How to Learn to Sew for Free (Exact Plan for Making your Own Clothes)

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Join me as I talk about How to Learn to Sew for Free. I'll give you my Exact Plan for Making your Own Clothes.

It's been such a wild journey since i started sewing 3 years ago, and I can't wait to share with you how I taught myself to sew and all I've learnt along the way in order to get you off to the best start possible.

So jump in and follow along as I share my journey of sewing and more specifically, I will share easy steps for how you can learn to sew for free. There's some epic ideas to kickstart your clothes making career.

#sewforfree #learntosew #sewing

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Free Patterns for Beginners

Sewing Creators I Enjoy Following

Is Sewing Expensive + Money Saving Tips

Everything is filmed and edited by myself.

Hope you enjoy this Sewing Vlog❣️

About me: I'm Alexandra and I live in Oxfordshire together with my husband and our adorable daughter. I sew and make videos about it. I love creating and I want to share my progress of spending time with my craft, whether it's sewing or other activities. I want to give you as much encouragement for your creativity and my hope is that you'll find a lot of positivity on this channel. Lots of love, Alexandra
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The reason I say "How I teach myself to sew" rather than "taught myself to sew" is that I believe that you never, ever stop learning! Thank you for watching. XXX


Your first pattern was a trench coat??? HOLY COW!!


Also, give this comment a thumbs up if you've been here since 2020!!! If you're one of them, MAN! I want to thank you so


Omg I love how your first project was a trench coat then you moved on to jeans!!
I started sewing about 6 years ago and those 2 items are still terrifying to me. I do love how you pointed out that maybe your makes aren’t perfect but they’re still amazing and beautiful and give you pride. Definitely a mindset I need to work on. Thanks for the inspiration lady!


I can't believe the first garment you sewed is that divine trench coat. I would never have been brave enough for such a big project. My first garment was a straight corduroy skirt with darts and invisible zipper, after first practicing with an old sheet. It actually turned out well, after sweating and freaking out over the zip placement. I would not recommend using the same fabric for a first attempt though, as it was slippery to sew! Warm wishes from South Australia 🐾🥰


I’m 63 and I paint life like baby dolls which I discovered two years ago. My sister just bought me a brand new sewing machine because I want to learn how to sew dresses for my beautiful dolls! Generally they are from newborn to toddler size. My sister is also sending me several vintage baby patterns and beautiful fabrics! I’m so blessed to have a loving supportive sister!❤


I drifted into sewing when I began buying, refurbishing, and reselling vintage machines: I had to test them to make sure they were working properly and was always scrounging for bits of fabric to test the machines.... One day someone gave me a load of fabric remnants; some of which my teenage daughter took a shine to and thought would make a great working coat.... Could I make one? turned into let's have a go.... A month later I had made a lovely burnt orange wool mix and leather coat, lined with orange and black checkered cotton... I was really pleased, it had took a while and much google searching, YT tutorials, head scratching and lots of unpicking... but I finally got there. My daughter loves it and teams it with her Stetson newsboy cap for that unique look. Since then I've been well and truly bitten by the sewing bug; mainly practical stuff like Jeans, cargo trousers and flannel shirts.... So if I (and I'm a guy) can learn anyone can, picking a harder project and diving in can sometimes be exactly what you need (like your trench coat; not exactly a beginner project)... practice on scraps, google and Tube, and buy a bit extra fabric for the mistakes you will make.... My daughter now sews too has her own machines (vintage) and has now made shirts and dungarees too.


OMG. I can’t believe your first project was a trench coat !! I am self taught too and my first clothes were children’s clothes. Smaller and much easier to handle and fit, plus they look so cute. I think you have a natural talent for sewing. You’re so right about embracing failure, it’s just learning and learning is something to be proud of. Xx


As a guy, I think in terms of self-sufficiency, so backpacks, and sacks, and cold weather gear, blankets, sleeping bags... that kind of a thing; but also I really like leather jackets, leather gloves and other leather gear. This was a phenomenal video. Proud of you. But what's even better, is that you're proud of yourself; and that's what really matters in the end.

It's so cool how that person in the video supported you when you found out you'd made a mistake. I love to see that.

For me, I never went to boy scouts or anything like that; so I never learned to tie knots. Figured I'd remedy that on YouTube. Once I got good at a few knots, stumbled upon Para cording designs... like the Cobra Weave which, once you understand the pattern can be used very quickly to create key chains and belts. I'd like to learn how to make bull whips next.
Thanks for the inspiration, Alexandra!


I love the idea to sew a bigger project and learning the techniques you need along the way.
The likely more difficult garments always come out a little bit nicer because I don't expect them to be sewn up fast. So I take my time. I'm quite impatient so that's the most difficult. Rushing through often leads to mistakes.
I also like to a sew a pattern more often and just change one bit to see what that changes. That make my technical skills stronger.

Happy sewing 🧵🪡❤


Thank you for encouragement and motivation to sew again and stop worrying about making mistakes!


I have been sewing for years but you still gave me encouragement so thank you! ❤😊


I love this! I’m mostly self-taught too, and I wish I had figured out some of these tips a lot earlier in my journey especially the one about not buying so much fabric 😅

Thank you for showing how difficult it can be to figure things out as well. I love the concept that you never stop learning ✨


The idea of sewing with a candle is so started with sheets from the thrift.


Very inspirational but I would never have chosen a trench coat as a first pattern….you are v v brave….note to self….be braver!, , , , 😊


Love this, ALL this !! We all make those big mistakes, in life, in sewing ! Thanks for the raw moments reminding us we all more similar than different ❤️ Happy (American ) Mother’s Day


What is the trench coat patttern? My mind is blown that was your first project!


You an absolute DAREDEVIL to have chosen a trench coat as your first project. With my students, I usually suggest a tote bag or PJ pants! Love your videos!


I have been sewing for years, but it has been a while since I made my own clothing. I always feel like I don't have the time. I love your enthusiasm. It is very motivating. I am amazed at your first sewing projects. Those are usually for the more advanced seamstress. You have great talent. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to keep going!


As always - such a lovely and helpful video! Love the good vibes 💕
