Frank Tipler: The Singularity - Science Uprising Expert Interview

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FRANK J. TIPLER is Professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane University. He is the co-author of (with John Barrow) The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, about the significance of intelligent life in the universe, and the author of The Physics of Immortality about the ultimate limits of computers, and the role computers will play in the universe, and The Physics of Christianity, about his scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs.
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Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision.


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Insightful. Conclusion: A supernatural being created the universe.


Thanks God ☝Can't wait to see where you take us after this "experience". Its exhausting, but we're learning a lot here.


Very succinct. Science says unequivocally that the universe cannot be it's own source or even supply its own logic. The ancients - east and west - knew that truth and God revealed it though the Prophets of Israel.


I never questioned that the universe was created, but I am never able to adequately counter arguments from atheists and advocates of multi universes. Now we have the moist robot and the world is a "computer simulation" crowd. I wish I could carry Frank Tipler and James Tour around in my pocket to make the arguments for me.


I wish PBS would interview Professor Tipler.


Never before, in the history of science, in virtually every technical discipline, has there been more EVIDENCE for the existence of God and the conscious universe.

It is possible to come to faith based upon an entirely statistical analysis.

There is so much evidence that it takes many books in biochemical, quantum physics, cosmology and nanotechnology to describe it.

Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)


I love this video. It goes some of the stuff I was thinking and pondering over and learning in science... Twenty years ago!


His voice is so delightful that it makes this sound like a bed time story.


“God could do it, so he did.”
John Dun Scotus


Chapter Al-Anbiya (The Prophets), Verse 30:

Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Verse 31:
And We have placed on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with them, and We placed therein broad highways for them to pass through, that they may be guided.

Verse 32:
And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.).

Verse 33:
And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.

(English translation, Mohsin Khan)


It is difficult to imagine something that is not life as we experience it, since we do not know what else exists.


Thanks for the clear and precise tutorial.


Regarding the Laws of Physics, I think a little Chestertonian logic is needed in the scientific community. We see a correlation. We see this correlation over and over again. We declare we have a "law." But, do we? Will this correlation we think is a law still endure a thousand years from now? Are the Laws of Physics really eternal and immutable? Or are they just our own way of describing the universe we observe today?


Frank Tipler said that it is clear that the universe had a singularity, although both models of the big bang, one being finite and the other being infinite are being debated. Can someone shed some light on why Frank Tipler is right?


So if the singularity gave rise to this universe and its laws… and we are manifestations of that energy… it means, in essence, we can not be anything else but that energy. We are the energy of the singularity that moulded itself into a human being (among other things) and we are experiencing ourselves, each from our own human vantage point. So, in other words, we all are (bits of) God. Is a sunbeam separate from the sun? When the ocean splashes a single drop of water in mid-air… is that drop an entity separate from the ocean? Or is it the ocean, in a drop?


These so called scientists think that having an approximate idea of how Nature works gives them the right to use that knowledge to travel back in time to validate all of their crazy ideas and call them valid scientific theories.
It's like me saying that knowing that 2+2 is 4 and that days have 24hs is enough knowledge to remember what I had for lunch last Thursday


It's interesting that he considers the Singularity as a Being


The Organic Singularity is Here and I Am


Thanks Frank"ie"" Those guys saying: "But what about only ONE (as opposed to two) facets to The, as your entire book puts it, Singularity. Well, I worked, helped ya before, Ill do it again. Rock ONptl#


Think I’ll just settle in for what’s sure to follow. 🍿
