Why Dr. Rhonda Patrick Changed her Mind on Skipping Breakfast, Eating Bananas and More

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3 Things Dr. Rhonda Patrick Has Changed Her Mind on in the Past 5 Years

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
0:44 - Meal Skipping
10:51 - 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60!
12:00 - Protein Intake
21:05 - Bananas
30:07 - Where to Find More of Rhonda's Content
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After watching 420 podcasts i am sure that Intermittent fasting is Either bad or Good for you.
Thanks Doctors.


I've given up on food all together. I haven't eaten in 5 years. I just drink water. That's what works best for me.


I did IF for a while….I’ve settled on “stop eating at 4pm”……I sleep better and it’s easier to get up early….💪🏼


I am 5'3". Two months ago I weighed 164. I exercise sporatically (that is changing). I started IF two months ago. Since then I have lost 15 lbs. I have a 8 hr window. I currently have the flu and have been binge watching nutrition videos and will be moving my IF window earlier to add breakfast, increase protein intake, incorporate HIIT along with my resistance training. I'm 49 yrs old and I am changing my health outcome.


I have skipped breakfast all my life mostly because i was never hungry in the morning. I had a period of 3 months where i forced myself to eat breakfast (mostly oatmeal with some fruit) and i just felt worse, more bloated during the day had less focus at work, had more of an energy crush during midday and eventually just went back to skipping breakfast. Im very fit and i dont drink coffee and after i went back to skipping breakfast my energy levels went back to very stable throughout the day im almost never tired even after a long day and a gym session. Just do what feels better for you.


There is a simple rule: only eat when you are hungry. That can also be a delayed breakfast.


I remember few years ago when everybody was saying that skipping breakfast is the next big thing 😂 now they saying it's the most important meal again 🤦🏽‍♂️


Eating only from 2 pm to 6/7 p.m. has been a major game changer for me as far as losing weight and regaining my health


Honestly, I think I am going to watch fewer health videos. Half are vegans that think meat and dairy are poison. The other half are keto. I think I am going to focus on whole foods, mostly vegetables, legumes, whole grains, very low levels of meat and dairy and call it a day!


00:02 Changed stance on meal skipping and intermittent fasting
02:14 Skipping breakfast can impact muscle protein synthesis
06:10 Skipping breakfast may not be ideal for everyone.
07:54 Caloric restriction is effective for weight loss, especially for overweight or obese individuals.
11:24 Reevaluating protein intake based on outdated guidelines
13:21 Protein intake is more important than previously thought
17:09 Maintaining muscle mass is crucial for elderly people's health
18:48 Stimulus is primary for muscle growth
22:12 Bananas and other high-polyphenol foods reduce polyphenol levels in the body
24:01 Consider replacing bananas with avocados in smoothies for better health benefits
27:18 Cooking bananas degrades polyphenols in fruits like blueberries
28:51 Human studies show blueberries and polyphenols improve cognitive function.
Crafted by Merlin AI.


Biochemist here…
I appreciate Rhonda’s willingness to revise her strategy. Agree that protein ingestion is the key to your exercise/resistance training. I do >2g/kg and keep simple carbs to a minimum. Satiety takes care of caloric intake.
Eat a protein centric breakfast!
AVOID SUGAR and seed oils.
NO fructose (except occasional fruit).
Eat flaxseed to feed the microbiome.
Filter your drinking water.


The truth is that meal timing is not very important. Avoiding ultra processed foods and getting foods in with good nutritional value is all that matters. Your appetite will align with how much food you really need if youre eating a mostly whole food diet


I have been intermittent fasting for years (mostly consistent for 10 years now). I hit my goal weight years ago but got accustomed to the morning fast. However, I noticed I lost muscle mass because I couldn't intake the protein needed (which for me was 170g) within the eating window. Since then I have started eating breakfast after my workouts which is usually greek yogurt and a protein smoothie, some days bacon and eggs or similar, and noticed my muscle mass has returned, but I've also stayed the same weight and my body composition has improved. I will likely IF once or twice a week for the health benefits, but not more than that. Thanks for reading!


What's good about this conversation is that there is no one size fits all. I find monthly extended fasts 24, 48, or 72 hours more effective for overall well being than 16/8 type of IF.


Although I am not a scientist and this is extremely anecdotal. I find when I skip meals it creates the caloric deficit that provides the weight loss I want. This has been my primary vehicle for weight loss over the last 10 years. Skipping breakfast is one of the easiest ways of doing this. I usually just replace eating with some form of exercise and then eat my first meal at about noon or 1 pm. When I increase this to omad or one meal a day, my weight loss is much more significant. Again, I'm not a scientist nor do I have any data to back this up. My own results work for me.😊


I love when influencers tell you something. You try it. It works. Then they tell you it doesn’t work. 🤦‍♂️ Skipping meals is subjective. It’s pretty well established that eating earlier in the day is more beneficial than later in the day, but it’s still better to eat later than to eat all around the clock. Muscle loss from skipping breakfast is something an 80 year might want to think about.


Just because someone changes their mind it doesn't mean they're right.


I lost 50 lbs doing omad . I listened to my doctor who told me it was dangerous so I started eating 3 meals a day again . I’ve gained it all back . I went back to omad two weeks ago and I’m now down 5lbs . I just can’t do the 3 meals thing anymore


I have ALWAYS skipped breakfast since I was a child, except for coffee, but not for diets, fads or medical issues. It’s in my genes. I can’t stomach anything solid in the morning. My grandmother was the same. I never had an issue with weight, I was always between 103-115lbs at most, until I developed hypothyroidism at 38 and have never ever being able to lose the extra weight I gained no matter what I do or don’t do. Now, I am postmenopausal and still struggle.


Intermittent fasting is great for me! And I love it! Everyone is different!Whatever works for others won’t work for you! Keep that in mind always!
