The Ugly Truth About the Prosperity Gospel

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In high school, Costi Hinn began to doubt everything he knew about faith, healing, and Benny Hinn Ministries. Though he enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, it wasn’t enough to keep him from asking questions that caused rifts in the family.

Why won't our family heal those in our lives who are sick? Why does God need our money to heal?

This began a journey that brought Costi out of Benny Hinn crusades into biblical Christianity.

In a majestic and mournful moment, Costi finally understood the true gospel and the tragedy of his uncle's teachings.

The promise of prosperity theology is that Jesus gave His life so that we can be healthy, wealthy, and happy. This is a message that not only deceives; it damns.

Now Costi is committed to proclaiming Jesus as He is revealed in Scripture. Only the biblical gospel saves. His story serves as a powerful catalyst to lead people out of prosperity theology and into a living relationship with Jesus.

#christianity #reformedtheology #christiantestimony

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Why is it that when these "men of God" need money, they ask you, but when YOU need money, they tell you "ask God".


My dad taught me what John the Baptist preached. When Jesus was becoming well known and John the Baptist less known, John says this is how it should be. Less of us and more of Jesus.


This is sad and disgusting, it's like sorcery it's so bad. Lord open the eyes to those who follow Benny hinn and be reconciled with you. And thank you Lord, for opening Costi's eyes, and sending him to preach the truth.


Powerful! My husband was born and raised in the prosperity gospel/ Word of Faith similar to Costi. We both even worked for Joyce Meyer for a time but God was so merciful to us and opened our eyes in 2015. We now try to warn as many as we can about this dangerous teaching and disciple God’s sheep to grow in their discernment and love for truth. Thank you for your work on this short film! Impactful and important!


I’m so pleased to see how humble he was when mimicking his uncles build up speech that led to the hypnotic atmosphere. He didn’t ridicule nor did he scoff, mock. Bless you brother for showing the right example of constructive humble criticism


I am a Bahamian. I was a Benny Hinn junkie for a few years in the mid nineties. Watched his telecasts religiously. He was my role model, until one night I saw a huge demon that looked like a court jester laughing at me, while my TV was on TBN showing a conference Hinn and Jakes spoke at, which was in 1997. That was a sign that I had to get out of the movement. Never looked back since


It's a shame there's not a button greater than just "like" for this!!


Amazing content, John MacArthur was crucial in me leaving the New Apostolic Reformation and prosperity preaching as well. Costi's testimony is a wonderful example of grace in the hearts of the deceived.


So thankful to have worked on this film!

I love how it confronts prosperity theology with the biblical gospel and serves as a powerful catalyst for proclaiming Christ to a twisted and materialistic culture.

Christians, false doctrine is rampant. We need to proclaim the biblical gospel. We need to shine the light of Christ into the darkness of man. We need to deliver the message that delivers.

It is of the utmost importance that we proclaim Jesus as He is revealed in Scripture. Only the biblical gospel saves.

May God use this film to magnify His Son and bring many people to Himself!


Jesus said; “No longer do I call you slaves, but friends”.
Costi, grateful you have truly found Jesus. Keep studying deeper. Our relationship with God is so much easier.
“Come unto me all you who are weary, for my yoke is easy and my burden is lite”.


The teaching of favor brought me PTSD, and between faith healing and “deliverance, ” I’ve had people treat me like a medical case due to my stuttering. It was coming to a moment in 2020 and God placing certain teachers in my path that brought me back to reading The Bible, and believing the Gospel.


Just because someone knows and preaches the Word doesn't mean they are of the flock of Christ! I thank The Most High for discernment


Praise God for delivering you from the prosperity gospel, Costi! God is so, so good!!


So thankful for Costi and the way the Lord is using him. ❤


Tomorrow I have to go in for a D&C because of a molar pregnancy that they want to check for possible cancer. I just found out today that the babies heart isn't beating. At 10 weeks pregnant I measure 6 weeks pregnant with no heartbeat. I was prepared mentally for a miscarriage, I was not prepared to hear possible cancer. This scares me. But my mother in law is into the prosperity preaching. She follows Kenneth Copeland, Jesse duplantis, Dutch sheets....all of them. When I told her it could be cancer she said, "I do not claim that". I told her that God will do whatever he is going to do and that I have full faith even unto death that he has a reason for it all. I am trying to open her eyes. Claiming this won't be cancer, won't make this less possibly cancerous. Believing that when reality might actually be the opposite is deception. When I told her originally that I was pregnant but I am advanced in age so there is a high chance I could have a miscarriage she said we won't talk like that. As if us speaking the very reality that advanced maternal age can bring about higher rates of miscarriage will somehow jinx the pregnancy. I believe in speaking reality and having full faith in God that no matter what, He is still good, he is still in control, and he has reasons for everything. If we could name and claim (declare and decree) all storms away, we won't have rain to bring about a harvest. The storms are where we grow. I really pray that God can open my mother and father in laws eyes to this deception. Here I am looking to be put under and tested for cancer tomorrow and my mind is more concerned with my family being deceived. I am so happy that my husband can now see past this. Don't people realize that Jesus didn't teach wealth and prosperity for his followers but, in fact, the exact opposite? This very very much concerns me.


I am a Catholic, we never had this sort of Prosperity Gospel - or maybe we did, a version of it in the 16 hundreds and that was a huge part of the reason Martin Luther split from our Church and founded Protestantism.
I commend this young man, truly a committed man of God, for setting the record straight


Well done! Coming from a church that was influenced by many teachings, God called me and saved me! Like Costi, I was faced with truth and it truly saved me. I pray this is used to rescue people out of these movements.


This gospel, was a reason I attempted suicide. ( prosperity gospel)
I was only child and a lot of hurt confusion and I was tired of the cult.

I wish I could have found freedom through you and JMaC that I have now for my teen years. I went through so much depression stress and confusion.


Costi Hinn repented and he now preaches the true gospel. May God open the spiritual eyes of those that are misleading people. That's why it is important to read the Bible so when someone preaches the wrong teachings we can identify wrong from true. 2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9


This just brings me too tears. I grew up in a church like this. This is wickedness. The people in that ministry will never know the truth. It all about healing, wreath, and prosperity. I'm so thankful that God saved me from the deception. I pray for those people.
