients on 30min cardio sessions at least 4 times a week. It adds up and it allows them to eat a bit more. When you are eating little, those ~200cals can make a huge difference
