NASA's Kepler discovered Earth-like planet 'Kepler-452b'

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Nasa announced that it has found an Earth-like planet orbiting around a distant star.

The planet named, Kepler-452b, is described as a larger, older Earth and is located around a star which is available at 1,400 light years from Earth.

It is the first terrestrial planet found in the habitable zone in a star just like our sun.

Nasa said it is about 60 percent larger than Earth and lies in the constellation Cygnus.

The exact nature of the planet is not known specifically, but Nasa's modelling suggestes it is a rocky planet, about five times as massive as Earth, orbiting its star once every 385 days.

The planet's star is 1.5 billion years older than our Sun, and is now growing hotter and brighter -- as our star sun will do in about a billion years.

Kepler, launched in 2009, looks for planets by detecting shifts in light from around 100,000 distant stars

The confirmation of Kepler-452b brings the total number of confirmed planets to 1,030.

The Kepler-452 system is located 1,400 light-years away from earth. i-e it will take around 1,400 years to reach there even if we travel at the speed of the light, which the the maximum possible speed. But, With current technology, it will take around 20 thousands years to travel one light year. So, we need millions of years to get there.

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