Costi Hinn - What is the prosperity gospel?

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Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.

Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the Bible

In this episode Costi Hinn from For the Gospel and Shepherd's House church answers the question: “What is the prosperity gospel?”

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Thank you for this! My wife and I were rescued out of the WOF/prosperity gospel over two years ago. We now attend a faithful reformed church and will see our youngest two children baptized in June. God has been so gracious to us!
Thank you for exposing this stuff….we are evidence that it bears much fruit!


Great interview. Love to see Costi out there speaking truth.


The prosperity gospel is rooted in pride and greed! Thank the Lord, He opened my eyes and saved me out of the "pray this prayer and you're saved!" And, He opened my eyes to the false prosperity gospel. Thank you, Lord!


Very nice explained, thank you so much, may God bless you!


Always appreciate your videos my friend. Please keep up the great work!


Great explanation from Costi! Also fantastic way to wrap it up by warning of the self righteousness that we all struggle with as believers.

Thank you Johnny for the channel! Everything you put out gives glory to Him! Praying for this channel and the ministries you serve with.


Please pray for me and my children. I want to give up! But I will continue to trust God! Having faith even in my time of despair. I lost my job because I refused the vaccine. I refused due to my already failing health. Heart disease and lupus. I’m on a ton of medications already. Including blood thinners. Since losing my job I’ve been struggling to provide for myself and my two autistic children both are non verbal. I’m so overwhelmed because they are special needs. My husband passed away three years ago so I’m all alone. My situation already has me down, and depressed. I have been called horrible names and mocked because of my circumstances. This month me and my boys are facing homelessness if I can’t come up with the rest of the rent. Every month is a struggle. But I have so much faith that God will provide for me and my children in Jesus name. FAITH OVER FEAR! God hears our prayers so please pray for me.


The LORD giveth, and the LORD taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD.


People who are barely getting by financially and have a need to "prosper" will indulge their last penny at the church because they have nothing but hope. Actually, they all have the hope of prospering! That's just like me when I gamble. The more money I gamble the more I win! The only problem is that too many other people are winning the money I just gambled. But I am going to win the big one soon! I have got to win; I have no other choice.


Decree and declare seems to have replaced name it and claim it. Even though decreeing is in the Bible it doesn't focus on it and its not taught by the apostles as being a priority by any means


This is interesting. Just as Hillsongs senior pastor Brian Houston and management of Hillsong are being investigated for financial profits. Makes you think - they are focused so much on $


Before 2 minutes I was already like NOPE LOL


I have friends that are stuck in this false religion and I just don’t know what to tell them anymore.. they defy all biblical logic. It’s as if they read a whole other Bible.. any advice?


Are you saying that God doesn’t want us prosperous


Have there ever been any catholics to start one of these schemes?


I think ppl relying too much on Benny Hinn for healing. It’s not Benny Hinn heals the sick but God himself touches the sick when we seek for him. So anyone can be get healed anytime anywhere. As we have our timing to do things also God has his timing for healing. So I mean, the wheel chair lady didn’t get healing in Benny Hinn’s ministry, so what? that’s okay, she doesn’t have to get to “Benny Hinn’s ministry” to get healed. She can also seek god in her room by herself or anywhere else to get healed with God’s timing:)


"3/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Blessed is that servant of Mine who seeks out the poor, whose heart is eager to help the needy, for they know My ways and seek to please Me. Blessed also is My servant who gives out of the abundance they have received, for they walk in My ways. Yet most blessed is My servant who gives from their lack, for they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God; indeed, they have understood.
Yet woe to those who ignore the poor and draw back their hand from the needy, while they sit at ease in their abundance. For destitution is coming, and shall be born out of great desolation, in the day I take away their abundance and leave their houses desolate. Woe also to those who say they are My servants, yet refuse to help those in need, for only tears and sorrow await them. And woe to those who fail to give even the smallest amount, claiming they are in lack, for they have no trust, having learned nothing from the poor widow.[1]
Little flock, have you learned nothing from My Word? Have you so quickly forgotten My Letters, in where I have taught you the way in which you should walk? Indeed, who you choose defines what you do, as I have already told you.[2] And who are the poor and the needy? How have you treated them, while entreating Me? Do not lie to yourselves, beloved ones. Every one of you who sit at this table want for nothing. Shall you mince words over a dollar, while others sit upon the ground seeking to draw water from a pit? Shall you covet five dollars or even ten as you drive about in your automobiles, while your brothers and sisters abroad willingly walk miles to preach My Word, with joy, even to their dying breath?
And still some of you sit at ease in your padded chairs, punching the keys, saying within yourselves,  “I am delivered.” You are not delivered! From the power of sin, yes, My children, I have delivered you, yet some of you remain married to this world. And those who remain married to another, even to themselves, can by no means be joined unto Me, lest adultery be brought into the house of The Lord.
Beloved ones, you are My treasure. Yet some of you count yourselves as first, having loved another more than Me; therefore you must be last. For I search the hearts and minds. And that discipline reserved for the churches of men, is it not also for you, even to a greater degree? Or have you forgotten this Scripture: For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more?

Therefore choose, make your decision...
It is time...

Says The Lord."


The gospel of prosperity is Not The True Gospel of Christ! People need to SERIOUSLY STOP treating Christ as a lottery ticket! If u come 2 Jesus for 💰 than He's not your god, 💰 is!


If you have any honesty or integrity in your heart I ask you humbly to grapple with my reply to Mr. Costi Hinn.

I’d like to preface and say I have absolutely nothing against him in fact I am vehemently for him because he affirms Jesus which means I not only stand with him, but fight with him and love him as nothing less than my own brother.

His sincerity I believe comes from a genuine place, but he is undoubtedly and sincerely wrong. I will prove this unequivocally shortly. Again, if you have any honesty in you— genuinely grapple with this reply.

With how he defined the “prosperity gospel, ” sure we agree on some things. The problem is that his definition has nothing to do with 1) what actual prosperity is and 2) what “Benny Hinn types” preach. Thirdly, there were way too many mischaracterizations of what we “Benny Hinn types” believe to go through each one.

Further, the revelation of the cross is that we were lost and alienated from God but that through the blood of Jesus we were made sons again and therefore made heirs. That is the good news of prosperity! We were poor (without Jesus) and through what He did He made us rich as heirs of His kingdom!

I’ve never heard one “Benny Hinn type” minister ever insinuate by giving you’re somehow magically making money come to you. Rather, the idea is that of planting a seed where when it’s given time and patience and effort in faith progressing toward the end goal— that seed will produce a harvest.

That is a radically different perspective from what Mr. Costi Hinn is espousing. And of course we all agree swindling money from people on this front is evil, that everyone concedes.

Further, we don’t say God is a genie who can make you rich. What we say is that it’s God’s will for you to love Him first and foremost above everything. Only after that does God desire you to have an overflow in all areas of life (including material wealth) with the purpose of advancing His kingdom and being a blessing to as many as possible in the earth. Very different from what I heard said here. The scriptures I post below will prove without any doubt that this is in fact God’s will for all people provided their God given assignment doesn’t call for something different.

Kindly I would like to exit the realm of briefly summarizing and mischaracterizing positions and look at precisely what the Bible says, which is what “we” believe.

Regarding Wealth:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2

Great wealth is in the house of the righteous,
But trouble is in the income of the wicked.
Proverbs 15:6

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
Luke 6:38

If they obey and serve Him, They shall spend their days in prosperity, And their years in pleasures.
Job 36:11

There was a famine in the land… Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him.
Genesis 26:1, 12-14

For the Lord your God will bless you just as he promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.
Deuteronomy 15:6

The Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you surely rejoice.
Deuteronomy 16:15

Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them; they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it.
Jeremiah 33:9

The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches will be in his house,
And his righteousness endures forever.
Psalm 112:3

The blessing of the Lord maketh rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
Proverbs 10:22

So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham… that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles… And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3: 9, 14, 29

The promise →
And all the peoples of the earth will be blessed in you.
Genesis 12:3

Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold.
Genesis 13:2

So it was, when Abram came into Egypt, that the Egyptians saw the woman, that she was very beautiful.
Genesis 12:14

If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
Isaiah 1:18

Let them shout for joy and be glad,
Who favor my righteous cause;
And let them say continually,
“Let the Lord be magnified,
Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
Psalm 35:27

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,
But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
Proverbs 13:22

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to obtain wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
Deuteronomy 8:18

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this, ”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
Romans 8:32

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Mathew 6:10

The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass.
Revelation 21:18

Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32

God bless you for reading and may He make you to prosper in every area of your life that the world might see Jesus, that He might be glorified, and that as many as would come might be turned from the power of satan to the power of God. Jesus loves you. God bless.


Ironic that he said "this is how cults start, an angel comes and tells them something no one can verify", when that's EXACTLY how christianity started. An angel appeared to someone, and told them they have to preach to others, and people just blindly accept it. It's ALL one large, world-wide cult. Ever wonder why people auto-respond "amen" when someone says it? Brainwashing at it's finest.
