Did Jesus’ Disciples Think He Was God?

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One of the central tenets of many denominations of modern Christianity is that Jesus is God. The Nicene Creed describes him as “of one being with the Father”...but just how old is this idea? If you asked Jesus’ disciples if he was a human or God, would they have affirmed his divinity, or accused you of blasphemy? And if Jesus was divine, then was he considered to be God made flesh, a human who was turned into a divinity, a "super-human" with some divine features…or what?

This episode, Megan asks Bart about:

-Divine kingship in ancient Egypt, instances of human divinization in ancient Mesopotamia, and then of course in ancient Greece a whole host of figures who were born to Zeus and a mortal woman--is this the kind of atmosphere that Jesus was living and preaching in?

-In terms of Greek and Roman religion, how was it possible for someone to be both divine and human?

-How did the Roman emperors figure into this? Were they considered divine while still alive?

-How were prophets generally viewed by ancient Jews? Were they considered fully human, or did any of them have divine characteristics?

-Were there any points in ancient Judaism when YHWH was considered to have an equal? In other words, was there some kind of precedent for the elevation of Jesus to godhood?

-Do any of the gospels say anything about Jesus’ divinity, or lack thereof?

-How do the gospels of Mark and John differ on the point of Jesus’ divinity?

-Do Paul’s other writings show a different idea of Jesus’ divinity?

-How do these views of Jesus as the Son of God differ from what a modern Christian might understand it to mean?
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Jesus is fully circle and fully square


Jesus was made from God's Man to God-Man. In his own words he never claimed divinity, Verses were twisted & added later to suit the narrative(check the council of Nicea, etc)


In short: No. HIs disciples did not see him as God and only John 20:28 and a couple other passages in John could make a person think otherwise. Keep in mind that John's gospel has WAY more figurative language (e.g. "eat my flesh and drink my blood") that Christians love to take out of context. Jesus claimed his God (John 20:17) is the ONLY TRUE GOD in John 17:3.


He was a Jew preaching Judaism to other Jews! It was Paul who converted him to God!


Reading right now Bart's 'How Jesus became God' and people need to check it out for real. It is delicious.


The question in the title was not asked nor answered. Did Jesus' Disciples think he was God (capital G)?


Those who believe Jesus knew or believed he was God (especially fully God) must also answer why Jesus prayed to his Father, and said "the Father is Greater than me". These things also seem to contradict the later creeds declaring Jesus "co-equal" with God.


Although not mentioned in this interview, the Ebionites (a sizable group of Judean followers of Jesus) did not consider Jesus to be God - - at least not during his lifetime. Much like Enoch, they viewed him as being fully human until his death and at least some of them did not consider him to be "God" even after his death.


It's primarily only Paul's worshippers who think Jesus is God. The apostles certainly did not worship Paul. Jesus told us many times in many ways that he was not God.


If Jesus is god, to whom did he pray to? And what was the point when he's already god?


I took a class that used your Bible: Historical and Literary Introduction book, and I liked it so much I didn't sell it back after the class. That book made that class much better than I was fearing it would be.


Jesus was a prophet and not god. The people living around him knew he was a prophet. Nobody called Jesus everlasting father, mighty god or prince of peace.

John 4:19. 19 “Sir, ” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet.

Luke 24:19. “About Jesus of Nazareth, ” they replied. “He was a prophet,  

Jesus even called himself a prophet.

Luke 13:33. Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.



The term God the Father appears 19 times in Bible.

God the son appears 0 times

God the Holy Spirit appears 0 time.

I wonder why?


No, his disciples only saw Jesus as their TEACHER and LORD, as attested by Jesus' words in John, 13:13. .Apostle John declared Jesus only as the SON of God and the Christ of God only in John 20:31 and in 1 John 5:1, 5. Apostle Peter only IDENTIFIED Jesus as the SON of God and the Christ only in Matthew 16:16. . The Apostle Paul teach and preached Jesus as the SON of God and the Christ of God only in Acts 9:20, 22; Acts 17:3; Acts 18:5, 28. Martha, the sister of Lazarus, only declared that Jesus is the Son of God and the Christ. NONE OF JESUS DISCIPLES EVER SAW JESUS AS THEIR GOD, NONE AT ALL.. .IT IS THE CHURCHES ONLY THAT MAKES JESUS GOD, APOSTATE CHURCHES.


No, they didn't and I'm sorry to say how many years of going through the NT it took for me to come to that conclusion. It wasn't until I started to read the gospels from the perspective of what would 1st Century Jews have believed, not 21st Century Christians, that the light bulb went on.


A Jesus figure shows up in many many NDE's even to those who are self proclaimed atheists. The Bible presents Jesus in different ways and maybe that's the point. He is whoever you think he is


I have been enjoying these videos so much. Spent most of my life listening to preachers and scholars who do everything they can to fit the Bible to their preconceived beliefs. Finally I am at a place where I can listen to honest scholarship ❤


Dear Megan and Bart: Bart mentioned several times that he is teaching a class at UNC about Jesus' representations in films. Could you please make a podcast about that subject? I think it would be really interesting - BTW: "Jesus of Montreal" is one of my five all times favorite movies. Very best!


I kind of think they wouldn't have just stood around and then denied him if they thought their eternal soul was at risk. Just sayin.


Jesus prayed to God:

Luke 6:12. And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

And yet people saw Jesus. This again proves that Jesus cannot be God. 

Exodus 33.20. But, ? he said, you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.

1 John 4.12. No one has ever seen God;

1 Timothy 6:16. who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

1 Timothy 1.17. Now to the King eternal, immortal,  invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
