How Long to Wait After Miscarriage Before You Try to Get Pregnant Again - Dr Lora Shahine

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This video reviews the evidence of when to try again for pregnancy after experiencing a first-trimester miscarriage. I give an overview of the prevalence of miscarriage, signs that you've physically recovered, emotional considerations, and the latest recommendations based on data.







ABOUT : Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG is a reproductive endocrinologist, founder of the Center for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Pacific NW Fertility, and Associate Clinical Professor in the OBGYN Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shahine contributes to the fields of infertility and miscarriage with clinical research, writing, speaking, and educating in peer-reviewed journals, her own books and textbook chapters, and many forms of media including an active social media presence.

DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a healthcare professional. Use the provided information at your own risk. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider.

0:00 Intro
0:19 Most common question asked
0:55 Let's come together
1:15 In this video
1:27 Miscarriage announcement
1:59 Miscarriage stats
2:50 Not broken
3:39 Let's get clear
4:44 When can you try again
5:00 Completely resolved
5:25 Dilation and curettage
5:50 Physically recovered
5:57 Mental health
6:23 What does the evidence say?
7:13 Most frist-trimester
7:22 ABOG recommendation
7:49 What I tell my patients
8:56 Final thoughts
9:46 Outro

#drlorashahine #miscarriage #earlymiscarriage

after a miscarriage how long does it take to get pregnant, after miscarriage when to get pregnant, when is it safe to get pregnant after a miscarriage, when can i try to get pregnant after miscarriage, when is it best to get pregnant after a miscarriage, when trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage, when is a good time to get pregnant after miscarriage, when should i wait to get pregnant after a miscarriage, how long after miscarriage can it take to get pregnant, how long you should wait after miscarriage to get pregnant, how long should you wait after a miscarriage to get pregnant again
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Mental and emotional recovery got me. I wont emotionally recover until I’m holding our baby in my arms. I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks. It was our first pregnancy and I’m heartbroken. I’m 32 and worried it won’t happen for us. I feel old and regret not trying in our 20s. The people who don’t want it have babies but those who want it don’t. People literally smoke and drink while pregnant and they have babies. It’s not fair.


I just miscarried Tuesday and the thing that astounds me are the number of loss mothers coming out of the woodwork to tell me their story. These are women that I’ve known, some my whole life, and I had no idea they experienced this. Some multiple times. With the older generation, it’s almost like a relief that they can talk about it now without feeling like it’s taboo. My husband and I are realizing that we know more women that have had at least one loss than have never had a loss.


Last week I miscarried my 8th child at 9wks and 6days. There are just some clubs moms NEVER wanna be involved in & although I have 7 beautiful healthy kids, for my family this loss is just incalculable.
In spite of my grief tho, I am looking forward to trying again. Even though I am 42. I got unexpectedly pregnant at 42 so why not? This video helped in more ways than one. Thank you.
I pray for all the mamas who know this pain. May our futures be blessed and bright.❤


This video just made me feel so much better. I just suffered a miscarriage at just under 8 weeks with my very first pregnancy. Devastated is an understatement but your video helped put me at ease.


I actually started watching your channel to learn more about IVF and saw this video and decided to watch as I have had 3 miscarriages. My first miscarriage was in Oct 2021 then got pregnant in Jan 2022 and had a baby girl. We started trying again and got pregnant in April 2023 and again in May 2023 which unfortunately both ended in miscarriages. With getting this news 3 different times I feel like some providers have said it so much they have lost the concern when they say it. But listen to your video I could feel that you truly are sorry for our losses. I plan on getting your book you mentioned. We are currently waiting on the genetic testing results to come back but I was thinking about perusing IVF to hopefully prevent another miscarriage.


This video really made me feel much better and my wife just saw her period 😊. she can't wait to try again


I had miscarriage last December at 8w3d. Today, I woke up with a period after getting 6positive pregnancy test almost 2w ago which is a biochemical pregnancy. Heartbroken is an understatement.


I cant tell you how helpful and calming this video was. I am currently going through one and this made me feel heard, normal and utmost hopeful.


After my miscarriage I was physically very week because I had lost a lot of blood and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Mentally I was nowhere near ready to try again right away and also my body felt weak (due to anemia and my thyroid). My doctor advised me to get my thyroid regulated before trying again. The miscarriage happened very early so I didn't have the time to realise I was pregnant (it was my first time). What took me out emotionally was the endless doctor appointments, phone calls, running to the ER and the fatigue. I gave my self about 6 months to get my mind together and then tried again. Of course mother nature didn't even give me a break from my period. I had my first period just 3 weeks after the miscarriage.


Got pregnant after 5 years of trying unfortunately my doctor diagnosed at 7 weeks -12 weeks abnormalities in the head 💔💔💔they recommended me for an its heartbreaking 💔💔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔i am shocked sad and heartbroken. I am 31 years old .... now i wondrr how long i will take again to get pregnant and to healthy baby.


I lost my baby at five month's in my pregnancy. It was a missed miscarriage and to say im devastated is putting it mildly. It was my first pregnancy and I'm honestly scarred to try again.


Can you do a video on baby aspirin during pregnancy? We just did genetic testing and I was told I’d need that for my next pregnancy as I’ve lost my first pregnancy


I’ve never been pregnant or had a miscarriage and I’m not pregnant now(don’t even have a partner yet and I’m about to turn 25), but I’ve been preparing for whenever it happens(that’s just been my thing, ever since I was a teenager, I’ve been like "I want to prepare for everything motherhood brings, both the good and the bad, I want to prepare for loss, I want to prepare for multiples, just everything") and I feel like I would be quick to emotionally recover from a pregnancy loss cause I’ve had significant emotions before, albeit not from a loss, and I’ve quickly recovered from those. But I also don’t feel like trying right away would be right for me. I feel like I’d want to make sure I’ve went through 1 full menstrual cycle first, so basically whenever my post-miscarriage period comes, I start tracking in case my cycle changes after miscarriage and when I have my second period after miscarriage, that’s when I’d want to start to try again. That way, I know for sure that my uterus has healed up and is ready. And it would also give me more time to emotionally heal if I need to.


I just had a miscarriage on February 23, 2024 i was 6weeks and 3days. This would have been me snd my fiancee first child together. I have a 15 year old daughter and i havent had another child in 15 years. I had a miscarriage before to mt daughter father and than 6months later i got blessed with my rainbow baby which is my daughter. Now im just turned 35 and my fiancee wiill be 45. They said they embryo stop growing because of a chromosome and i have no idea what that mean.


I am so stressed during 10week pregnancy. Is it the reason I experienced blighted ovum 🥺


You've touched on all the salient points. Thank you


I had a miscarriage last month and it really hurt...but I have hope that GOD will restore .


Had a second miscarriage this last September 2023 at 8 weeks first one was may 2021 at 5 weeks...I have no idea what I did wrong...but this video gave me hope


Dear Dr. Shahine.
Thank you so much for this video. 💔 in fact for all of them. ❤️
Can you please make a video or post on if there is a missed miscarriage when and why do the body decides to let the embryo go?
When you don’t go to have a D&C and wait it out, why do the body decides to start the actual miscarriage when it starts? Would it depend on HCG and progesterone levels dropping to a certain point?
Than if it’s not a missed miscarriage just a spontaneous one why does the body lets the baby go with still high HCG and progesterone numbers? I would like to understand the biology or chemistry of this.
I am now third week waiting for it to start. Heartbeat has stopped at 9weeks. This is my second missed miscarriage…. 🥺


Thank you you this video helped me a lot. I just had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Keep it up
