10 TIPS! Horizon Forbidden West Beginner Guide - Things you MUST know!

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0:00 - 10 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing Horizon Forbidden West
0:56 - Do the Main Quest
1:40 - Don't Ignore Machine Strikes
2:00 - How to Play Machine Strikes
2:55 - Mounts and Travel Pack
3:18 - Combat & Training Grounds
4:25 - Leveling Up and Gearing
4:02 - Food and Quests
5:35 - Hunt for Legendary Upgrades
5:58 - Questing & Exploring: What to do when stuck?
7:45 - Quest Type Solutions

Final Tips: Quest Type Solutions

Some of the quests weren't immediately obvious on what to do. To point, you will be asked to:

Find all Drones: When you scan a drone, highlight it's flight path with R1 then find a point near a wall and jump onto it - but don't let go! Hold on and weight it down to the ground and you'll then be able to access its innards.
Collect Items in High Places: A specific quest asks you to "Fly up a mountain" - you won't be able to do this until endgame. Equally, you will want to delay collecting the "Signals of the Sun" until you have your flying mount, as it will save you a lot of jumping around and climbing.
Find Black Boxes: These are to be taken to the collector of voices near the Arena. You can identify the black boxes with your radar as you explore, they are always inside large crashed planes.
Get Tags: Rebel Camps don't go away post-game, so you will be able to find these tags at all rebel camps simply by defeating and looting the leader. You don't have to clear out the entire camp, just kill the leader and skip and it'll count as completed!

If you follow these tips, particularly the one about waiting for your flying mount, you should have a much easier time getting around the world and completing many objectives without feeling like you'll be at this for another year. I'd love to hear your ideas and tips that you want to share with others, maybe some you have from Zero Dawn, or your plan for interacting with the game. Will you aim for 100% completion? Or are you doing this just for the story? Let us know in the comments!

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I have to disagree with most of what you are saying in this video, but to each their own. Without spoiling anything, side quests have an impact on the main quest. Why you would want to just focus on the main quest and B-line right to the end is beyond me. Really, in any game like this, but side quests influence the main quest is the take away here.

Also, swim under water! Don't wait until you are towards the end to go back and do it all, do it asap! Most of the valuable resources are under water! Plus, if you are about to die, just fast travel out!


Gamer since 1976 here and "completionist" is in my blood. It's a sickness kinda, but I do enjoy the grind of completing a game and often that does mean rinse and repeating areas a lot, but that's how I feel immersed in a game. It can burn many out, but for me, it's the way to play.
My play style in many games is stealth. I am very strategy oriented in my game play and for me any skill that enhances my play style of stealth, flank, sneak and surprise etc is the skill tree I knock out first.
I have played literally 1, 000's of titles in my long life of gaming and HZD is one of my top 10 all time favorite titles I have ever played.
Rock on gamers! Never stop.


Sidequests influence the storyline, so it's worth doing a lot of them before progressing.Besides, they will make the storyline a lot easier to tackle because doing a lot of sidemissions, errands and so on will level you up more rapidly.Most storyline missions end with a mini-bossfight (read BIG machines like tremortusks, tideripper, shellsnappers, ...).Fighting them at rank 15 will be a huge pain in the ass !!! When you encounter them at rank 40...them big machines and mini-boss fights will be way easier.


I have to say the underwater view is probably the best I’ve ever seen in a game.


Did you really have to mention the flying mount? Didn't expect a spoiler in a beginners guide. Wouldn't it have been sufficient to allude to easier traversal to old side quests instead of flat out showing the damn mount on top of mentioning it? FFS.


About the skill tree, obviously depending on your playstyle, really you need to just read each skill tree. Not just focus on combat and hunter. The stealth tree also has important skills early on that you should get. The increased tear from stealth is great for helping you get parts way faster. It also has a flat increase to crit chance I believe which is definitely helpful in combat. And if you're combat style involved traps obviously there's good ones there. So again, just read the early skills and pick a route towards the special ability that suits you.


February has been a busy year with dying light 2, Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring coming up in just 6 days! It’s been an exciting year so far


The first tip is presented in a confusing way :’ Don’t do the main quest only. Don’t do side quests. Do the main quest first. Also do medium to large side quests. ‘ I’m not sure this is good advice.. maybe what you’re trying to say is being exclusively focused on main or side quests will present challenges, but it’s hard to understand how this is a tip. I don’t feel side quests are a burnout they are enjoyable to me. What would be the benefit of doing it the way you’re suggesting, I’m genuinely asking, I feel like doing all side quests of an area while continuing to pursue the main quest in each area works really well.


Didn't really appreciate the flying mount being spoiled :(


I'm excited for this game and have the special edition pre-purchased, but I think I'll actually wait a while before playing it. I no longer have the time to do more than one playthrough per game, and I like to experience all content.


Just started playing this and these are some amazing tips thank you


Bought this last night, can’t promise I’ll play it for mroe than a week before taking an indefinite hiatus ( Elden Ring 🤷‍♂️) but so far it’s awesome . Comparisons aside, it’s pretty, it’s fun, it’s unique ( aside from the first horizon of course lol ) .


Completion is the goal. When zero dawn came out I spent 2 months dedicated to doing everything. This time Elden Ring comes out and I’m not sure which atm will get the lions share of my time.


The Horizon games aren't lacking content, that's for sure. There's so much of everything.


This game couldn’t have come at a worse, or better time. It’s great because now I have something to take my mind off elden ring for a week, it’s terrible because I know I am not going to touch this game for a long damned time after next Thursday whether I’m finished or not.


There is a skill that let you move faster while holding heavy weapons. It also works with powercells. Good for speed up those puzzle sections.


When you were scrolling through the armor sets talking about upgrades I was tripping out so hard cuz they were all displaying instantly. I gotta wait for every little thing to load when I'm playing. PS4 life lol. Can't wait for the PC release!


Depends how much I like the game. Gonna jump in shortly. Between the next gen cyberpunk upgrade taking me from dying light for a day or two this if it’s really good may take me from both but most likely I’ll play this tonight and then jump back into dying light and give that my attention and focus for the next month or so.


Is there any real benefit to playing Machine Strike? I usually avoid mini-games, I find them confusing and frustrating. But if there is cool loot, tools p, weapons, etc to gain, I will play.


I'm a completionist so I am looking forward to exploring all the ins and outs of the new world. would like more info on the changes in game play from the original, like food and crafting... swimming underwater is new too... excited but a little frustrated that it is not so intuitive as HZD became after completing main game and FW DLC. thank you for the tips.
