Justification by Faith ALONE: Sola Fide in the Fathers
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In times past, during periods of doctrinal defection and moral declension, God raised up prophets to call His people back to the faith and practice of their forefathers. In response to their calls to repentance and reformation the prophets were often put down as innovators and troublemakers in Israel. Nevertheless, through the prophets God continued to preserve a people for Himself, and though weak and despised by those who were powerful and wise in their own eyes, they overcame the world and through them the church was preserved. Even though such things were written aforetime for our instruction (Romans 15), the same thing has been seen over and over again in church history.
When Athanasius, in the aftermath of the Council of Nicea, contended for the absolute ontological equality of the Son with the Father over against a church that had largely succumbed to subordinationism (and which, in eventually gaining the ear of the emperor, came to use the coercive arm of the state to enforce heresy), he was told that his calls for reformation were going against the consensus of the faithful and disturbing the peace of the church. In spite of fierce persecution, God strengthened Athanasius and once again used the weak and despised to shame the strong, preserve His sheep, and put heresy to flight.
The same thing has been seen many other times in church history, not the least of which was during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. When God raised up men like Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin to call the church back to the purity of the faith, inclusive of that great doctrine on which the church stands or falls (namely that sinners are justified before God, not on account of their works, nor on the basis of anything wrought in them or done by them, but solely on account of the active and passive obedience of Christ, the Son of God, which is imputed to them and received through faith alone), they were charged with innovating and disturbing the peace of the church.
In this livestream, on the anniversary of the Reformation, we will look at the doctrine of justification through faith alone with a special eye to the claim that the Reformers were guilty of innovation for proclaiming that:
- justification is a legal verdict or declaration of right standing before God which delivers from wrath and gives one a title to eternal life
- the sole moving or efficient cause of justification is the grace of God, understood as His favorable disposition toward sinners
- the sole procuring cause or meritorious grounds of justification is the atoning death and perfect obedience of Christ, imputed to sinners
- the sole instrumental cause or means of receiving Christ's death-procuring pardon and obedience-procuring righteousness is faith in Him.
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When Athanasius, in the aftermath of the Council of Nicea, contended for the absolute ontological equality of the Son with the Father over against a church that had largely succumbed to subordinationism (and which, in eventually gaining the ear of the emperor, came to use the coercive arm of the state to enforce heresy), he was told that his calls for reformation were going against the consensus of the faithful and disturbing the peace of the church. In spite of fierce persecution, God strengthened Athanasius and once again used the weak and despised to shame the strong, preserve His sheep, and put heresy to flight.
The same thing has been seen many other times in church history, not the least of which was during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. When God raised up men like Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin to call the church back to the purity of the faith, inclusive of that great doctrine on which the church stands or falls (namely that sinners are justified before God, not on account of their works, nor on the basis of anything wrought in them or done by them, but solely on account of the active and passive obedience of Christ, the Son of God, which is imputed to them and received through faith alone), they were charged with innovating and disturbing the peace of the church.
In this livestream, on the anniversary of the Reformation, we will look at the doctrine of justification through faith alone with a special eye to the claim that the Reformers were guilty of innovation for proclaiming that:
- justification is a legal verdict or declaration of right standing before God which delivers from wrath and gives one a title to eternal life
- the sole moving or efficient cause of justification is the grace of God, understood as His favorable disposition toward sinners
- the sole procuring cause or meritorious grounds of justification is the atoning death and perfect obedience of Christ, imputed to sinners
- the sole instrumental cause or means of receiving Christ's death-procuring pardon and obedience-procuring righteousness is faith in Him.
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