Did the Disciples Think Jesus Is God?

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The Scholar Michael F. Bird joins to me to discuss his recent book, "Jesus Among the Gods," and point out the earliest Christians confirmed Jesus is, in fact, God.

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Ol’ Thomas certainly did, “My Lord and my God.”


Thanks for this Michael! Brilliant video again I’m thankful you introduced me to Dr Bird.


Thomas Farrar is a who has some really good stuff on Christadelphian distinctives, including the deity of Christ


If any Aussies want to purchase “Jesus Among the Gods”, Koorong Bookstore has just started a storewide sale, so it’s currently 20% off. Still a little pricey at $87.99 but I’m confident of its worth, and will be buying a copy 😊


Sorry for the VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be espoused)

Kind Sirs...your "Did the Disciples Think Jesus Is God?" question is great! Now, I would say, "Maybe 2 or so, that might think Jesus is God. Like John and Paul. Oh YES: I KNOW John and Paul; thinks Jesus is God. Because of these...

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was within God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh (Jesus), and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh (Jesus), justified in the Holy Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

And an OT Apostle, believes it...

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Thus, , there are many others that believe: "Jesus IS God"! So, Please Praise Jesus' Holy Name! I hope all Christians believe it. But sadly, most do NOT believe it! So I rest me case...

...in any case Kind Sir and Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


Excellent video! Shame I couldn't superchat. I was gonna ask about some OT imagery in the NT


Very informative video. It's amazing to see how many Unitarians deny the divinity of Jesus being God.


I love how Dr James White puts it. The Doctrine of the Trinity is revealed before any of the new testament was written. That's why we have that amazing language being used of Jesus as Yahweh. In the new testament it's a bunch of trinitarians talking with each other. The NT makes no sense without the light of the Trinity


Muslims are the most funniest guys on this topic.The least thing you expect from a prophet is making a clear distinction between him and God. To make it clear that he is not God. And they are saying that Jesus failed to do that. Every source we have at that time says Jesus is God. Early church fathers believed in it too. Even desciples of Jesus believed in it before Paul was even in the picture. So if Jesus failed to convey simple messages to his followers or couldn't find a single follower who would faithfully carry on his message, what muslims mean by saying Jesus was one of the mightiest prophet. Even after all that done. Virgin birth, miracles, everything. But they avoid that. Instead they sugarcoat Jesus.


Love the intro, but next time use the one that makes that one atheist AP jealous!


IP, the link for his channel isn't working, by the way.


I realize this has nothing to do with this video but pls bare with me. Im a former mormon. We were taught that before we came here we were spirit children of the father. Im having a hard time letting that go. I do still believe a part of us has always existed and God just gave that intelligence form and purpose. I need to know if that's possible before i can proceed in rediscovering the word. I hope this makes sense. Its hard to unlearn doctrine after being submersed in it for so long. Any guidance is accepted. Thank you.


Genesis chapter 5
man is appointed mortal sorrow but the BLESSED GOD shall come down teaching his death shall bring the dissparing comfort...

this is a hidden verse in the genealogy of adam to noah...declaring Jesus christ is God in the torah


Hi! Can someone recommend me a solid book about the Resurrection that covers fulfilled prophecy, gospel authenticity, other historical sources, the theological need for a sacrifice and resurrection, covers objections, etc… I want to start a small collection. Thanks and may God bless you all.


You literally don’t need the New Testament to see the deification of the Son and to see how he’s equivalent with the Father. It’s everywhere in the OT.


Thanks for the video! We know what first century teachers believed about the idea of the trinity because it was not taught using the word “trinity” in the New Testament.

I’m a big fan of sticking with biblical language in place of 2nd, 3rd, 4th century language with made up words. The “church fathers” are nonessential teachers for us IMO.


The very first chapter of Mark portrays Jesus as Yahweh.


Of course they did. But great that you made the effort to explain it to those that don't get it!


Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ name please heal Michael


For those who didn't know the work "Kerygmatic" at 39:00, it took me a while but I found it for us who are way out of our depth here.
