Leading Neuroscientist Reveals The Truth About The Female Brain | Dr Lisa Mosconi

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Women's brain health remains one of the most under-researched, under-diagnosed and undertreated fields of medicine. Women are twice as likely as men to develop Alzheimer’s and twice as likely to become anxious or depressed. They are four times more likely to suffer with headaches and migraines and they are more prone to brain tumours and strokes than men. Today’s guest says this is a clear indication of functional differences between female and male brains. And she’s made it her life’s work to learn more about it.

Neuroscientist Dr Lisa Mosconi is director of the Women’s Brain Initiative and works at the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, US, where she studies how genetics, lifestyle and nutrition shape brain health, particularly in women.

Lisa describes her frustration at constantly being told by peers that the reason Alzheimer’s was more prevalent in women was simply because they live longer, and it’s a disease of ageing. We discuss her ground-breaking research that has exposed this bias, finding dementia brain changes can actually begin in midlife, triggered by declining oestrogen during perimenopause. Worrying as that might sound, this discovery will enable women to take control of their risk at a much earlier age. Lisa goes on to share plenty of practical, evidence-based advice to help you do that.

I was really moved to hear Lisa talk about the beautiful changes that happen in the female brain during pregnancy and post-partum. It’s a new take on the idea of ‘Mummy brain’ and will be validating for all mothers out there to hear. She also gives a clear and candid explanation of how perimenopause alters brain function. So many of my patients in their 40s and 50s are scared by changes like forgetfulness, brain fog and anxiety. If that’s you or someone you know, Lisa’s insights and advice will be really empowering.

I’m a passionate advocate for women’s health equality. Yet chatting with Lisa made me realise how much more work we all have to do to get topics like these out there and understood. This conversation is relevant to all of us, women and men alike. I hope it gets you thinking and talking more.

Connect with Lisa:

Lisa’s books:

Lisa’s TED talk:

Dr Chatterjee’s resources:

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DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.
Рекомендации по теме

This Lady Dr L Mosconi should receive the Nobel Price, to me this is as outstanding as connecting smoking and cancer.😊


My mom fell into early onset Alzheimer’s within a few years of a hysterectomy. I kept raising this with doctors and they all said there was no connection. Dr. Mosconi is finally putting a spotlight on the correlation and I’m so grateful she has devoted her life to studying the women’s brain.


I love this podcast and this particular one is probably my favorite! I have Lisa Mosoconi's book The XX Brain, and now will buy Brain Food. My mom died of Alzheimer's and her sister, my aunt, also has it. I am 59 years old and healing from a lifetime of Complex PTSD as well as a lifetime of crippling insomnia from a severely restricted airway (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome of UARS) so this particular episode feels so important and so relevant. I will be sharing this with lots of people!


Give her a Nobel prize. What an amazing woman.


Thank you so much. Too late for me yet I'm smiling with gratitude that I can pass this information on to my daughter and granddaughters.


I just ordered your book and look forward to reading it carefully. My mother died of Alzheimer's about a year and a half ago. Tho I've been taking good care of my brain, following holistic health practices for many years, I'm always eager to learn more. I have also taken a lot of courses about Ayurvedic medicine, including training in Ayurvedic post partum care. One thing I remember very clearly is the discussion about how women's bodies (including their brains) change dramatically during pregnancy AND during delivery, and that with the proper, traditional post partum care, the body completely regenerates all of its systems over a period of about 40 days or 6 weeks. There are still traces of these practices being used in many cultures, but Western culture has clearly forgotten any sense of women's bodies needing time to heal after pregnancy and childbirth. And multiple pregnancies without the proper healing routines compound the negative effects and do not support women's ability to completely return to normal after childbirth.


Wow this is absolutely fascinating. It's 4am and I'm only half way thru and I have work tomorrow but I can't stop watching 🔥😭


Thank you so much for this conversation!! We don’t talk enough about menopause and yet all woman go through it. How important to bring this to everyday conversations and also to be aware that woman’s brain is functional different from men. Amazing and informative ... I’ll be buying her book for sure.


Its amazing that we live in a world right now with such amazing people making huge contributions to science and health ! Thank you, loved the talk!


Dr Chattergee, thankyou, for bringing a caring, intelligent, informative interview for women into our lives ❤️. Your empathy & genuine concern shines through with this & all your podcasts . Namaste 😊🙏


What a wonderful podcast. Such profound insights were shared here, by 2 of the best voices I've heard so far on YouTube....You both might be healing at least 50% of your patients' ailments with your soothing voices 😍 Dr Lisa is so elegant... Love her smiles, laughter and little gestures she made during the conversation. Both of you are so passionate in what you do and it shines through in this conversation and really, all the conversations you've had with other guests, Dr. Chatterji


Absolutely loved the talk. So informational and educational for all to learn, understand, and practice in their daily life. I have gone through many health issues before 30 and all were reversed when I started putting my own well-being first. It is truly all about how to really manage all the stresses in your life so it does not take over your identity. Thank you for bring Dr. Lisa Mosconi on your show. Hope she will be able to return for another awesome talk!


As a woman in menopause this information is critical and time sensitive.


What a great example-Lisa is a Beautiful lady, a clear speaker with important info


So wish more women heard this informative and important talk. Thank you so much for having this conversation, really put so many things in perspective for me.


Dr Mosconi- what an amazingly lovely, helpful, and hopeful message your research has produced. I wish I had more viable answers re estrogen but your recommendations sound like the best for what is know today. Thanks for your up-to-date info & enthusiasm! You resonate joy!


I wish she would be able to take her message to all doctors maybe even congress and be treated with such respect and take it as serious as you have Dr Rangan. Thank you.


Fantastic information! Sending it to my mom and sisters. Thank you for the providing your knowledge and empowering us. Love this podcast ❤️


An incredibly informational and insightful conversation. So inspiring and interesting, just wow! This field has not been on my mind much but I feel like it concerns me more than I thought! *Does Dr. Lisa Mosconi cover the case of amenorrhea in her book?* I'm very keen on reading more about this topic from a researcher like her as she's so knowledgeable and passionate!
Anyways, thank you for another fabulous podcast! You're truly a legend when it comes to choosing fantastic guests and making such conversations feel natural! Sending you and your family all the love!
Stay safe and have a nice rest of the week!


Wow, what a brilliant & informative podcast. So much information here and really important that women in their 30s & 40s get to hear this stuff. Shocked to learn (as someone nearly 63) that a 60 year old woman has a much higher chance of developing Alzheimers than breast cancer.
