Anirban Bandyopadhyay & Nonlocal Mind: Beyond Space, Time, Primes, Fractals & Holograms to Infinity

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Join Valerie in this multi-part series as she talks to quantum physicist Anirban Bandyopadhyay, who is working to develop an artificial brain. Here in Part 2, he emphasizes the need for science to accept “undefinedness”, infinity, and arbitrariness, as fundamental and the importance of 3D time, geometry and prime numbers for understanding consciousness. Free will is in the “arbitrary”. Give up scientific rigidity and belief in absolute truth.
In theories of consciousness, he sees terms like “fractal” and “holographic” as inadequate. Fractal is limited because in different scales you repeat the same thing; hologram is even more limited because you have a particular set of information, and you try to project it everywhere. Whereas “It is much more live! Because every single prime brings a whole new universe and its dynamics, and then its patterns with it. It is a self-emergent system.”
Anirban elaborates on the value of the original Indian knowledge system. He refers to the three qualities/Gunas (e.g. Raja as transformation, Tamas as bonding) fundamental to construct the universe. Tamas can be male-female attraction. Raja is how a triangle becomes a square becomes a pentagon. These are transitions into many possibilities, changing fundamental nature within even one dimension significantly, and then projection to infinity, which gives us the true picture of reality. In the Hindu number system, they were assigning properties to our fundamental universe, and then for example, when zero went to the West, it was “nothing”, but for Hindus, zero is everything, is completeness.
He discusses the significance of any number, of geometry such as the completeness of the circle. Inside a point the whole universe exists. Where there is a point, there is a universe, and where there is a universe, even if you go to the outer realm of the whole universe, will be an undefined point. This relates to “cyclicness” as a quality of Raja. There is transformation from one geometric shape to another, and there is the undefined. He says it is “essential to build up science where undefinedness is everywhere”.
Our identity does not exist in a place. Identity is why the concept of “one” came about, and why Indians write one as completeness, a circle, and like a logarithmic spiral, it is going inside, and inside, and inside. He describes two, then three, all in terms of observer, observed, and the universe. The physical reality comes from interaction of two bodies. The three together is the unit of consciousness. This is the significance in Hinduism of Shiva having three eyes, the triangle. “Each triangle is actually observer, observed, and universe.” To define consciousness, a geometric shape will do.
He goes on to examine the relevance of the infinite series, orthogonal transformation, invariance, repeating patterns. He reminds us that “change is the only thing that does not change.”
In talking about the brain, Anirban says we have only seen 47 primes used in the brain, but it only accounts for 86%. “So if I make a triplet of triplet, and want to understand even a little fraction of the whole universe, I need to see 108 dimensions…One unit of consciousness is 101. Each prime number is a generator of an infinite series. But even if we take hundreds and thousands of primes, we cannot cross…97%. So the whole I cannot know.”
He insists it is erroneous to see consciousness as coming from a particular place in the brain. He affirms we have to go to the structure of time, a 3D architecture of time, yet even this is not the true picture of consciousness. These internal clocks they change, switch position, transition and then mix with each other. Primes are playing a role in regulating these geometric transitions at the highest level of development. So this is physical reality, and just the beginning to understand consciousness.
“That’s why I don’t see…any fractal or self-similarity anywhere, but there is in the prime dimension…a self-similarity. You will find that something is emerging. And although the body is finitely limited…we can replicate or emulate 90% of the vibration of the universe inside our body. So that’s what makes us conscious…how we are able to exchange information and converse with each other…You are matching thought architectures and merging it, and then simulating it to the future, creating an infinite series that is not repeating itself, and taking feedback from Infinity.”
Regarding the apparent aliveness for subatomic particles, he answers, “Of course we do understand what is living and what is not living. It is recycling itself and other things, but…“How is this code governing itself? Why is it governing itself? And that's the reason I came up with this new theory. We call it Self-Operating Mathematical Universe (SOMU).” So leave space. Leave time. Leave morphogenesis. Come to the world of primes and try to derive from those primes everything that we see…Our thought process has to be rebuilt.”
In theories of consciousness, he sees terms like “fractal” and “holographic” as inadequate. Fractal is limited because in different scales you repeat the same thing; hologram is even more limited because you have a particular set of information, and you try to project it everywhere. Whereas “It is much more live! Because every single prime brings a whole new universe and its dynamics, and then its patterns with it. It is a self-emergent system.”
Anirban elaborates on the value of the original Indian knowledge system. He refers to the three qualities/Gunas (e.g. Raja as transformation, Tamas as bonding) fundamental to construct the universe. Tamas can be male-female attraction. Raja is how a triangle becomes a square becomes a pentagon. These are transitions into many possibilities, changing fundamental nature within even one dimension significantly, and then projection to infinity, which gives us the true picture of reality. In the Hindu number system, they were assigning properties to our fundamental universe, and then for example, when zero went to the West, it was “nothing”, but for Hindus, zero is everything, is completeness.
He discusses the significance of any number, of geometry such as the completeness of the circle. Inside a point the whole universe exists. Where there is a point, there is a universe, and where there is a universe, even if you go to the outer realm of the whole universe, will be an undefined point. This relates to “cyclicness” as a quality of Raja. There is transformation from one geometric shape to another, and there is the undefined. He says it is “essential to build up science where undefinedness is everywhere”.
Our identity does not exist in a place. Identity is why the concept of “one” came about, and why Indians write one as completeness, a circle, and like a logarithmic spiral, it is going inside, and inside, and inside. He describes two, then three, all in terms of observer, observed, and the universe. The physical reality comes from interaction of two bodies. The three together is the unit of consciousness. This is the significance in Hinduism of Shiva having three eyes, the triangle. “Each triangle is actually observer, observed, and universe.” To define consciousness, a geometric shape will do.
He goes on to examine the relevance of the infinite series, orthogonal transformation, invariance, repeating patterns. He reminds us that “change is the only thing that does not change.”
In talking about the brain, Anirban says we have only seen 47 primes used in the brain, but it only accounts for 86%. “So if I make a triplet of triplet, and want to understand even a little fraction of the whole universe, I need to see 108 dimensions…One unit of consciousness is 101. Each prime number is a generator of an infinite series. But even if we take hundreds and thousands of primes, we cannot cross…97%. So the whole I cannot know.”
He insists it is erroneous to see consciousness as coming from a particular place in the brain. He affirms we have to go to the structure of time, a 3D architecture of time, yet even this is not the true picture of consciousness. These internal clocks they change, switch position, transition and then mix with each other. Primes are playing a role in regulating these geometric transitions at the highest level of development. So this is physical reality, and just the beginning to understand consciousness.
“That’s why I don’t see…any fractal or self-similarity anywhere, but there is in the prime dimension…a self-similarity. You will find that something is emerging. And although the body is finitely limited…we can replicate or emulate 90% of the vibration of the universe inside our body. So that’s what makes us conscious…how we are able to exchange information and converse with each other…You are matching thought architectures and merging it, and then simulating it to the future, creating an infinite series that is not repeating itself, and taking feedback from Infinity.”
Regarding the apparent aliveness for subatomic particles, he answers, “Of course we do understand what is living and what is not living. It is recycling itself and other things, but…“How is this code governing itself? Why is it governing itself? And that's the reason I came up with this new theory. We call it Self-Operating Mathematical Universe (SOMU).” So leave space. Leave time. Leave morphogenesis. Come to the world of primes and try to derive from those primes everything that we see…Our thought process has to be rebuilt.”