10 Rubik's Cube Tips Every Beginner Should Know

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If you want to get faster and you are new to speed cubing, then this is the video for you. I get questions from new cubers all the time, so I put some of my best beginner advice in one video!

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Joseph Dewey, Erika Greggs, Егор Кузнецов, Payton Gering, Lego Aggelos, Tiago Gamer, Zaki Mohamed, Elliot Hargadon, Glenn Koster Jr, Talen, Khang Tôn, Cubing for Eternity, tim rossetti, kubesolver, Asteroid, Gregory Martin, KingParity, Hannah Richards, Joseph M, Can, Bruhath, Hadimufuj, Christopher Brooke, Eli Geller, Keller Judd, The Iron Felix, BLAZE55, Katie Woodhams, David Tu, Marius Hjortland, Prajot Singh, Ziggy Gelman, Klára Németh, Chris Bonnello (Autistic Not Weird), James Moore, Dmitri Shabes, Amay Saxena, Pontus Uggla, Philippe Schwartz, Derek Wong, Jan Strohbeck, Conner Collings, Ray Wu, Wesley Brenner, Taylor Patterson, Bjorn, Robin, M Kikushima, Douglas Banyai, Supple Wrist72, Jared Smith-Mickelson, Sean Coetzer, Conner Glover, Nicolas.M, senders, panda_pajama, Oliver Lundø, Jay Hoover, kyle, Dominic Klyve, Andy Henline, Bob Brantner, Declan Manning, Stanley Wesley, Fuzzy Sanders, Cubing Madness, Mark James, John Adams, RedKB, Chris Cobb, Allan Chochinov, Martijn Schiedon, David Brown, Taco, Mike Sampson, YILDIZ KABARAN, Rob Peters

0:00 1. Cross Pieces
1:35 2. How to Turn
2:38 3. Speed Cube & Lube
3:39 4. How to Memorize
5:08 5. Finding Pieces
5:43 6. Cube Rotations
6:15 7. Timed & Untimed Solves
7:43 8. Getting Slower
8:52 9. Color Neutral
9:45 10. Goals
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A tip for color neutrality: One thing that helped me learn it pretty quick is simply memorizing which sides are opposite from each other. Once I had it drilled into my head that white is opposite yellow, blue is opposite green, and red is opposite orange, the rest came much easier.


J Perm Is That Type of Guy Who Can Do M Moves on a 2 × 2.


you’re the reason why im into cubing with your tutorials. without that, i would’ve gave up and kept that cube scrambled


Every Youtuber's intro: Hey guys, and welcome back!

JPerm: Number one, find all the cross...


Another good reason to do frequent timed solves early on as a beginner is to deal with Timer Anxiety. If you have been practicing several weeks without a timer before you do a timed solve, it is going to feel weird and you are going to feel uncomfortable and make a lot of odd mistakes and freeze-ups (like staring at the right piece but not seeing it). But if you do timed solves while you are slow and learning, it isn't going to have a big effect. I didn't use a timer until I was pretty good and had switched to F2L. (I'd estimate I was solving in the 70 second range). But when I started timing, it felt awful, I made more mistakes and different mistakes, couldn't get under 1:30 and frequently had HUGE screwups where my time would get doubled and tripled or I started over. Having a big mistake increase your time by 25% (80 seconds to 100 seconds) is far more stressful than having one increase your time by 10% (200 secs to 220 secs). If you frequently time your solves as you are learning, you will learn to deal with the timer naturally as you learn to cube. So timer anxiety won't be a thing you have to specifically learn to deal with. (Competition Anxiety is still something you'll have to overcome, though). (But don't time every solve as you are learning-- you still need to mess around and try new things-- do a few timed solves every day after you reach the point you can solve without looking at notes)


I've been watching your channel for a while and you've helped me go from solving a 3x3 in 5 minutes to solving it in 40 seconds, as well as being able to solve a 4x4 and 5x5. Thank you so much for putting your knowledge out for the world to learn from.


This has to be my favourite channel of all time. You never fail to entertain me and I just wanna thank you so much for putting in this effort. You’ve really inspired me to get into cubing. You’re a legend bro keep up the good work! (Btw congrats on 900K subs!!)


I’m not a beginner but for some reason I always find it interesting watching things that I wish I knew when I was starting out


Extra note for #7: While it is still a timed solve, CsTimer has a feature where you can have it not display the time until you stop the timer. It is still timed and still has the pressure of being timed, but you don't have to distract yourself and potentially ruin the solve by seeing just how long you're taking. That's one of the biggest things I myself struggled with because you can see exactly what your pace is for each step, but removing that aspect takes away so much stress when solving. Obviously this might not help with a Stackmat, but if you don't use a Stackmat when practicing, this really helps a lot.


Absolutely love this! Thank you J Perm!


I am always so happy when he gives some tips to help me get faster thanks J Perm you are amazing


Thanks for more tips. I've been waiting for more videos like this.


Just one word for your hardwork and effort: *masterpiece*


This is my favorite cubing channel of all time. I love your videos and hope you get 1M soon! I would really like an advanced pyraminx tutorial, as I only just started cubing and want to change methods. thanks for reading!


Some great advice! Some of these tips I was already using without realizing it! Makes me feel a little better about my solves. ;)


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE more educational videos I love your old stuff a lot man keep up the good work.


i learned how to solve thanks to you, and i average 30 seconds now. thank you for all the tutorials

the 11th tip is very helpful


The timing is perfect, I just ordered my MoYu cube and its arriving tomorrow. Literally got a video for it for when it comes, Nice.


Thank you J perm. Without you I wouldn't know how to solve a cube at all. Big thank you!😁


thanks jperm!!! just started cubing 3 weeks ago, learning f2l now, thank you for all your help I've learned everything I know about solving cubes from you!!
