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How to not get injured while spotting OR squatting. Remember, two spotters is always safest, but if you only have one, follow these tips to maximize your spotters safety and usefulness.

Thanks to @amandabuccifit and @malloryrowan for allowing me to use their squat fails to teach others! Remember to share this video if you found it useful.
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Girl asked me to spot her and I had to say let me go to the bathroom for sec to watch this thanks bro


1:04 He drops it as if no one was behind him. I would never spot him ever again if that was me behind him


The way my friend taught me to spot her, was to stay really close to her and squat with her. If she was failing to come up I was supposed to hug her right under her breast, there was no palming of the breast, then thrust my hips and drive straight up like I was preforming a squat. She explained that there should be no personal space, hesitation could mean injury. If someone is asking you to spot their squat, they trust you and want you to keep them safe. I had only bar spotted others before that, this felt tons safer when I actually had to help bring her up.


Ok so the thing about a male spotting a female on squats is "you cant touch their breast". If its a heavy weight and its the two of you, The only proper way is arms over chest and squatting with them to ensure safety. No sexual intention just safety for your friend.


4:48 That's the way you do a proper spot !!! Was that SO hard ?


Excellent video. Haven't been able to find one easily that goes through how to spot in the event of an actual fail. You were very thorough. Added what the lifter should and shouldn't do, as well as so many scenarios. Thank you!


Thanks for the video. I have seen too many Squat fails on Instagram and people blaming the spotter but no one stating how it should be done. You were amazing!


Thanks for this Jackson! Going to link this on my channel!


Also ; Always use the "cage". Test squat with bar only and adjust the failure rods to their highest point. Don't rely on the spotter. In a cage you can fail forward or backward with no injury!


4:55 " this".. and doesn't show lol.. ok


Awesome video. I learned a lot! Thank you!!!


Like and commented to bump this up. Best video on YouTube on how to spot and what do if things go haywire. One BUG concern and this is a BIG if bc someone with poor form / weak shouldn’t be going for PRs; but there are people who have rolled back onto their heels when squaring and almost tipped backward, that’s why I think it’s safest to squat with arms and if you have spotters (like you said) have two on the sides.


I really never understood why people need a spot on squats period. When you squat and fail
to do so, you are litterally bailing the bar on your own. Why put someone behind you at risk. Out of many years of training, I have bailed PRs multiple times without a spot, with our hurting my self or others


What do you thnk about the spotter placing their forearms under the armpitas of the lifter?


Ok I need some help, so here's the deal, i was spotting my friend from one side when he was squatting. There were 3 total spotters when he then couldn't go back up, so I began to lift the side up cause I thought my dude was being crushed, but the other two spotters and my friend squatting apparently wanted to drop the weight. What ended up happening is my friend was on the ground and the bar was slanted over him with one side on the ground and one side in my hands, and everyone blamed me for it. Is this my fault??


Idk if it’s unusual but I can deep squat very well and have good ankle mobility so if I fail I just rest at the bottom with weight still on my back so people can just help lift it back


Good video man! You are still not close enough in the "how I would react" example. You really need to get in there tight so you are literally hugging the lifter and basically becoming one with them. You should not be using your hands to lift up the weight at all. You need to have your elbow pits under the lifter's arm pits in order to lift the weight while using your legs to stand up from the squat. You can use this technique without even touching the lifter with your hands so it's possible to spot a woman without groping her at the same time ;)


It's prolly been said but you spot women how you spot men. I train with women who squat 250-350lbs. I normally under hook the bar or along the waist. My zercher is 500lb so I can lift both the weight and lifter if needed. Stay close but don't obstruct and be ready!


The clip at 1:05 the dude literally had the pins at a good height could've went back down to them


How come no one uses safety pins? Am I just more flexible then most people?
