How Often Should You Workout AFTER AGE 60? (Here's The Truth!)

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How often should you workout after age 60? It is a good question that doesn’t have one correct answer for everyone. Everyone is at a different fitness level, age, or different needs overall. You need to determine how much you want to workout to achieve your fitness and health goals. So, the first thing you need to do is determine your goals.

When determining how much you should workout, you also need to determine what your skill level is. If you are a beginner, your workouts might not be as intense, which means your body won’t need as much time to recover. The most important thing you can do is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. At any age group or skill level, if your body is aching and sore, you need to take the time to give your body a chance to rest and recover. Your body will tell you when you are pushing things too hard.

If you are just starting out, FORM IS KEY FOR BEGINNERS. If you are not working out as hard as a beginner, you can probably workout 5 days a week. It all depends on how hard your workouts are pushing your muscles. If you are intermediate, you are probably going to be putting a little more fatigue on your muscles and joints overall. So maybe just doing 4 days a week is good for you, to give your body a chance to rest and recover.

If you are advanced, and have been working out for a while, listen to your body. Most of you can do 5 workouts a week still, just listen to your body. Your muscles grow when your body is resting, not during your workouts. Intense workouts are key for breaking down your muscle fibers, which will make them grow back bigger when they are recovering.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial on how often should you workout after age 60. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle and lose fat at the same time after 50 years old.

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For all my guys who are pushing 60 or 60+...

This one is for you!

Live Anabolic trainer John Shumate (who's 62 years old)...

Weighs in on how often you should workout after 60 years old. Enjoy!


80 in January, still light workouts daily (stretch bands) and the gym 3 or 4 days a week. Love it!!


Listen to your body is the best advice. I am 67. Some days I just don’t have it. So I skip that day and work out the next day. It’s not rocket science.


I’m 62, run, cycle, weights, HIT every week. Never felt better, it’s a lifestyle choice, you either get it or you don’t. Also gave up drinking about a year back, makes a big difference.
Believe and achieve.


You have to do it; otherwise as you age, you will decline, especially after 60’s. You want proof; I am 75, work out weights, running, stretching - at least three times a week, workouts about one and half hours. I have a twin brother, never works out, has had a heart attack, very bad health, etc. You must do it, and once you get into a sensible routine, it’s enjoyable and if you miss a workout you will miss it. The science supports it.


Im 60 yrs old i was a competitive bodybuilder in the 80s i still work as a house painter full-time. I only workout 2-3 days a week. Usually about 30-45 min. I have found for me less is more and i stay motivated and look forward to going to the gym.


I’m 71 and workout at home with dumbbells and resistance bands for about 1 1/2 hours a day, 6 days a week, working different muscle groups each day. Started this in February of this year and I am getting results but it’s a slow process. However, I’m retired so I have the extra time to spend on a neglected body.


Great advice John! I'm 66 and workout 5x per week. Example, Mondays and Fridays are my long days with weighs and cardio. Thursday I just do yoga. I got back in the gym several years ago and only went 1-2 days a week when I first started. Now that I'm retired, the gym is my new office.💪


My Dad is hitting 101 this month. Still running, hitting body bag and chops his own firewood still drives his car, swims, paints, cuts his lawn, cooks, eats animal protein, raw vegetables, and egg whites. All type of fruits. He eats next to zero grains, nuts or seeds.


I am 67 and I train hard. Power lifting. Deadlifts are my foundation. I need 2 days off between work outs. We are all different.


I am 62 and I'm more fit than I was at 42 or 32. I do daily exercise, pullups, pushups, and core work and lift 3 times a week. Working out at home is something I've done for several years. Find what works for you, just do it!


You give solid advice. I’m 65 and would consider myself advanced. I never give people advice at the gym. However what really frustrates me is seeing lifters of all ages using bad form, too heavy of a weight, and limited range of motion .


Good overview with emphasis on beginners and those getting back into working out after a long hiatus. Just turned 60 yrs old a few months ago. Been lifting since HS and played a little D-2 college football. After college, I did 10 yrs of competitive bodybuilding & powerlifting before transitioning to triathlon & running. Due to chronic injuries & post-traumatic OA from running, I started back 3 yrs ago to BB (non-competitive this time around) & spin cycling. I work out 7 days a week; Mon, Wed & Fri are full body lifting (about 2 hrs) followed by a 3 mile walk after I get home. Tue, Thur & Sat are 1 hr hard-core spinning with some light weights afterwards. Sunday is a 1 hr walk/jog at a park nearby. I love this routine & feel great! I'm currently utilizing the "Silver-Era" bodybuilding program & diet (1940s). Everything is organic & never any processed/junk food (good nutrition is really the key for recovery from working out consistently). I don't take days off unless I'm sick or something. I need to workout every day because of the depression I suffer from the passing of my beloved wife 6 yrs ago.


At 81 I’m still totally addicted, started training at 17 years old and still at it, this guy is telling it like it is, no B/S very refreshing .95% of what you see the chemically enhanced posers tell you is not reality. I can’t push the heavyweight’s I once could, but higher reps is now the way to train. Time, effort and listening to your body will bring out a better you (from Billy G) in australia


If your retired you can workout every day, and still recover comfortably, but a lot of people are still in full time work in their 60s in this case 4 times per week is more than enough im 64 and still work 5 nights a week in a hospital and train at 6.30 am in the morning, the bro split is the only way ive ever trained and will continue to do so as long as i can


Just hit 62. For 24 years was a “Tip of the Spear” guy. Few could match my condition. Retired from the military. Went corporate. Sedentary lifestyle. Doubled my weight. Started working out a year ago and lost 50 lbs. 50 lbs more to lose. It’s damned hard climbing out of the hole. I use guided dumbbell Tabata workouts. I’m also doing 48 minutes cardio on inclined treadmill and elliptical. Paying the dual price of military body abuse and sedentary lifestyle. It will take at least two years to get back. Second retirement next year. Want to be able to scuba dive, travel, and hike all over the world.


I'll be 85 in april... new hips... lower back fusion... and I've just returned to the gym working with weights and walking... 3x a week... love it... love your talks and encouragements...


71 here. after a lifetime of physical activity, ( cycling, hiking, surfing, building houses, (physically), and various other pursuits over the years), I fell into a slack period where I had no inclination for physical activity at all. Then one day, I went to pick up a hammer to do a small job, and reality hit home when I realized how much strength I had lost. So, it's back to the activity, and after 12 months, I'm reaping the rewards of my effforts, and have now set up a small gym at home, and enjoying it more every day...well worth the effort, creates a whole new meaning to life as you get older.


At 76, I still work out 4 days a week. I do higher volume sets on leg presses to protect my knees while increasing muscle fiber recruitment as weight is added on each set. I'm doing 30 reps per set at 180, 270, 360, and 450 before doing 15 reps at 540 currently. Other body parts I can still attack normally without joint pain. FYI, Jack Lalane worked out every day until the day he died at 96. So yes, listen to your body.


I am 82 and go to the gym 7 days a week. I life as heavy as I can 6 days a week and lots of cardio on the 7th day.
