ADD/ADHD Intense Relief - Extended, ADHD Focus Music, ADHD Music Therapy, Isochronic Tones

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You can use this track to help provide some relief from the symptoms of ADD/ADHD and as background music for a study aid.

This isochronic tones music session is designed to speed up your brain while keeping your left brain hemisphere dominant. This is helpful for increasing concentration, attention and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity in those with ADD/ADHD.

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are usually characterized by "slow-wave" EEG patterns, particularly in the left frontal region. This session stimulates the left brain hemisphere with a much higher frequency than the right, which helps to correct a hemispheric imbalance.

Note: Each brain hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. So to stimulate the left brain hemisphere the frequency is played in the 'right ear', and to stimulate the right hemisphere that frequency is sent to the 'left ear'.

Both ears start with the 10Hz frequency, which gradually ramps up until the 15-minute mark. At this stage, the right ear (left brain hemisphere) receives 40Hz for 5 minutes and the left ear (right brain hemisphere) receives 14Hz. As this is an extended session, a similar cycle is then repeated 9 times throughout the 3-hour track. You don't have to listen for the full 3 hours and can stop at any time. However, I do recommend you listen for at least 20 minutes to get the full effect of the first frequency cycle.

Headphones/Earbuds Are Required

As this session stimulates each ear with a different frequency, you do need to wear headphones/earbuds to get the full effect.

What volume level?

The main thing to consider is that it should be loud enough to hear the repetitive isochronic tones, so you don't want it so quiet you can hardly hear them. But you also don't want it so loud that it's uncomfortable for you and hurts your ears, or gives you a headache. I'd recommend starting with the volume around halfway and adjust it to a level that you feel comfortable with from there. It does depend on your equipment though, halfway on some devices may be too high, on others not high enough. That's why it's difficult to give specific volume advice.


Track ID: ✪1006

Рекомендации по теме

I came here to try and study but I'm scrolling through the comments like they're the most interesting literature on planet earth.


the irony of me just putting this in my watch later


My therapist recommended I find music like this to help me stay focused while I work and this just happened to be the first one I clicked on. And here I am stuck in the comments. You guys are my people, I swear.


This comment section is like an online ADHD support group, I swear


I work in a children's school library, and often times teachers will send kids who have trouble focusing into the library to fend for themselves (it's quiet, they won't be distracted, right? ha!). When I play this video I notice a difference with 95% of kids in less than five minutes, I don't tell them, I don't make it loud or soft, just start playing it, and they settle down and are able to work. Thank you!


I can feel the rabid squirrel in my head being tranquilized. Good night little buddy.


I'm 26 and recently came to know that I've had undiagnosed ADHD all my life. Going througn the countless daily struggles, I have been blaming myslef for messing up everything. Now here I am, reading all these comments with tears in my eyes, thinking that it's not just me, and we are only unique, NOTHING ELSE. I'm starting to accept my imperfections now and trying to make better choices, everyday!


us all reading the comments instead of doing work rly just shows adhd ppl can be distracted by anything, huh?


This feels like a weighted blanket for my brain


Just a reminder for my ADHD crew: You are NOT lazy, (you're also not a perfect genius goldenchild), you are a lovable human being with talents and flaws and you deserve as much love and respect as everyone else. Your brain is wired different, because diversity is health. You, who is good at finding problems, hunting, nightwatch, pattern recognition, berry picking, creative solutions, art, and philosophy! The world needs you as much as it needs anyone else, even if you can't fold your laundry! Always be open to asking for the help you need, even if people make you feel like a burden. YOU ARE NOT a burden, you are WONDERFUL. <3 <3 <3

Edit: Woah this blew up!! Guys I Just read every single one of your comments and I love you all!! Now I can put on my headstone that I made a hundred people cry and do their laundry at the same time ^^ And trust me your comments are as refreshing and lovely to me as mine was to you ^^


My last two braincells have stopped fighting. They are now calmly sitting down and listening to music.
This is good.


Five years ago, at the age of 30, I quit my job and decided that it was time to embark on a new adventure. This adventure led me to university, and the goal was to become a history teacher. Being the first one in my family (and circle of friends) to ever reach such a level of education, I was definitely on my own.

On top of that, I had just been diagnosed with ADHD, something that became even more apparent to me when I had to study for long periods of time. And then, one day, I found this video. The calming effect it had on me almost felt supernatural, amazing even.
Now, here I sit, five years later, writing on my master’s thesis next to my four remaining classmates (our initial group consisted of 30 students!). And I still find myself coming back seeking this soothing, warm blanket of a musical therapy.

I do not know why I felt like writing this, maybe to show my gratitude to the uploader of this video. Or, to serve as an example to anyone thinking about giving up. Don’t. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it can be physically and emotionally draining. However, always remind yourself: it will be worth it.


"it works stop reading the comments!"

damn they're right
*continues reading the comments


Say it with me: I'm finishing this homework tonight.


Comments:"stop going through the comments and study"
*scrolls *


I have Autism and ADHD AND a PhD student in dissertation. I could not have gotten through countless papers without this music and now depend on it to get me through the daunting dissertation process. It helps with executive failure most of the time


maybe this is placebo, maybe it’s legit, maybe it’s just the fact that quiet music covers up your thoughts, but this genuinely helps me work and i’m so grateful.


gonna be honest, i actually started crying
my ADD has been extremely bad lately, my grades are nearly failing and i've been so stressed trying to bring them back up
my mind is constantly racing, i want to do so many things at once, i've forced myself into multiple art projects and i'm wanting to both do nothing and at the same time practice extensive self care, i'm tired and drained, so just
to listen to something that genuinely does soothe and slow my mind to where i can actually focus on my own thoughts just makes me realize how bad my ADD can get
it feels like someone is just massaging my brain and ears, and it's causing me to lose a lot of tensity i held in my arms and stuff
i'm so tired, man
ADD is extremely draining


why does this feel more like silence than silence ughhhh


I can’t stop crying!! Pure happiness. I can’t believe this is what people walk around like. No noise, no second guessing, no anxiety. I’m actually cleaning and not freaking out about the side jobs or side quest. I’m just doing it. I have never felt so calm, focused, peaceful. It’s so beautiful. Thank you!
