12 Dark Side Effects of Kundalini Awakening No One Tells You About

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#KundaliniAwakening #SpiritualJourney #SageSnippets

🌀 Have you ever felt an inner stirring, a call to awaken the energy that resides within? In today's enlightening video from Sage Snippets, we delve deep into the enigmatic world of Kundalini Awakening, shedding light on its transformative power and the lesser-known challenges it brings. 🌟🐍

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- 🌬️ Intense Physical Sensations: The stirring of dormant energy bringing both euphoria and discomfort
- 🌈 Acute Sensory Overload: Overwhelming enhancement of the senses
- 🌊 Emotional Rollercoaster: The highs and lows of amplified emotions
- 👁️ The Haunting of Anxiety and Paranoia: The inner battles with fear and doubt
- 🧠 Psychic Surge: The emergence of psychic abilities and premonitions
- 🌀 Vibrational Vertigo: The disorienting fluctuations of energetic frequencies
- 🕊️ Crisis of Faith: Profound spiritual questioning and uncertainty
- ⚖️ Karmic Whirlwind: A rapid return of karmic debts and patterns
- 🚑 Somatic Mysteries: Unexplained physical ailments with spiritual origins
- 🧩 Existence Unraveled: A transformation of life's structure and purpose
- 🫂 Echoes of Dissonance: The challenge of fitting in with societal norms
- ♾️ Infinity Within: The expansion of consciousness leading to a dissolution of the ego

🌌 JOIN THE DISCUSSION: Explore the shadows and illumination on your Kundalini journey. Embrace the challenge with strength and grace.

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ive been through it... kundalini is a blessing in the later stages of its ascension through the chakras... but first it strips you to the raw nerve and makes you face every trauma and bad memory so you can release those traumas... i faced bad memories i had completely forgotten about... now its a total gift


My boyfriend, me and another friend of mine awoke our Kundalini 10 years ago, and I can say that we all three experienced symptoms you describe in your video. If I had known this before, maybe I had looked for a master to have more help to get used to the really tough feelings in our bodies. They were emotionally, mentally and physical intense until this day. We all three had problems after that to do our daily jobs, because of hearing, seeing and smelling much more than before. I was so sensitive to light and sound, I often needed earplugs or sunglasses. While driving in the night, the lights of the other cars were so bright in my eyes, it was really unpleasant. The best is to live in nature than in a big city like we do. But you get a lot of positive skills also. I like your video very much.


Yes I Awakened it by channeling the Goddesses with a New Age chant before I worked as a Dancer at 18. I could control a room full of drunk CEOs, Cops, Gang Members didn't matter, and do it on 6 inch heels.

I have a deep faith and the Goddesses rode my Avatar body. We are genetic Witches the Benadante from Fruli Italy. I follow my inner guides.

53 now and so much wiser. Still sorting it all out. Bringing All into Balance and Awareness.


🌟💜🌟 I have never heard such thing. A emotional response for sure. Scared absolutely. I have had some symptoms that are right on point. This video Involves Sadness deeply. Now I want to turn back the hands of time. 🌟 at the same time I have so much Gratitude 🙏🏽. It’s just so much to bare. I often experience my feet not touching the ground. Can not keep my balance. Literally falling over. Incredible surges of energy. Out of know where. Then totally depleted. Anxiety Nervous system wacky. I understand and don’t understand humans and humanity .Everyone and everything I trust nothing. Human behaviour I see through a different lens. I don’t even trust myself. You know I have researched Kundalini lots and there is very little understanding of this phenomenon. I see the evil in humans and see the goodness in them too. That’s why I’m so perplexed …… duality is a bitch.
People do horrible things intentionally to hurt with no care of thought besides themselves. Nevertheless I don’t hate them………well not for long anyway lol.
When I see things in humans and they know I know…… they turn and attack. With all the darkness in them. I keep getting this observation or judgment from others of blame like for my own demise. Family seeing you as a bad person which is so puzzling ……and hurtful (over that now ;)
Ironic though because I gave and gave and was treated so poorly. Everyone is gone now. Just me alone. And that is not a bad thing theses days.
I feel I have had some rising of the kundalini experience up the spine and this has been a mild feeling sensation where I work with the energy.
I am really not interested in the terrific experience shared here in this video. Or maybe I have experience this fire 🔥 however it was more in the sacral chakra burning up through the oesophagus into the throat and the ears burning … then into the head. So many decades again and it happened another time not so long ago. I wonder if there is a correlation with the kundalini experience.
I look forward to hear what others have experienced.
Much Gratitude
Then there is systems to awaken the kundalini with yoga poses ……… is this even possible. And how would that work if you didn’t do the work?


I’ve had this awakening and this is spot on! 4 years in January…what a wild and wonderful ride🎉


I have a cynical remark about every single point.
I'll share them when I can be botherd too.
My kittie is trying to teach me how to calm my mind, and get some rest.
I'm tired of being WOOOKE!
It keeps me wake even when I sleep.


I believe there is no way you could have written this without going through what you wrote about ⚡ the way you describe some of the symptoms is like you were experiencing very similar phenomenons.... You forgot the uncontrollable wrenching sound coming from the throat😂 ...great work!!


This is so on point. There's a reason why they call it Kundalini Psychosis.


I had many of these symptoms and I had to stop it by stopping practises. The fear I experience was too much for me. I saw childhood traumas lifting, good and bad energies within me. My memory started to dissapear and I couldn't draw the line between reality and imagination. Not sure if once awakened is ir awake now? I do not recomend this for people that might have unstable psyche or very sensitive individuals. Or at least seek the teacher first.


Hey i had this shit happen to me...especially the blur between enlightenment and madness lol


Thank you so much for the words of wisdom.


First all these things are true, second its not a 3d free will choice.
If you're selected for kundalini awakening pre destined before incarnation or pretty much just like drill sergeant selecting in the army souls with high evolution progress can be selected and activated to help ascend the earth's conciousness.
I ran away when I heard the dangers then I meet and was "triggered " by my twin flame.
Its hard but until every egoic lie and fear is shattered for a higher purpose and reward.


Make a video about the good side effects of kunda


If the cosmic gnome exists, he has the voice of George Carlin.
Heard him during an acid/change ritual.


Is the concept of "meloancholic nostalgia" a thing?


I don't do Kunda.. whatever.. I do GOD, my HEAVENLY FATHER & JESUS CHRIST!


I cannot tell you how much I DID NOT LIKE THIS! Talk about negative energy!


Watch out for the negetive effects of becoming a better person. Thats what u shoulda called it. U obvioisly dont know jack lol


Very good AI voice over, can't believe a real person could have spoken such gobbledygook
