Frank Tipler | Science Debate | Opposition (6/6)

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The Motion: This House Believes That Science Alone Can Never Answer Our Biggest Questions.

Professor Frank Tipler closes the case for the Opposition, as the sixth and final speaker in the debate.

The motion carried.

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This man is one of the greatest living physicists of our time.


Hugs for Physicist Grandpa. 🤗 Such a likable person. 🤗


I read Prof Tipler's 'Physics of Immortality' when it was first published. As a non-physicist, I cannot say I understand it at the deepest level, but I have had almost 25 years to think about it and absorb it. It's still a great read, whether you agree with Prof Tipler or not. I'd say that the value of the Higgs Boson plus the increasingly unlikely 'Big Crunch' falsifies Prof Tipler's hypothesis. Always a pleasure to hear him talk.


As a humble physicist, I am very skeptical of this so-called experimental evidence of parallel universes. Is this a new development?! How come we have never heard of it?

I would have very much appreciated if Prof. Tipler had shared his sources rather than just referring us to some quantum group at Oxford University. With all due respect, sir, it is hard to take your extraordinary claims seriously without references.


It always annoys me when an idea or concept that is theoretical is debated and we devolve into a competition like it was a high school football game where the need to prevail, even a mandate to defiles any examination of a position for its possibilities. A concept might have promise save for human nature's need to scold and jump to opposition. But then I could be wrong.


So Tipler says there is no immortality but if we wait a billion years then computer will resurect us all, so that's his theory of immortality. So he thinks death is lights out until then.


For more on what physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler discusses in this presentation, see my following article pertaining to his Omega Point Theorem and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE): James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708.


Thanks JRR. I WAS glad to see a reputable scientist, David Deutsch, although an atheist, cited as a supporter for The Omega Theory (OPT). Nevertheless, I quickly found that Deutsch stated several years ago: "Yes, the Omega Point Theory is refuted by the observations that show that the expanding of the universe is accelerating. I liked the OPT as much as anyone but its time to face the facts and the facts don't support the theory. It's not good to get too much in love with any theory, if it doesn't work throw it out." (The newest evidence on the characteristics of the Higgs- Boson, likewise, refutes the OPT and, frankly, I don't think you understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics anyway.
If you knowingly, cited Deutsch, after he retracted the proposition you quote as support, I would be disappointed.


Was hoping for sensible defense of Theism and the supernatural. Not much here that is very substantial, and much that is rather silly.


So many lefts, theists will be begging for atheist right... 8)


I disagree with him but the guy seems really likeable lol. In fact I do not think this question is worded properly at all, I could argue both ways. It is important to remember that philosophy is at a higher plane than science, and science is simply a subsection of philosophy - not the other way around. His bit on ethics was particularly bad. Also some debating advice I would give him is to not cite books without clearly stating the arguments and the logic/evidence backing it.


Islam said these things 1400 years ago and non-believers use to laugh and say referring to our Prophet he is mad and crazy
