The Emergent Universe
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Science has shown our universe is emergent and in this video, we explain why.
A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram:
Spooky Action 101: Is Space as We Know It a Kind of Illusion? | George Musser
From Planck data to Planck era: Observational tests of Holographic Cosmology:
Entanglement is necessary for emergent classicality in all physical theories:
The Big Picture: The Talk - Sean Carroll
Space Emerging from Quantum Mechanics - Sean Carroll
Time from quantum entanglement: an experimental illustration:
Closer To Truth w/ Fotini Markopoulou
Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction:
Rebooting the Cosmos: Is the Universe the Ultimate Computer?
The Physical World as a Virtual Reality - Brian Whitworth
Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe:
Quantum structure in cognition - Diederik Aerts
Information processing in brain microtubules:
Live visualizations of single isolated tubulin protein self-assembly via tunneling current: effect of electromagnetic pumping during spontaneous growth of microtubule:
Atomic water channel controlling remarkable properties of a single brain microtubule: Correlating single protein to its supramolecular assembly:
Experimental Studies on a Single Microtubule - Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Deep inside cells, a clue to the mind:
Linoleic acid: Is this the key that unlocks the quantum brain? Insights linking broken symmetries in molecular biology, mood disorders and personalistic emergentism:
Non-linear dynamics in biological microtubules:
Multi-level memory-switching properties of a single brain microtubule:
Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules - Stuart Hameroff
Quantum cognition: a new theoretical approach to psychology:
A Construct of Social Reality - John Searle
The Mysterious Flame - Colin McGinn
Mind and Cosmos - Thomas Nagel
Debate - Sam Harris, Michael Shermer vs D.Chopra, J.Houston - The Future of God:
More Than Matter - Keith Ward
Network Cosmology:
On the complexity and the information content of cosmic structures:
The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks:
The Origin of Time In Conscious Agents:
Entangling Conscious Agents - Donald Hoffman
The Introspective Argument:
The Death of Materialism:
The Case for the Soul:
Was Life Inevitable?
Music Credits:
Battle of Kings:
The Land of the Wizard:
Evan King - Singularity
Digital Fortress:
Video Copilot - Caverns
Anomaly Detected:
Rallying the Defense: