The Emergent Universe

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Science has shown our universe is emergent and in this video, we explain why.

A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram:

Spooky Action 101: Is Space as We Know It a Kind of Illusion? | George Musser

From Planck data to Planck era: Observational tests of Holographic Cosmology:

Entanglement is necessary for emergent classicality in all physical theories:

The Big Picture: The Talk - Sean Carroll

Space Emerging from Quantum Mechanics - Sean Carroll

Time from quantum entanglement: an experimental illustration:

Closer To Truth w/ Fotini Markopoulou

Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction:

Rebooting the Cosmos: Is the Universe the Ultimate Computer?

The Physical World as a Virtual Reality - Brian Whitworth

Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe:

Quantum structure in cognition - Diederik Aerts

Information processing in brain microtubules:

Live visualizations of single isolated tubulin protein self-assembly via tunneling current: effect of electromagnetic pumping during spontaneous growth of microtubule:

Atomic water channel controlling remarkable properties of a single brain microtubule: Correlating single protein to its supramolecular assembly:

Experimental Studies on a Single Microtubule - Anirban Bandyopadhyay

Deep inside cells, a clue to the mind:

Linoleic acid: Is this the key that unlocks the quantum brain? Insights linking broken symmetries in molecular biology, mood disorders and personalistic emergentism:

Non-linear dynamics in biological microtubules:

Multi-level memory-switching properties of a single brain microtubule:

Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules - Stuart Hameroff

Quantum cognition: a new theoretical approach to psychology:

A Construct of Social Reality - John Searle

The Mysterious Flame - Colin McGinn

Mind and Cosmos - Thomas Nagel

Debate - Sam Harris, Michael Shermer vs D.Chopra, J.Houston - The Future of God:

More Than Matter - Keith Ward

Network Cosmology:

On the complexity and the information content of cosmic structures:

The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks:

The Origin of Time In Conscious Agents:

Entangling Conscious Agents - Donald Hoffman

The Introspective Argument:

The Death of Materialism:

The Case for the Soul:

Was Life Inevitable?

Music Credits:

Battle of Kings:

The Land of the Wizard:

Evan King - Singularity

Digital Fortress:

Video Copilot - Caverns

Anomaly Detected:

Rallying the Defense:
Рекомендации по теме

IP, this video goes beyond apologetics—you have masterfully incorporated domains of science into a theistic worldview that challenges the intellect in a way that compliments how your video on the problem of evil feeds the soul. Your videos don’t fail to inform my faith like the best church services. Thank you.


atheism is in a crisis mode and you're to blame. Thank you.


IP: uses atheists to explain weird stuff and provide substance
Atheist YouTubers(not all): use Christian content and bash them for 10+ min with no substance


I cant quite put my finger on it

For years I've been such a staunch atheist or an atheist of sorts. Never a doubt in my mind that there can be no possibility of a god for any number of reasons.

But recently, I just find this evidence so... appealing. It's not to say I believe in a god (or dont for that matter) but rather, the idea just continues to seem more and more... real. And your videos have played a big role in this.

Used to I'd have written all this off as mindless dribble, psuedoscience, or just the ramblings of someone trying to convert

But now it feels so genuine. So thought out and meticulous. So sincere. I can't just deny it. And even find myself believing it.

Am I a Christian? No. Am I an atheist? I cant in good faith say that anymore. I dont know what is true, what is real, or what is possible anymore.

And I have you in part to thank for finally coming around and exiting my "intellectually superior" bubble.


The more we gather from science, the more I realize that ancient philosophies and theologies have been right the whole time, but just couldn't explain WHY the correct answer is as such, so they were dismissed. We've come full circle.


Good and interesting summary on emergent phenomena in physics.
This YouTube was informed by my friend that some words from my paper (arXiv:1504.00464 [hep-th] ) were quoted. However I found my name was misspelled as Hyan Seok Yang (at 7:35). My correct name is Hyun Seok Yang. I hope this mistake is corrected. Thanks for your help. From Physicist Hyun Seok Yang, Seoul, Korea.


We are trying to truly understand our existence and this is such a deep and profound question yet some people still are arguing over the shape of the earth? Lmao! Great video!


Our God is AWESOME.

... and the best Games Designer you could ask for.

Just wish I knew the cheat codes, sometimes... (gamer joke. Sorry, couldn't resist)


This man is so good at destroying atheism. he uses things atheists say to make his case. Sean Carrol is A big atheist and IP uses his theories to explain why God exists


It's remarkable to notice how science is always playing catch-up to what humans have already known for thousands of years through intuition and careful use of logic.


The Hebrew noun for "beginning" also means "head". So every Event in the universe Occurs in God's Head! Gotta stop smokin herbs


InspiringPhilosophy? Inspiring that like button.


This is like atheists are starting to argue for the existence of God lol xD


I should be sleeping because I’ve got church tomorrow and am teaching kids church but instead I’m up at 2am binging your videos. Grace and Peace!


So basically we are sims who have become aware of the computer that generates their reality. Oh boy....


A lot of logic to this. One reason I gave up modeling consciousness using non-linear dynamics is because I realized there are underlying mechanisms that are not able to be quantized. Even if what your presenting is true, we still do not know how far the matryoshka doll goes.

Good stuff, subed.


I've had to spend some time watching quantum physics video lessons on Kahn Academy in order to keep up with this. Great challenge!


Best channel on Youtube. <3 The discovery of it completely screwed up and de-prioritized my previous reading endeavors.


Amazing my friend. You have the best videos on YouTube, videos that this world needs


Years and years ago I said, one day we will discover that God and Physics is the Same Thing.
