Frank J. Tipler: The Laws of Physics Say The Singularity is Inevitable!

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Dr. Frank J. Tipler is a physicist and cosmologist perhaps best known for concepts such as the Omega Point or The Cosmological Singularity. He is a professor of mathematical physics at Tulane University and the author of books such as The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, The Physics of Immortalityand The Physics of Christianity.

During our 1 hour conversation with Dr. Tipler we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: why he is both a physics imperialist and fundamentalist; the cosmological singularity, the technological singularity and the omega point; his personal journey from Christian fundamentalism through agnosticism and atheism and back to theism and Christianity; why most physicists are good atheists and bad scientists; immortality; determinism and whether God plays dice with the universe; mind-uploading and [Quantum] consciousness...

The most interesting quote that I will take away from this interview with Frank J. Tipler is:

"If the laws of physics be for us, who can be against us?!"
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Great guests.  Frank J Tipler, Noam Chomsky. I particularly liked Tipler's remark about the interconnectness of things and I remember reading a compelling quote from Tipler 15 years ago about how for 20 years he was a confirmed atheist until his study of physics led him inexhorably to a belief that there is too much confluence to be random.


Although their views on physics are very different, Tipler and Kaku have very similar presentation techniques - even down to the 'Aha'


Somehow he qualifies Christianity and Orthodox Judaism as being in line with the Laws of physics yet disqualifies Islam which owns the far more scientifically compelling text in the Qur'an.?


The Higgs Boson was not a true particle, though it was reported as such. It was a chunk blown off from a particle, so yes, it was smaller than the others, but only because it wasn't a fully formed particle. So it's not Tipler's fault that he was lied to.


Very good interview Nikola - it provided lots to think more about. I believe Tipler may be on to something when he says most physicists are placing their theology (atheism) ahead of their physics. Following the facts and the evidence, even if we don't like where it leads, is critical to doing science.


My question is.. Is it safe to say we're close to alone in this Universe as we haven't encountered any other A.I. leading to a singularity from another life form? I mean, from everything I know about the singularity, which is just through readings and videos, it seems that the singularity will eventually end up being a Universal event, where the knowledge is so vast that it affects the Universe itself? So either Nick Bostrom's take on the Fermi Paradox is true, and or.. Maybe the A.I. singularity has happened and his simulation argument is true. It can be argued we're either close to unique in this Universe, or a universal singularity has happened, and the reason we're not affected by it right now, is because we're not part of the original universe in which it took place.. Or universes. A singularity may happen in this Universe, giving rise to another simulated Universe were another singularity will occur. Hmm..


Nikola, your closing words should have been along the lines of "Dr. Tipler we've been talking roughly for about an hour, so let me ask you this final question: are you aware that your - as you call it - brain's operating system is lacking some critical sanity patches and updates?"


Love Frank. Reading The Physics of Christianity now and wanted to see the person discussing it.


We obey the laws of physics not because a higher authority says they are true... We obey the laws of physics because they ARE the authority.


Very interesting point Ben, I have not thought of this so far but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for noticing and commenting about it! ;-)


Nikola you ask some brilliant questions! But my question is who questions you? :-)


Is anybody else getting a playback error, I really wanted to watch this!


Interesting talk, I especially found his mention of Julian James and the evolution of consciousness over time of interest, it reminds me of the book, 'The Secret History of the World', which makes similar claims although it speaks of people's consciousness being guided in various directions over time. 1 point I'm not clear on is how Tipler can be so deterministic about the universe yet still answer yes to Kant's question of whether people gave free will.


Very entertaining interview, although i don't get tipler's leap of faith from physical infinity/singularity to christianity..i mean why.. It seems so /random/


Nikola, thank you for organizing all of these interviews! I really enjoy them. Do you take Btc donations?


I ask this question because I just be dad of a girl, and I am concerned to know that the girl who was born into this world is the winner which enters the egg achievement would be the gateway to this world. But what about the other embryos that would be in power boys or girls I imagine it must be in a parallel world similar to but the frank speech and physical titler imagine that when twins are born is because 2 embryos entered the door of this world (egg ) are born physically identical but personality is totally different, is that one of those born twin embryos escaped from some world turn it off and was born in this. Therefore both embryos and be born physically the same but both take different paths one might be more successful than another? I have many questions sr. frank


I agree that math is just a model of reality, albeit a close approximation-- sometimes very close, e.g. Quantum mechanics. That is why I think narrow AI will be more successful with pattern recognition methods vs. math model methods. For example, does a bird learn to fly by studying newton's laws? Of course not.


So glad he quoted Fred Hoyle!!! Fred Hoyle shouldve got nobel prize


I agree with you here. For example, Hinduism has a trinity as well. Why does he not call himself a Hindu?


1st I'd like to be able to 'add a NOTE to this video as I 'save2favorites' but its not available-PLEASE make this feature available if possible.As for this guy saying 'we all have the fundamentals of everything" to believe THAT one must be a 'fundamentalist' "U don't understand because ur not a physicist" -"I could be wrong" - this guy thinks SMALL in a FUNDAMENTAL way-IF this guy were correct we'd after the 1600's (after all he says all fundamentals were found by then) then really-thats sad & how sad he doesn't really allow questions/conversation with Nikola-SMALL thinker (humans r 'almost Gods') is what he's saying really-Idon't like he's 'small thoughts & small arguments'-WE DO NOT KNOW ALL THE basic 'fundamentals' & I am a believer in 'the Holy God' yet know this guy is WRONG..RavBerg Kabbalah I'd suggest 2 all.
