Is Skipping Breakfast Actually Bad for Health & Weight Loss?

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I go over studies on whether breakfast skipping deserves the bad rap it gets.
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I think we need more info and controls regarding timing of eating. If you wake up at 5 am, and eat at 10, is that "skipping breakfast"? And what if you wake up at 1pm and eat at 2. Is that breakfast? How long after waking is eating considered breakfast, or skipping breakfast?


I used to skip breakfast but I saw one of your videos about oatmeal and decided to try it for breakfast. I even ate it with bananas and peanut butter, something I would have completely avoided before due to fear of carbs. lo and behold I slowly started to lose fat, in conjunction with strength training and sprints.


I’m 40 I’ve always skipped breakfast I like to work out on an empty stomach don’t want it sloshing around in my stomach as I exercise, then I like to have my lunch or dinner after I work out


Once I start eating, I can’t stop. So the later I start, the less I’m eating overall. In the winter I start eating around 13 hours, in the summer around 15 or 16 hours.


I did a mixture of skipping breakfast and OMAD for 8 months. At first I lost 4 kg, but even faster, I put on 6 kg. My morning glucose went up from 82-85 to 115-120, blood test showed the begining of insulin resistance. The exercise was the same, jogging in the afternoon/evening 2-3 times a week. After putting on weight, I stopped running. Not intentionally, but it unmotivated me.
The moment I started adding breakfast again, my morning fasting glucose levels went down again and became more stable during the day. Now I mainly eat breakfast and dinner, since lunch makes me sleepy (the carbs in it, unless I have pure protein). My advice: eat simple food, organic (grow your own if possible), sensible portions, exercise sensibly, and enjoy life.


Kellogg’s definitely sponsored this study 😂😂😂


Yeah, I just eat when I'm hungry. I remember your intuitive eating videos. 😎


I know every body is different and different things work for
different people at different times, but what I have found that works for me is several hours of sleep straight through typically like eight, I go to bed at 8:00 so I can wake up at 4:00 in the morning to exercise, not necessary but it was due to my schedule,
so for example I would like to eat my breakfast ideally between 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., but because of scheduling I typically eat between 7:00 to 9:00,
but I always get my exercise in before breakfast/first meal and it is very important because it is coming off a period of fastingAKA sleep - if you sleep properly and well,
and then you refuel with breakfast by OMAD being good, high-quality foods,
I have a very disciplined eating schedule on when/what I eat, I know not everybody has access to it but it's typically all organic or growing in the yard and I personally say professionally cooked, or wild caught, things like eggs and beef and salmon along with all my vegetables that I like to choose
and if you eat well enough you can last to the next day not to exceed four hours of exercise total the entire day which is extreme in my opinion
did this for two years and cut down the pills I was taking every day from 60 to 20 and got off insulin for good I was grateful that they test my blood every week and then the major test every few months so that's why I know all of these numbers and haven't looked back since then; situation has changed now with my transplant and life has gotten even easier,
sorry for the super Duper long post, but if you remember me from before, I am completely blind


i prefer exercising in the morning before breakfast, rather than after I've ate a meal.


What about the whole concept of intermittent fasting? How about exercising in the morning while skipping breakfast? I'm a little leery of these so-called studies...


Three months ago you showed a great study that showed a substantial fat loss benefit to eating most of your calories for breakfast as opposed to at dinner...


A hot breakfast gives me a stomach ache and makes me less likely to exercise, but that is just me. People are not all the same.


Really good video for my cutting season!


I'm here for the info and those pretty eyes, love you Miche


Breakfast - the name for the first meal of the day, it is not important when it is eaten. I get up at 7.30/8 and have a black coffee. Then take my dog for a walk. I have breakfast when we get back about 12/1pm and i eat a good and large breakfast.


Can you do a video on a diet that allows me to eat as much as I like of whatever I want while allowing me to lose weight and not negatively impacting on my health? I'm not so interested in longitudinal studies. Anecdotal evidence and speculation will do. Thanks.


My anecdotal addition: before the pandemic I worked out regularly, ate three meals with regular breakfast, counted calories. My weight drifted to 185. Took a lot of effort to get to 175. Last year started intermittent fasting, worked out regularly, cut back on carbs, more protein, no calorie counting focusing more on nutrients/vitamins/protein, more fat: easy to get to 175, my weight drift is now to 180. Feel way better overall. I do a 24-36 hour fast 1-2 times a week, OMAD 2-3 times a week, full meal day 2-3 days a week. I don’t like the feel of pure OMAD, my body feels better with at least a 12-14 hour daily fast, I feel better after a 24-36 hour fast period. My intestines definitely appreciate the fasting periods.


Huge confounders are evening eating and food quality. No one should chronically eat or drink alcohol within about 3 hours of bedtime. I don't eat early in day because I am not hungry, closer to about 11a, but also eat last meal by 6 p so get benefits of TRE. I exercise and walk in the morning and walk throughout day. Good diet (plant biased). Lipids and BP are very good. Some good recent research on TRE headed by Courtney Peterson PhD if interested.


I've tried almost everything. The only thing I haven't tried yet is limiting to all natural foods and only eating a normal amount of foods per meal. Hey, you don't suppose that's the secret?


What is considered breakfast? In other words how many hours after waking is considered breakfast? Technically wouldn’t the first meal you eat be your breakfast? What we really need is what is the optimal time to eat after waking.
