You're Probably Using The WRONG Picking Angle!

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Using the right picking angle makes a huge difference with your alternate picking! It will help you with mastering string transitions and with speeding up your playing :) Make sure to get your practice files on Patreon to start working on this!

Here are the links to the Toontrack products, thanks to the guys over there for giving them to me for the videos:

00:00 Intro
01:08 Mastering Both Angles
01:32 Lick #1
02:42 Backing Track #1
04:02 Lick #2
04:45 Backing Track #2
06:48 Lick #3
08:31 Backing Track #3
10:08 Lick #4
11:13 Backing Track #4
12:15 How To Start Practicing

Thanks so much to all my Patrons for making these videos possible!
#bernth #guitar​​​​​​​​​ #guitarlesson

What awaits you in this video: guitar, electric guitar, guitar lesson, guitar tutorial, guitar exercises, guitar practice, guitar practice routine, alternate picking, string transitions, guitar speed, guitar picking lesson, guitar picking technique, metal guitar lesson, and much more :)
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Yngwie said when he first started playing a guy noticed his minimal hand motions and said, “it looks like you’re knitting.” That stuck with me. Essential not to dig in deep and use the least of amount of pressure needed. You kids are so lucky you got Bernth and Youtube to get great teachers. I’m always impressed when I click a video. You’re like Paul Gilbert level now! Great discipline and technique.


Absolutely, one of the best guitar lessons I've ever had. I don't need this kind of picking very often in the style I play, but when I do, it's critical to use exactly what he's teaching. 5 stars all the way. This is the insight of a master. Good Luck to All.


It's crazy to me that after 15 years of playing, I've never actually considered changing this angle. My style of playing hasn't led me to these types of speeds, but this is making me want to try it out. Great video, man. Keep it up.


Yet another "I suffer from this issue big time!" video to help me with my fast picking Saite transitions! Thank you, Berth. The Patreon files are going straight into my 'Pick 4 Exercises' daily practice folder. 🤘🏻🍻


You're AWESOME! Thanks A LOT for this. Beautiful idea and explanation about the backing tracks, will use it for sure. Simply amazing! The Saite will be on fire 🔥


I really appreciate your hard work. You really know what you are talking about, and the fact that you want to share some of your knowledge for free, makes me admire you even more. You're awesome!


It is a great value to have a master who teaches by showing his own difficuties ha faced in that matter! Thank you bernth!


Bernth...excellent advice at the definitely is a “feel” thing...I gotta lot of practicing to do!!


Thanks so much, Bernth! I would love to see more of this! Can you do a video demonstrating inside/outside picking between 2 strings using the 2 pick angles?


Awesome to see pickslanting being taught correctly! Nice man!


The best lesson I've ever had. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Damn, true artist, make good music and then talk about it breaking it down. Awesome music awesome musician, awesome human.


How satisfying is Watching your videos and finding out that I am already applying most of these tips and techniques without even being aware of it.


Bernth, you have done it again! Your GENIUS shows every time you share your knowledge with us, and in doing so we obtain a small amount of your GENIUS and we make incredible gains in our speed, technique, and overall enjoyment of hearing the incredible gains that we receive from the knowledge that you share (I'm certain that there are other guitarists that gain much more than the rest of us).
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU. It is not an overstatement to say that your teaching brings forth a new light that illuminates many of the previously darkened areas of our guitar education.
I love you like a brother. May God continue to increase your talent and your willingness to educate the many of us that gain so much from every YouTube entry that you make. You are a very special individual. May God Bless You now and forever. Your friend, Reverend Greg


Thank you so much for this! This is exactly what I needed to understand


Thanks so much! This has been very helpful 👍


Usually when you search guitar tutorials on youtube, all I got is diluted speech and force me to fast forward 5 sec from time to time. Not only that here I have to rewind multiple times just to process what you say in real time with the images, but the exercises are very professional. Respect. I'm on this channel just to be blown away, not really to to put in practice something; way to hard for me.


ty so much Bernth been following you for 2 months now and my techniques are improving by a ton no wait, a million! :D
good shot of the difference at 12:50


Thank you so much this finally helped me pick and extremely high speeds your videos are always helpful


This video has been helpful, thank you! 🙏👍🏻😊
