4 Simple Tips for Building Consistency

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In this video I go over 4 simple tips Pro VALORANT players use to become more CONSISTENT!

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The lower end is a neat concept I haven't heard explained before, but I have definitely experienced. I'll keep it in mind during bad games when i realize that my normal playstyle and protocols arent working.


This is a problem that I noticed in my tracker recently, I felt in some parts of the video that you were describing me. Some games I’m the demon 1 stuck in silver and everything works well, and literally the next game I bottom frag without knowing what to do and nothing works. I don’t have protocols, I adapt really bad because my expectations on my teammates are delusional since I always try to communicate, and IGL but if no one talks I get tilt very fast. I also get tilt easily when I bottom frag and I’m whiffing constantly, ending up with me remaining silent because my mental is ruined or “they don’t talk anyways”. This video gave me perspective about what I need to work on now, I thought I just suck at aiming, I’ve improved in that aspect, and I was still thinking “my aim is better, but not better enough” now I see it’s way deeper than I wanted to believe.


Bro called out all my bad habits in one video. Exactly what I needed


When my team is losing, and I feel like Im panicking a lot and team flaming others, what I did usually mute toxic player, chill a moment, take a deep breath then focus, it is usually help


if anyone needs confirmation for the last tip about tilt queing. I did that. And i dropped from asc2 to d2 within couple of days.


Really great video! I'll make sure to give every advice of yours a shot.
Maybe you can do a quick summary at the end of your videos but besides that, keep up your work!
1) Develop protocols
2) Review your bad games
3) Set realistic expectations concerning your teammates
4) Take a break when you're not feeling it! :)


as someone who fluctuates a lot, this was really helpful !! it would be great if you made a vid on some generic protocols or even more specific situations. thanks <3


Right after I watched this video I queued a comp after warming up in a deathmatch and started doing the protocols thing and after losing 12 games out of 15 this weekend, I finally won another one while going 24-13, I think it helped a lot with the auto-piloting I think I struggle with. Sanks 👍👍👍👍


Hello Konpeki! It's very good that you do these coaches! I'm in bronze 2 and i do every game mechanic but still shit af and i can't buy your coaching because i am broke as hell, but it's so good that you do these things so keep up the good work!


This vid is so different from the other tip videos. I never thought about changing the play style depending on if ur having a C game Or A game… I like that🔥


Bro this is literally me im hardstuck silver sometimes my aim is insane and my diamond friends says i deserve plat and sometimes my aim is literally iron 1 whiffing within 1 meter.


Appreciated video! still climbing my friend! we hit a new peak from IRP, now hovering around plat 2, Konpeki! To those new to the program, I started silver 1 about 7 weeks ago. Up up and away to Radiant 2024. See you all around the discord!


thanks, I have had bad games recently, sometimes from teammates, and also often from me... this video just came to me in time, I hope these things help me.


One thing about the Valorant community is someone people are very toxic to women. They automatically assume we can’t play the game, they will intentionally throw a game out of spite, scream sexist remarks, refuse to comm after hearing a feminine voice, etc. Doesn’t matter if you’re top fragging or able to clutch 1v3’s, it’s actually worse at times, because their ego is so fragile they get upset they’re “under” a woman. Really common in lower elo unfortunately.


Hi Konpeki, I want to say that your videos are really informative and helpful and also very fun to watch!


ngl that was the most educational vid ive seen


Now this give actually highlights many things that I subconsciously think about as recently I was in immortal, playing my A game. Now im playotlike a diamond thinking "why am I not playing like I was just yesterday?" And this guide is probably the best guide to fix this. Highlights exaxtly how to remove that thought and think of improving your worse performance so you'll be more consistent snd maybe have a good day. Overall, this guide is probably the only actual guide that ive so far found useful. Pretty good sfuff


I guess I should just stop after losing one rather than trying one more again before leaving lol. Thanks!


Literally got back 1 week ago and was carrying, but today only played well in 2 of the 5 games i played, needed this video so bad
