The Proof for Immortality

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Are we immortal? According to Dr. Frank J. Tipler, professor of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University and author of The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead, not only are we immortal, but he has the scientific proof to back it up, in a formula he calls the Omega Point Cosmology. Join us for this week’s mind bending episode of Beyond Belief!

0:00 - Intro
1:36 - Do scientists disregard data if it doesn’t fit into their worldview?
2:51 - How did physicists change the laws to accommodate their preconceived notions?
7:57 - Can a scientists’s agenda win out over the science?
8:47 - What is the Omega Point Cosmology?
15:57 - What is Singularity?
19:35 - Why are scientists so hesitant to say Singularity could be G-d?
22:55 - Can we know what happened before the Big Bang?
28:17 - What is the Eternal Return and how does it compare with the Omega Point?
32:25 - Why is the Eternal Return philosophy dangerous?
34:26 - Will computers resurrect the dead?
37:03 - Is the Omega Point a physical or spiritual existence?
39:24 - What is the soul?
42:45 - How do you deal with criticism?

Purchase Dr. Tipler's book here:

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I wish we could see Tipler more often! He is the only modern cosmologist that I really listen too.


I see a lot of criticism of his interview here, but have his book and it's brilliant.


Great guest, fascinating conversation! Well worth listening to, pondering, reading up on, and integrating into the Big Conversation. Thank you! x


Increase followed by decrease of the universe as Einstein discribed then repeated over and over through time would be a wave or vibration, so is he saying that everything is located in one dynamic or enncompasing vibration frequency?


Fascinating dude. Sadly doesn't got serious responses but ad hominems.


I think we have a problem theese days with so many 'smart people' believing, actually being as they think, convinced that one cannot seriously be intelligent today and simultanously believe in a God. In other words, they are to smart to see how dumb as well as dull they have become.


Why You Really Really Don, 't Want to Live Forever by Brett Gallaher Huffington Post


We got new bodies. When we die we go to heaven as a spiritual being


try islam as well. God says that all will die and resurrected once there is nothing no sun no moon and no humans and only He remains (singularity) and then he will revive everyone for day of judgement. Small surah pls read SURAH AL QIYAMAH. BTW big bang is already in quran 1400 years ago before stephen hawking proved it reference 21:30.


Immortality existed for millions of years.
Immortality is very depressing that leads to many suicides.
My goal is to at least reach 100, 000 regardless of how depressing it is.
I was born in 88, 016 BC.
As much as I hate it I was born into a religion that worshipped Immortals.
Luckily the religion is long gone and hasn’t been around for thousands of years.


Sounds like this professor is moving from the laws of nature projecting to some sort of science fiction? Although some fiction becomes technological fact decades later. But I think he's confusing God's work of deliverance / redemption / salvation, with human technological possibilities. God is infinite and omnipresent, but humans are not. So, immortality must only come or be given by God.


TJump embarrassed you In 10m Dr Frank 🥺. Insane 🤦🏽


You have done some wonderful interviews but not this one. Ten minutes of your guest spewing BS is more than I can take. Cherry picking isn't how science works. Someone needs to tell your guest. Sorry for being so blunt.
