Trump’s Tariff Plan: Will It Save US Businesses Or Wreck the Economy?

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This video dives into the reasoning behind President Trump’s tariffs and how they impact trade with countries like China. We'll explore the goals of these tariffs, from boosting U.S. manufacturing to addressing trade imbalances.

You'll learn about the effects on American consumers, industries, and global trade relations. Finally, we’ll discuss the broader economic implications and the controversies surrounding these tariffs.

0:00 Intro
6:32 The Trade War With China, What’s The Right Thing To Do?
8:16 What Will Likely Happen To Both Small Business Owners And Consumers
10:40 What’s Going To Happen When Prices Go Up As A Result Of Higher Tariffs?




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It does matter who's in government, not so much in the short-term, but if Americans can consistently elect people who are financially responsible and not corrupt, then we can turn this trend around. It will take a long time and Americans aren't known for electing financially educated people into office so it's more likely America will simply collapse under the weight of the stupidity of its people while politicians launder all the money they can through pet projects and wars.


Tariffs will increase costs of finished goods and components used throughout US manufacturing. This will be an immediate and huge hike in inflation. To fight inflation the Fed will have to hike interest rates which will be wonderful for the billionaires but possibly take away the middle class. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..


Let's be real, jobs aren't returning to the US no matter how much tariffs are in place. How many manufacturing businesses have returned to the US from China or other countries since Trump was first elected in 2016? A lot of these businesses in China are just moving production from China to other Southeast Asian countries to avoid the tariffs. Most of the policies that will be implemented (i.e., tariffs, semiconductors, EVs, and more) are aimed at one thing: Containing China. The US knows tariffs will increase the price of goods in the US for its citizens, but it doesn't care. Its ultimate goal is to stop China from developing and threatening the superiority of the US. US businesses will be hurt as their revenue will go down. The lower and middle-income classes will hurt the most.


A few years ago UK voted to leave the Europen Union to empower British Jobs, Businesses, tighten Borders and to punish foreign competitors. Since Brexit UK has been in chaos and poor AF. Trying to isolate yourself in a globalised world is suicidal.


I am an independent trucker who does export work for hardwood lumber mills. The last tariffs resulted in retaliatory tariffs that destroyed our market. Followed by the pandemic it was catastrophic financially. Faced with that again, I'm considering selling out and retiring.


Trump will print another 5 trillion from toilet paper


unfortunately...many believe trump when he said china is paying for the tariff...just like his claim that mexico will pay for the wall....😂😂


I don’t know what you are smoking but manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Tim Cook said that in a public format. They will switch to other countries since y’all want to deport everyone that would actually do the work


The U.S. economy can actually get better if only the govt can start making better decisions for the sake of it's citizens, cos' they've really made life more difficult for its residents. Hyperinflation has left the less haves bearing the brunt of the burden. Its already eating into my entire $620k retirement portfolio. Like where else can we invest our money with less risks?


Overly simplistic explanation. Total manufacturing independence presumes a low paid population that is willing to always work those jobs. That simply isn't the case in the US. We are also hampered by irrational xenophobia that is directed precisely at the workers of jobs that Americans don't want to do! If you think Americans want to pick crops, clean offices, do construction, landscaping, etc...youre fooling yourself. Do you really see a country like that making steel and iPhones?? Or, should I say doing it in a cost effective way??


China's biggest innovation is its manufacturing processes. Automation dominates majority of the prouction. And those automation machines are made in China also.


For the average joe, if you're already complaining about Biden's economy, things are going to be much, much worse.


I hope we all know that it doesn't matter who is in the 'top job' because this is a systemic problem -- greed. We have allowed many of our economic sectors, to take advantage of the American people. It's disgusting and frightening for the future of our country. My husband and I will be retiring in the next two years n another country. We are absolutely worried that SS! will no longer be funded. we'll have to rely on his pension, a 403 (b) and a very prolific Investment account with Stephanie Janis Stiefel my FA. Our national debt is bloating and expanding every month. Our government needs to get spending under control and cut the federal budget.


All China has to do is to add 60% export tax on Teslas from Elon’s Shanghai factory, then Elon talks to Trump, soon no tariff.😂😂😂


Before the fiasco of Reaganomics, the US was the foremost manufacturer worldwide. Greed alone is the primary reason for the US economic decline. In the 1990s, Japan would've been a powerful manufacturer and surpassed the US as the world's #1 economy. The US used the WW2 unconditional surrender of Japan to limit Japan's further economic growth. China isn't obligated to anyone. They've made smart business decisions. China offers nations an opportunity for self-reliance. The US and its vassals offer the nations neocolonialism. Now, the world has alternative options.


It will affect small businesses, because I'm not going to buy as much of anything, if prices are high across the board


Anyone who's had econ 101 in junior college knows tariffs reduce economic activity and raise prices. You can't tax yourself into prosperity.


Well done!

To put it on the simplest level:

Tarifs are paid by the consumer, not by the manufacturer or seller.


You are overseeing some critical points... 1. Rebuilding an industrial base is not as easy as it seems, you will need a lot of qualified workers and machine tools, which you don't have. 2. You need a smooth controlled supply chain, even more difficult. 3. Then you desperately need time which you don't have neither. 4. Next you need support and cooperation from other countries, not realistic when spending decades antagonizing the rest of the world, especially your allies. 5. You still need export markets. Where are markets developing fast around the word? And which countries/companies are already supplying them? Last but not least, you need to keep expenses and your money under control. Not gonna happen, in the contrary, it is getting worse by the minute!


Amazon has definitely been the biggest cause of this their website is now 99% Chinese sellers
