Complete Guide to Growing Cherry Tomatoes 3 of 5: Pruning, Mulching, Spraying & Pest/Disease Control

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The third video is about pruning, disease management. insect management and an introduction and use of products to stop leaf diseases and pests. I am growing an indigo cherry tomato called 'Midnight Snack', a 2017 All-America Selections Winner.

This is a 6 part series on direct seed sowing (no transplants needed) and growing cherry tomatoes. I will cover planting, tending, diseases and pests and everything else to harvesting, over the 6 videos.

Series began 5/26/17 and new videos will be created over this season.
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I have Neem Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sprayers, Seeds and so much more at my shop...Please check out my Seed & Garden Shop for your gardening needs at


I’ve just been going through and watching a number of your videos when I can and gosh while your videos are so informative, they’re also so amusing because your side comments are so funny lol new fan here


Hey Gary, could you possibly do a video on how you will move that plant at 0:44 ?  I can't find any good videos on how to move a plant that is already established in the ground. Glad that you're doing such in depth series this year. It's my first year growing cherry tomatoes and I can't wait to finally get some fruit. I let all my transplants sit in the store bought containers for about a month so they are only just now recovering from that. Only my second year of gardening and I'm learning so much. Biggest lesson this year: don't let your baby plants get rootbound and almost die lol


Great video Gary. I really appreciate the pruning details.


another great episode on growing cherry tomatoes !! thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences and as always happy gardening !!


Thanks for the detailed explanation of suckers!


I grow my plants in 5 gallon container I did a lot of side vine pruning and now I cut the very top. now they have a lot of fruits and flowers.


i have 5 cherry tomato seedling right now ready to be transplanted on pots....i want to do some prevention of early blight and other fungal disease on my plants...when could i start spraying my plants using the baking soda mixture?


My sole problem on all my tomato plants are leaf miners :( Any recommendation on how to control them? I've taken a lot of the infected leaves out but it just keeps coming on the new leaves


Is there a part 3 for the container series, KIS series, or does this one apply equally? I could not find a part 3 of the container series.


love your video Gary I think the baking soda tip might work for me I might try that what if you see something on your leaves that you don, t recognize what would you do to take control of it and it might be anything


Awesome content as always and i learned how to get rid of spider mites. cheers


Hi Gary, I have a question unrelated to this video but very important, if you don't mind of course. I will be away for a week in August. I am concerned because my plants will not get watered and I know that's not good. Is there an inexpensive method to get water to my plants (most of them are in containers) while I am away? Help!! Thank you in advance.


Hello From Greece :) Honestly i have found your videos VERY helpful and i ve learned a lot of things . Thank you :)


thank you so much for your videos! I am just getting my very first tomato that I have grown! I actually have 2 that are coming in. They are itty bitty greenies!!! I am so excited. I live in AZ so the heat has been beaming on my plants. thankfully I have kept all alive but 2. I have straw mulch in one bed and need to put it in the rest. I wanted to see if the straw mulch would be good and it wasn't good it was great and my plants in that bed are a lot bigger and healthier! I also put in soaker hoses and water every 2 to 3 days to 15 to 30 minutes in each bed. Thank you so very much for all your videos and guidance. :D


doesnt placing the support posts after the plant is so big, damage the roots?


My tomatoes seem to be coming down with early blight. Is there anything to do to save them or should I just pull them out at this point?


Hey Gary quick question for you. My tomatoes in my containers have blit again. Those brown dots that are on the leaves. I used baking soda with water on them now but should I use neem oil instead. I just don't want my tomatoes in the ground next to them to get this. Also does this disease stay in your soil year after year? Please get back to me when you can. Thanks again.


Hey Gary big fan. Just a question on spraying, here in The Bahamas we have big problem with pest, critters and disease because of the hot climate especially regarding tomatoes should I combine serenade with my need oil spray and spray once or should it be done separately as in spray for disease and then for pest the following day? Thanks


I don't understand why people remove suckers, I don't find it hurts the plants as they state. I do remove the lower leaves.
Q: Have you ever pruned/cut the tops off to get a bushier plant, at any stage?
