Complete Guide to Growing Cherry Tomatoes 2 of 5: Staking, Top Dress & Water Soluble Fertilizing

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The second video is about keeping them on track. Some basic staking, top dressing with organic fertilizer and a feeding routine every 10-14 days with water soluble organic fertilizer. I am growing an indigo cherry tomato called 'Midnight Snack', a 2017 All-America Selections Winner.

This is a 6 part series on direct seed sowing (no transplants needed) and growing tomatoes. I will cover planting, tending, diseases and pests and everything else to harvesting, over the 6 videos.

Series began 5/26/17 and new videos will be created over this season.

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Where did you find that watering can I'm trying to find that one!!!!


another nice one Gary. MY cherries are about as big as yours but they've been growing since about March 1 from inside the house. I just started pinching suckers like normal tomatoes. is it OK to do this like normal tomatoes? Or do I need to wait until part 3...


Great content, thanks for the video! (:


if the tomato is a hybrid if i take a cutting and re root a cutting over winter will it taste the same ? or do i have to buy new seeds every year if its a hybrid variety ?


I know you had two tomato plants side by side what happens if you just left them both there together? Is there a con on doing that or is it just preference?


Gary, what do you like to use as mulch? Any opinion on using grass clippings?


Great review. I'm growing cherry tomatoes in a container. I use Miracle grow as food.🍅


Gary I didn't do alot of cleanup last year in the garden. As a result I have cherry tomatoes popping up everywhere.


Aren't cherry tomatoes the smallest ones


hi, I luv your gardening videos. I just made a self-watering bucket garden for tomatoes & green peppers. It's inside a dog kennel, so I can cover it with plastic to keep some of the rain water from drenching the plants. I put newspaper & sand for mulch to keep soil from splashing up.  Already, little spider webs & black dots like feces are on the underside of leaves, I'm losing leaves. Here in SC, we really have the most destructive bugs. What should I use to kill the super bugs of SC? THANKS!


I have a determinant cherry tomato in my greenhouse. Now there are cherry tomatoes on it that are green but they have been green for about two weeks when are they going to turn red?


Gary, What's the true definition on the difference between a grape and cherry tomato? Is it just two terms for the same thing kinda like "pancake/flapjack"? BTW i'm super excited about how well my super sweet 100 that I potted back in early may here in NJ! It's almost 5ft tall already. It has two flower clusters and i'm not sure weather or not to sucker it go crazy! (which is why I bought a second one in early June)


Gary can you top dress with hydrated lime of safely use it as a foliar spray? If so, what measurements are best when dissolved in water?


hello gary, can you make a video using the tomato support system that you show in the AAS trip???


hi Gary. What distance would u recommend between tomatoes. and can u show how to use horse manure to fertilize?


Gary, I'm new to gardening and my tomato plant is beginning to flower it's about 14 inches tall and looks strong but I noticed leaves on the bottom are becoming very dry and curled. Still green but fear they may snap. Any ideas? I believe I keep it adequately watered. There's no yellowing.


I will try that tomatoe variety. Fish emulsion is the best I'm using for 2 years now with all my plants. Thanks for sharing.


any help in growing Tomatoes is very much appreciated !! thanks for sharing your knowledge and as always happy gardening !!


Hi Again!
Wow! Great video. It answers a lot of my questions, since my journey is now about where you are in this 3rd video. It makes it all much more clear about watering in the liquid fert, side dressing and mulching.

So am I understanding right that established transplants, once they are about a foot high or so, can use a side dressing of granular fert?
And then do that a couple times during the growing season (when they flower, and then when they start fruiting?)

I do have another question about LIME:
I've not yet put lime into my garden plot or any of the containers, save for a new Cossak Pinapple (like a tomatillo, but super sweet, red fruits that drop to the ground in their husks when ripe).This Pinapple tomato I dressed with lime and did liquid fert immediately after transplanting. Hope I'm OK with the lime part for this new transplant. It's already flowering and has little fruits starting. I did put 4/5/3 on bottom and then in hole when transplanting, with some epsum.

So, should I also side dress with Lime the bedded plants, as well as the potted tomatoes? And the eggplant too? And do I need to dress with lime more than once?

They just all got their first dose of your fish emulsion/kelp/epsum mix a couple days ago.

I am now doing a Gary The Rusted Gardener Binge Video watch. You are right up there with Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad! :)

Happy 4th of July.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for your prolific channel :)



great video Gary thanks for the tip I we'll try to remember that
