The BEST ANGLE for your padel serve!

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Soooooo many players think that it is better to serve from near the glass to have a "better angle" but here we explain why this is NOT the case!

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Sandy! Please fix your audio for the next video. These are very informative, but its distracting to listen, when your speech comes only from the right side speaker. Try making your voice recording mono, so it will automatically play from left and right at the same time.


I thought my headset was broken for a minute there 🤣 Sandy's voice is only on the right channel


A really interesting video, reinforcing a few things I’ve noticed, playing over the past few months. The corner-server is a classic, and they can be really tricky to partner. Playing against them, I try to push the return down the middle, just away from their partner. It’s satisfying how often you can ‘pass’ them both with a pretty ordinary return! Serving, I switched a few months ago from squeezing up close to the centre-line, to serving from the centre of my box baseline. From there, I step back maybe two short paces to begin my serve. It seems counter-intuitive at first, especially as many players get as close to the line as they can get away with to serve. However, I found that it allows a slightly flatter trajectory, which permits a bit more speed. Combine that with a little side-spin and the ball can die on the glass, or be out of reach just inside the centre line. As you say, the fancy stuff is much less effective against strong players, but it feels good to develop ‘my’ serving style. Just need to bring the contact height up a bit, but bad habits are hard to break! Those courts look a little less sunny than Dubai!


Great video! Specially for beginners. In my case I have a good serve to the side glass, med-high speed at medium slice spin, this very useful to put pressure of the opponent and start the point without much risks, aprox the same angle as shown on the video. Then I aim for the tee 15-20% of the times. If nothing works well, always aim for feet or worst hit return side.


Sandy, thanks for your fantastic videos. I started padel during the lockdowns, no tennis was allowed and I’m hooked! So I’m relatively new to padel. I serve low and hard to the glass and honestly I’m winning nearly all my service games to love most of the time. I do go down the T as well ! I’m going to be playing interclub for the first time this season so I’m very interested to see the outcome. I haven’t played any competition in padel . 😊


Hi Sandy! Great video as always. A slow serve against the glas 😉. Vamos


Great video, I play at beginner level and use a backhand serve (which sometimes confuses opponents), preferably into the glass with no spin.


I like to serve from the T (middle of the court) and vary both speed (fast slow) as positioning (strait, glass, hard at the opponent). It’s been working well for me, but will try these tips as well.


I play at an intermediate level (called "P300" in Belgium). Depending on the opponent there's a few types of serve that work best for me. Slower and very deep in the corner, works very often. slow to the T so that the second bounce is low on the backglass usually gives me an easy volley to the fence. I don't often hit hard. First because i'm no good at it, but second because it gives me too little time to come to net and i'm forced a more difficult volley further from the net.


In general I think that variation is key to success with the serve. My objective is to be unpredictable. I try to look where my opponent is positioned and find opportunities for where to place a good serve. One example can be when I see him being quite far behind the service line, I serve very short with backspin. Made a few aces this way, but also puts us in a good position wince the opponent has to play the ball up and we sometimes get the opportunity to finish direct after return


i learned to focus on the second ball, so the serve is not that important in my games... but i think the the best ones come from making the opponent move before they receive it.


Sandy love your vids!! A review of the Dunlop blade that partner was using please!


I've noticed that I tend to stand too close to the centre line, instead of closer to the glass. But from close to the center line, I hit the fence instead of the glass. So standing in the middle between the centre line and the glass also works better the other way!


I’m right handed, I play in the left side of the court and I serve in the australian manner. For me it’s better to serve really close to the middle line in both sides. In the right side it helps because you have less meters to cover when you volley and the center serve is more difficult to respond. In the left side you can make your serve to the middle more effective because it doesn’t approach to the person that has to respond the serve. If I want more angle to the wall’s serve I just put more sidespin. The backhand serve is not bad but usually you don’t have the same precision and you don’t have much surprise because if you serve with the backhand you almost never serve to the center


Thanks for all of the good videos! It seems since you moved to the UK your voice in the videos is always coming from the right when listening in headphones or stereo, as opposed to both speakers/headphones. A bit annoying :(


Hey Sandy one quick question about this. Do you think it's okay to use some of those weird spins if you can implement the same "speed" and "accuracy" that you advice in this video? Best compliments :)


Im a 5 ish player from a scale to 10 and the serves that has been most successful at that level has been hard serves straight at the opponent who has to decide wether to use backhand or forehand.


I stil have a bad serve 😢
I’m working on it 🤞🏽


Thanks a lot for your great videos! Might I suggest slightly decreasing the delay/panning/stereo effect on the audio? With headphones on it 's a bit annoying.


If we play in australian formation does the serving position need to be more near the center in order to have less space to cover going to the net position ?
