Modern Horizons 2 Reprint Speculation: Part 2

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Which old cards from Magic's history could be printed into Modern by way of Modern Horizons 2--and what impact would they have on the format?

0:00 Intro
1:18 Sylvan Library
4:04 Spinning Darkness
8:04 Undermine
9:47 Innocent Blood
11:27 Flame Rift
14:50 Chill
16:26 Tsunami
18:29 Nature's Ruin
19:58 Wirewood Symbiote
22:01 Birchlore Rangers
23:59 Skyshroud Elite
28:05 Breaking Point
29:57 Do or Die
34:00 Reverent Silence
36:24 Psychatog
39:17 Stifle
42:30 Fireblast
44:56 Wrap-Up
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This was recorded before some of the new playable Elves from Kaldheim were revealed--but my conclusions here haven't really changed. There's plenty more room to push the power level of Elves (in healthy ways), IMO. Part 3 of this series will be coming sometime relatively soon, so make your case below for any cards you feel passionately about!


I'm just going to go ahead and put my vote in for "No" on Stifle, just because it's purely an un-fun card to play against. Just like you said "the nature of the play patterns" stifling someone's t1 fetch while you're on the play would probably end the game right there in many cases


I always thought Careful Study would be a good add to Modern. It could bring Izzet Phoenix back to the meta without being busted in Dredge.


Idk how healthy fireblast would be in Modern but man that is the one card I want to be printed. I love my mono-red prowess deck.


Hey man, if "Tibalts trickery" is anything to go by, we're gonna get a R thoughtseize that probably bolts the opponent, just for shits and giggles, and maybe a green "mana drain", cause G totally needs the


Not for nothing, what they said about regeneration, they also said about protection. I think we could see it sometime in the future.


I would absolutely LOVE chill in the format


As a burn player, I’m very wary of fire blast in modern. Matchups without blue permission would probably have even less interaction given that fireblast is free. But maybe I’m wrong. Who knows.


i hope we dont get spinning darkness because i dont want to have to worry about graveyard order in modern


Burn card slots are really tight right now. So printing multiple strong cards for burn would probably strictly replace 2 to 3 cards in most burn decks and diversify burn (which I think is already diversified relative to how simple the strat is).


I’m not sure if this was ever altered through its oracle text but Spinning Darkness requires that you exile specifically the ‘top’ 3 black spells from your yard, which I’m assuming would refer to the 3 that went there most recently. And that kind of limitation could lead to some (albeit very situational) nonbos that it wouldn’t otherwise if it were just any 3 black cards.

I guess what I’m trying to say is I hope they did change that at some point.


Let me put you off stifle even further with a scenario that will happen frequently. Trunk 3 uro into untaped blue source into stifle uro sac trigger.


I'm holding you responsible if Wizards doesn't give us Vindicate and Gerards Verdict, Grim


Hey Grim, nice to hear from you again. Hope you and yours are well.
You picked interesting cards. I'm not sure if color hosers is a direction Wizards wants to go again but I think not. They see next to no play in Legacy so it would probaly be fine.
Tidal Warrior is a good one. Meerfolk needs something, especially a one drop.
Dr. Teeth is a sweet one.
Stifle is a skill testing card, like you explained. That effect needs to be used right to be worth a card.


Really love the elf part of the video hope we get more we really badly need more 1cmc. Birchlore would be just crazy New tool and thanks to realmwalker we can elfball now my latest mono g keep on elfballing turn 3 while ending with hoof


I completely agree that burn is essential to a healthy modern metagame. But we all know Uro is the problem. And no amount of new burn cards will offset banning Uro. You can't play burn when half the decks in the format are playing a creature that reads, "gain all the life, draw all the cards, and play all the lands".


Nice list, Grim. As a part-time blue player, I would love to see a card like Predict in modern. Would love to hear your thoughts about this!


My wishlist is any of hymn, sinkhole, cabal therapy, Gerrard's verdict. Make rack great again!!!!


I don’t want Sylvan Library in Modern. 4c soup does not need to have another value engine.


Don't think anyone really wants stifle in the format, it just sucks to play against.
