10 Beginner Tips for Starting Black Desert in 2025

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10 Beginner Tips for Starting Black Desert in 2025




▶ Black Desert Adventure

▶ Black Desert Grind Spots

▶ Black Desert Window Shopping

▶ Black Desert Seasons

0:00 - Intro & Things I talk about
1:20 - Starting a Seasonal Character
3:41 - Benefit of Joining Guilds
6:18 - Managing Energy & Contribution Points
9:00 - Adventure Journals & Magnus Questline Rewards
12:50 - Workers & Node set up
13:50 - Multiple Characters are good!
17:18 - Learning the Central Market
19:20 - Finding the right Character/Class you enjoy
20:55 - Game settings & Optimization
23:17 - Don't compare your gear to others
26:00 - Conclusion & Thanks for watching!

My Black Desert Gameplay on PC includes a Review, Quests, Character Creation, 2025 How To Guides for beginners and veteran players on Life Skills, Gear Enhancing, Best Weapons and Armors, PvE Bosses, Awakening and Succession with live commentary by Jonlaw.

Black Desert (BDO) is an open-world, action MMORPG. Experience intense, action-packed combat, battle massive world bosses, fight alongside friends to siege and conquer castles, and train in professions such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and more! #BlackDesertOnline #BlackDesert #Jonlaw
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Awesome video. New player here and there is a lot to take in when you start this game


24:18 - 24:40 Real! best advice for BDO.. like most new player wants to go end game without knowing this.


6 pity off my infinite mana pot 2 weeks in!


hi thanks for the guide can you also make a video where we get a better understanding on how to level up faster and progress in the most efficient way its really hard to find a good video on youtube about that, for ex when should i start grinding on grind spots, when should i focus on levelling up, what should i select from the season special gift option, passive income, how do i get the legendary mount for free, i know i might sound dumb asking this question, but i believe its very confusing on youtube to find a latest video for beginners in Details, and the way you explain is great straight to the point, would love if you can make a video


Hi, new BDO player here. Ive played MMO’s/ rpg’s for 2 decades but this combo system is a whole new aspect. I see you have lots of buttons on your hot bars. Is it possible to just keybind all those abilities like wow or ff14?


Any suggestion? I like being fast and dealing huge damage in quick successions, distanced or up in their face will do but lets just say someone like Sung Jin Woo


Hey Jon, what would your opinion be for newer-ish players when it comes to the Jetina accessories for guaranteed PEN? Is it worth new players going through the Jetina, or is it worth them skipping Jetina and going straight for Kharazad's instead? What would you say is the most cost sensible?


Just installed the game, and said lets see a guide. Got to this guide but sadly feels like "I need to post a video guide" more than an actual beginner guide. All the video its your character around, except those moments when showed the town/nods/quests etc. The way you describe the game has a boring note also a frustration note, its very hard to stay and watch all the video. A beginner will always be curious about how an end game character can look like, how some skills look like, so you could have made a 2 minutes part to show how a caster looks like, a tank etc. Also a new player would need to know what class is more required by guilds and at some pve events etc. Because too all of us happened to join a game, play a buffer and realize that nobody needs that buffer. Or another example 9 out of 10 players play dmg dealers, and nobody a buffer or a healer. So in this video I don't even know if there are healers or buffers because at "choosing your class" part all I heard was "play what you like" but a beginner don't know the existing classes. Anyway long story short, 20% of the video was an actual guide, rest of it was a waste of time. Piece of advice don't make videos longer than 9 minutes just because you need playtime, because you can't fill those blanks. And if you don't believe me, that 274 like from 13.000 views, should be your answer. I am going to find another guide now...


Thanks for the video, just started playing and i am fighting the UI a lot. I had an issue where the UI moved my combo list to the middle of the screen and i had to figure out how to move it to the right side. It is getting better and better, so it will be fine. The only thing that has been sad for me so fare was that i can not play as a male character that is a tamer. I refuse to play as a female character, it's just not my thing. Before the soyboys get angry, it's my preference deal with it. I don't care about your opinion. The game is interesting and i am having a lot of fun as a Warrior, just learned how mounts and pets work.


now that they remove the J hammer for new player there is any other similar items for new player?


How come my game doesn't look like this?? 4070 super i7 13700k....
