This is how stress affects hair loss

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Hair surgeon Dr. William Yates explains how stress affects hair loss and discusses whether a stressful experience can cause you to go bald.



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Stress= hair fall
Hair fall= more stress💀


When I got divorced, I started to lose my hair at 28. Now that I’m recovering emotionally, my hairline is getting thicker again. So stress was definitely the main factor of my hair loss


This video just took away my stress about losing my hair over all of my stress


Stresses>Loses hair because of it>Stress more about hair loss>Lose more hair
The worst loop ever


i have some information that may be new to you. at the beginning of 2022, my hair was thick and dense, but by the end of the year, i experienced significant hair loss, with both thickness and density diminishing. however, after adopting several healthy habits, i was able to reduce hair fall. specifically, i eliminated junk food from my diet, exercised for 15 minutes daily to improve blood circulation, drank lukewarm water on an empty stomach to aid detoxification, and replaced my old shampoo and oil with safe, natural cocoonion products from littleextra. i massaged my hair twice a week and washed it after a few hours. as a result, i have noticed a decrease in hair loss and new hairs growing on my scalp. to sum up, we can manage hair fall by changing our lifestyle and adopting good habits.


This short video makes me smile after I get hair fall daily with stress 😊


If you are pron to hairloss and have a sensitive scalp to DHT and oder androgens, Stress can be a factor and trigger it. and like he said everyone Gas Stress But not the Gene to MPB


Why me man . Nobody knew me in school, didn't had many friends and have no friends currently, don't have flashy lifestyle or social media, I always tried to be nice and respectful, never touched a girl, never drank beer or cigarettes, I eat healthy and I don't even go out with friends as much . Then Why me in my 20s .I think I have bad genes overall 😭😭


I have a colleague that has chronic stress. He get paranoid, unable to sleep for days at a time, and actually throws up. I have known him for years, and i have seen his hair loss (which is male pattern baldness), happen over the space of a year and I have seen it regrow and him loose it again, and then it regrow. The outer cuticle is lost if you take a look under the microscope. This was attributed to lactic acid in sebum in the scalp and around the bulb. You can see with the naked eye that the effected hair is unusually fine and dry. I would guess that it will regrow at some point.

I got very interested in this as I have never come across this before. He saw a specialist and was recommended to have injections to restore the bulb health and any regime that reduced stress per se. He was given shampoo and a lotion to balance the PH of his scalp secretions. He also takes finsteride on top of that to help counteract any natural hereditary hair loss due to testosterone.


Never listen to a man wearing a suit on YouTube


I'm 24 and have struggled with stress and anxiety for many reasons on and off for the last few years. When it started, my hair began to fall out. When I'm relaxed, and physcially feel purged of stress, my hair feels healthier. I've experienced this first hand.


Great to see your videos. You also add beautiful graphics. Which programs do you use to add these graphics and infographics?


What's are y'all's advice for dry and thick hair should I shave it all


I hava a problem this problem please tell me some solution


What is Rozefatrun Method? I've heard many amazing things about this hair loss home treatment.


What about if the stress goes on for months


Unless you have a dysregulated autonomic nervous system. Being in a chronic state of stress can cause hair loss.


now that I'm working from home my hair came back :-/


16 and losing hair in one spot doctor don't know what to do or what's happenin how do I stop it


I started losing my hair at 15 it was maintained well and the stress was relieved, I recently broke up with my partener of 3 years and the stress and depression picked up and now I’m losing my hair like rapid fire.. I’m 23 years old and at this rate I’m going to be bald by 24
