How to Prepare Your Heart: Week 1, Day 1

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Do you ever wonder how Christians who love the Lord can end up failing when temptation comes along? One of the main reasons is that they haven’t prepared their hearts. Most people don’t intentionally decide they’re not going to serve God anymore and just walk away from Him. They have good intentions. They want to live for God. The problem is they haven’t prepared to face the troubles of this world.

Preparing your heart is one of the most important things you can do to walk in victory in life. When your heart is prepared, you won’t succumb to the pressures and temptations of this world. You can rise above anything that tries to come against you, knowing that what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn for good. Let Andrew show you exactly how to prepare your heart through this teaching. Be equipped to thrive no matter what is happening in the world!

Andrew will teach How to Prepare Your Heart on his Gospel Truth TV show from October 12–23. This teaching is available as part of a special package that includes your choice of either the How to Prepare Your Heart CD or DVD series along with the books Lessons from David and Lessons from Elijah. Together, these products will give you a thorough picture of what it means to prepare your heart.
The package has a catalog value of $50, but you can order it today for only $35.
The How to Prepare Your Heart Package (for a gift of $35 or more) includes:
• How to Prepare Your Heart CD or DVD series
• Lessons from David book
• Lessons from Elijah book

How to Prepare Your Heart individual products:
• How to Prepare Your Heart CD or DVD series ($20)
• Lessons from David book ($15)
• Lessons from Elijah book ($15)

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Рекомендации по теме

This man’s teachings have truly changed my life. I am 20 years old and have been brought up in a Christian household and always gone to Church, though I feel I have only just become a true follower of Christ since reading 5 of his books and meditating on the Word over this past year. Thank you SO much Andrew!


Thank you, Bro. Wommack
Excellent Teaching ❤


True bro because our hearts are how we function in this world. Our renewal of our hearts is instrumental to our transformation.


Amen so true. It's really sad. I am Christian come from Baghdad- Iraq, I am Babylonian. everything that's happening here I've seen it, lived it lookes very familiar to me. From bringing statues down. defending the police, taken weapons from citizens and this is how sadly my country Iraq fell in the hands of the enemies. I pray this will not happen to America..


You dont have to learn everything through hard knocks.(true)you dont have to learn through all your failures.


Wow I’ve asked God to show me someone who is teaching about the prophets David and Solomon and so forth. Why did they mess up. In Islam all the prophets where perfect( Abraham, Moses, David etc.) I had a knowledge as to why they weren’t really in the Bible but now I’m gaining understanding. Clicking on this video I was not expecting that. Also preparing my heart is something that I really need to learn. I haven’t been in the word as much as I should and not praying in tongues as long as I have been and just being slothful. I have to stay focused. Today I just praised God for giving me His strength. Thanking Him that when my human strength end His power excels in me. Which then lead me to your video. Such a blessing! On to day 2!


Extremely important and impactful teaching, thank you.😊


Thank you Andrew Wommack for everything you taught me


I wish my life would be different. Better much better life.


A spirit of fear and fear of rejection made many suffer and become a manpleaser, but "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and power and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7


Powerful teaching indeed. Thank you Andrew.


Thank u Lord f raising Andrew t teach the truth of ur word, ur getting glorified, hallelujah 💜


If we do not prepare our heart then we will be like what this verse described "He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.
Proverbs 25:28 ''
Wonderful message.thanks


iv been in a circle with my studys praying for direction and my PT who was the first graduating class from your college told me about this study and iam devouring it thank you very very much mr.wommack


Thank you Mr Wommack, God speaks through you, Heart preparation is Vital to staying full of God in and out of every season.


Andrew, god is so proud of you! Heaven is rejoicing over to you.


Andrew is changing my life! Praise God for Andrew!


Hard knocks is not the best teacher to teach us, but we have the Bible, to learn lessons from ...


Lord teach my how to prepare my heart! I desire to set up Godly standards in my heart. To set resolve in my heart!


Thankyou pastor Andrew for your simple practical easy to understand teachings. Blessings from Italy.
