Why God allows evil in the world | Robert Barron and Lex Fridman

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Robert Barron is a bishop and founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.


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There's a poet who describes myths as like being in an old barn. You can see the light coming through the gaps in the wood, and that light is beautiful. But you never see the full picture. You don't need to be a believer to see the beauty in the wide variety of myths that serve as the foundations of religions. We're all seeking truth in our own ways. I think it's best to listen with an open mind, take what will make your path a little less rocky, and wish nothing but peace and understanding when you part ways. We can help each other on the path, or hinder each other. I, for one, am too old for unnecessary conflict.


"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understaning about ourselves"

"One does not become enlightened by imaging figures of light, but by making darkness conscious"

Carl Jung


"The first gulp from the glass of natural science will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you".

Werner Heisenberg


You can't say you're a truly good person until you've grappled with and triumphed over the evil that lurks within you.


The thing that's dangerous about this explanation is it makes the argument that any and all atrocities are justifiable in the name of "the greater good" and I refuse to accept that. I think the real answer is closer to the fact that Free Will would be impossible if evil were not permitted, so it is regrettable, but necessary.


I'm an atheist or agnostic but I would like this chap at my dinner table


I always revert to the "ant on the road" example.
the ant sees the road, it can stand on the road... but it has no capacity to understand the roads purpose, cars, logistics..
if one thinks we have the tools to understand existence, the universe etc that must be some form of ignorance..
so all of the "god does/doesn't exist" logics are, in my opinion, nonsensical.. it makes so much more sense to accept that we just don't know, because we - like the ant - simply lack the tools to comprehend
let's just make the best of what we actually know: being nice creates a better existence and overall human experience, than doing harm.


Duality makes the world interesting. And it's not that complicated when you think about it. Without evil, there's no goodness. Without suffering there's no pleasure. Without darkness, there's no light, and without light there's no *life.* I'm not Religiois, but when someone describes God as being Light that makes total sense to me.


I have to add that there's a BIG difference between just suffering("bad" events) and EVIL. Suffering can be having bad health, no money, emotions, etc etc. But EVIL is when the perpetuator causes UNNECESSARY harm to others out of ENJOYMENT. I wish this topic could be discussed more so people understand the difference. Also question is, what can possibly be the "Ultimate Greater Good"? What are we all working towards to?


It makes sense if I have to go through some suffering to manifest some greater good at the other end. But if some people are horribly tortured to death so that the next generation can have a better life, that seems cruel and unjust.


How can we understand God who is all good by knowing all good. By knowing evil we know the contrast.


I’ve dealt with every PAIN possible, or close to that in my life. From losing my first born child to now fighting my body in the physical form of back pain from a work injury (not my fault!), two knee surgery’s and so on. I’ve dealt with PAIN on both spectrums with God in my life as of now and my life prior to turning 30 years old deep in the streets and experiencing everything head on without God and having to lose a child at a young age. If I had a choice, the latter is much soothing to go through if needed. Whether this PAIN got introduced by Adam & Eve in the garden or something else, all I can say is God is magnificent in every way, I could show you things that He did supernaturally for the better of my health along these last 10 years. I believe for 2 reasons God uses PAIN in His favor:1). To show us we are not Robots and He loved US so much, He gave us a free Will to love Him back and form a relationship with Him. 2). Pain is temporary even at death it stops existing in the physical, but I believe it pushes US closer to God in many cases and through many opportunities IF WE SEEK HIM.

Either or, I’m just here to put my opinion, not offend anyone or claim to be perfect or righteous. I’m not going to debate anyone, God Bless you all. ✌️


This is NOT a difficult question because the answer is...God does not ALLOW evil to happen. Man CHOOSES to commit evil.

God gave us the ultimate gift...freedom of choice. That freedom is a 2 edged sword.


He gave us free will, what we do with it is on us, humanity


If people cant choose to be evil then there is no such thing as free will, we would just be robots.


There is an evil that lurks within us all whether as part of the fall or as part of the climb back out of the abyss that we all have stared at or glimpsed in ourselves.


If a priest had the ability to take away people’s pain but would have to first experience it, then I’m sure, he would question why one person has to go through pain for others to be free from it.


According to Thomas Troward, We are all God having a physical experience. In order for us to really understand and experience “good” we have to be able to experience it’s counterpoint. Good is only good compared to something else. That duality is necessary to experience both ends of the spectrum and be able to recognize, appreciate, and choose good as the better choice.


9:58 says it all. Rationalizing to the preferred conclusion


Suffering and evil aren't the same. Life is sprinkled with suffering. But that doesn't mean the suffering is evil.


Everything comes from everything that comes before it. To say that after a horrific incident, this and that happened and eventually good came from it is just irrelevant. Where on the timeline do you stop and say “this is the result of the horrific incident”? Is it at the point where things are good, or before when things are still bad? Or at the inevitable point in the future when there’s another horrific incident? Or, again, when things are good?
