Did The Early Church Baptize Babies?

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This video is part 4 in a 5 part series on baptism.

Baptism is washing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

There is a lot of nuance to this answer and four key questions are answered.

Key questions are first related to baptism. What is baptism, are there promises of grace offered in baptism, how are the benefits of those promises received, and is baptism our work or God’s work? From there, we need to ask questions about infants. Are infants sinful in need of God’s grace? Can they have faith to receive that faith? Are there any New Testament indications that infants should be baptized?

One must submit to the Scriptures and put one’s reason, tradition, human authorities, and experiences in submission to Scripture.

This is not Scripture, but the quotes we have from early church fathers affirm baptizing babies. Not baptizing babies didn’t become a practice until the 1500s.

The wrap-up.

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The quotes from Polycarp, Justin Martyr and Ireaneus does not say they believed in infant baptism it is eisegesis. Many pentacostals can say, they have been Christian whole life aswell even though they got baptized when they were 12. If you read Justin Martyr in everything he said. He speaks very clearly on baptism. And everything he says on the topic is a baptism based upon faith and repentence. A fasting a teaching before being born again in the water.


What sin has a baby committed?? How can a baby repent? The baby has no knowledge of sin. This is a man made tradition and not in Scripture. If I was baptized as a baby, that didn't save me. I need to repent and I have been baptized as an adult. Repentance is a daily thing.
