Why the “Prosperity Gospel” is bankrupt

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In this episode Trent examines the faulty claims of “prosperity preachers” like Kenneth Copeland who promise to wealth to Christians who tithe (to their ministries).
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You will never be able to convince me that Kenneth Copeland is not possessed


"It’s not charity if you expect a return, that’s an investment. And in this case, it’s a foolish investment." SO TRUE!


I have never understood how anyone could trust Kenneth Copeland. I have never seen a single picture of him where he didn’t look incredibly evil.


How ironic is it that the Protestant reformation began with Martin Luther leaving the Church because of the buying and selling of indulgences, and ends up with preachers saying to give them money to get graces from God. If Luther knew this would be the outcome, I’m sure he wouldn’t have left the Church


I loved this from the babylon bee:
'Joel Osteen Unveils New Ultra-Thin Yacht That Can Fit Through The Eye Of A Needle'


I grew up in Houston, a city known for a very famous Health and Wealth preacher, Joel Osteen. He's not known for giving back. There is also a very well known Catholic businessman, Jim McIngvale, who is known for his extra-ordinary generosity! It's hard not to compare the two. He gives to so many charities and helps LOTS of people every time there is a flood or terrible storm. The people of Houston love and respect him because he gives so much and expects nothing in return.


The greatest irony of Protestantism is that for all of the accusations of Catholics that we're a "works-based faith, " it's Protestantism by and large that produced things like the Protestant work ethic (exemplified in the US by "pull himself up by his own bootstraps") and Prosperity Gospel, where even though a Christian is saved by faith alone, one still feels compelled to do work to the extreme in order to show forth the (material) fruits of his salvation. Absolutely incredible that people somehow reconcile both sola gratia and sola fides with this


I've felt closer to God while leaning against a tree in the middle of the woods than I ever have in a "church" as big as a stadium.


I became Catholic at 50 years old but up until then I live my life according to Prosperity gospel. It almost reminds me of a spiritual cast system because if something bad happens, it’s because you didn’t have enough faith or plant a large enough seed. Therefore If you’re sick, or poor it’s your fault. So glad I’m Catholic now!


Embarrassingly and shamefully I was up to my neck in the prosperity gospel.for forty years. I Left the Catholic Church in my early 20’s following my wife, not Catholic, into the teachings of Kenneth Copeland. I concur with every thing mentioned in this video, I lived it and experienced the prosperity gospel to my financial detriment. For forty years I was mesmerized by the Kenneth Copeland prosperity message believing that someday my shipload of money would come in. After forty years of waiting for my ship it was common sense that finally arrived and I left that financial disaster. I began following in the prosperity gospel in my early 20’s and now in my 70’s my financial state is a shambles. I could go on about my experiences and observations of this diabolical teaching maybe some other time for that. I would really like to see the Catholic Church have a more out spoken teaching exposing this twisted gospel teaching. I have returned to the ONLY Church Jesus founded, 8 years now, and take every advantage I come across to warn people of this twisted gospel the prosperity message. Pray for me, Jesus, I Trust In You.
Keep this message going Trent!


When he told the interviewer “...and don’t you say I did!” The crazed looked in his face. chills went down my spine 😣


Thank you brother. My just deceased mother in law worked double shifts as a nurse her whole life. Instead of paying her bills, she gave all to these prosperity vultures. She lost her house and everything. Died broke 😢


If you comment in the comments section YouTube algorithm will multiply Trent's viewership 10 fold. 😉


I think Our Lord had them in mind when he said "you have already received your reward."


If I ever became an Atheist, I would immediately begin my career as a Prosperity Gospel Preacher.


I gave Joel Osteen a chance before returning to Catholicism. None of the things he promised came true, and it actually messed with me. I became downtrodden because I started to believe that I was doing something wrong to upset God. These prosperity preachers are legitimately dangerous and I pray for everyone who is struggling with their faith because of their influence.


'As he taught, he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”'
~ Mark 12: 38-40


I pray that those trapped in those churches may open their eyes, that they're being lead not by Christ, but rather by wolves in sheep's clothing. Thank you for another great episode Trent! Is it just me or did the camera quality get better?


The problem with prosperity preaching is that it seems the only ones prospering are the "preachers"😢😅


Finally a succinct video about this. Their “churches” are predatory.

I’m Roman Catholic but my girlfriend is Assemblies of God/Pentecostal and this is what I’ve notice about their services;

1. They begin with catchy music, lights, and high energy.
2. The “pastor” comes on the stage in a suit/sport coat/etc. and gives a very surface level mini presentation about several passages in the Bible and what Christ can do for them. Key point.
3. Every single service (without fail) tithing and “giving God that first 10%” comes up. It’s then displayed in their screen with several different ways of how they can give.
4. It’s bookended with their “give your life to Jesus” prayer and immediately bandaided over with another catchy song.
