Why We Believe - Justification By Faith Alone

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Watch the newest sermon from Apologia Church for our "Why We Believe" series. Pastor Jeff Durbin teaches this first part of 2 on why we believe in Justification by Faith Alone or Sola Fide. Pastor Jeff takes us through the Apostle Paul's systematic explanation of Justification by Faith in his letter to the Romans. We hope this series is a blessing to you. Tell someone about it!

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The biggest argument that I get into about "Salvation by Grace vs. Works" is on the subject of Baptism. My stance has always been that we get baptized not to get saved but because we are saved. If we have to be baptized in order to be saved then salvation becomes "by works" not by "grace".


I look at it like this. I can truly think I love my kids and I can go around telling everyone I love my kids. But every day there will be proof of that. If my baby for example who is just learning to walk was constantly getting hurt falling into things getting into bad things that could hurt him and all I did was say poor baby or go on that I love him but I never did a single thing to help him or care for him you would see by my actions that i couldn’t possibly truly love my child. If I did there would be works proving that. I would be running to prevent a fall, snatching bad thing out of his hands, I would be protecting him. That would be the proof that I really love him. The same with Jesus. There will be proof that I really love him. It wouldn’t be all talk God is good! And it ends there. And then someone needs me and I say good luck! No, if I love him I’ll keep his commandments. If I love him I’ll love others. I’ll help others. I’ll pray. I’ll be in his word. There will be proof of my love for Christ.


That very last part hit me! I am that Christian. The one that was so happy at first, so on fire, so grateful & joyful in the Lord’s grace. Then i messed up & I’ve been sulking ever since; the last 4 months 😭. It’s like I KNOW how I was saved, but I somehow just can’t wrap my head that I am justified because of what the Lord Jesus has done for me.... the whole sermon, especially the last part was EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR! To God be All the Glory !!


I’m so thankful that I was led to this channel! Be blessed brothers and sisters in Christ!!


What a great sermon! I was just reading Galations today and then I found this 😃 Thank you for preaching truth!!


Love how you start out with the reading of the word of God. I love how you say it. Soo fantastic! Don’t know why it just makes my heart and mind and soul sing. Thanks as always for your faithfulness.


For those that throw james 2:24 around saying its not by faith alone but through work
I’m convinced that we don’t really have a conflict here. What James is saying is this: If a person says he has faith, but he gives no outward evidence of that faith through righteous works, his faith will not justify him. Martin Luther, John Calvin, or John Knox would absolutely agree with James. We are not saved by a profession of faith or by a claim to faith. That faith has to be genuine before the merit of Christ will be imputed to anybody. You can’t just say you have faith. True faith will absolutely and necessarily yield the fruits of obedience and the works of righteousness. Luther was saying that those works don’t add to that person’s justification at the judgment seat of God. But they do justify his claim to faith before the eyes of man. James is saying, not that a man is justified before God by his works, but that his claim to faith is shown to be genuine as he demonstrates the evidence of that claim of faith through his works


Thank you Heavenly Father for your truths And peace that surpasses all understanding praise His Holy Name In the highest Heaven forever luv you Kathleen ❣️


What an awesome message! May we apply it to our lives and spread the truth salvation in Christ alone.


Justification thru FAITH in Christ with CHARITY OF LOVE... Amen.


Old-school preaching was never more relevant. Thanks Pastor Jeff.


Pastor Jeff Durbin, I must say your exposition on Paul's and James's epistles is the most awesome biblically even after I have heard countless sermon on this matter. I am a subscriber of your channel and an avid follower of your doctrines but one thing I only disagree is with your doctrines of Calvinism. I love your eschatology as well. May God bless you and your Ministry.


I went in reverse order of what you said at the end. I usually get told that I am a decent enough person. Patient, don't call debts, etc. I read the Bible (also a lot of people's opinions on what is/isn't sin. Do NOT recommend that), and was absolutely miserable for the first months. I'm only five months in now, and those first three were terrible. I stopped doing everything that wasn't related to reading the Bible, my job, or keeping me alive because all of it seemed to be sin. Listening to (non-religious) music? Sin. Playing video games/tabletop games? Sin. Talking about any of that stuff? Sin. Leaving my house on Saturday? Sin. It was all around me and I ended up collapsing in on myself and having anxiety-fueled crying fits. Now I'm starting to see things a bit better. Not quite OK with most of my old hobbies, may never be again, but for now, I pray I am beginning to understand the new man I am in Christ. I was only baptized three months ago, so I may still count as a "baby" Christian.


Salvation is by faith, but not by faith alone! And that's the truth folks.🙂


Got the doctrine, received the blessing! From Thailand


By grace we have a solid church home but it’s still a joy to come to online sermons like Pastor Jeff’s, Voddie Baucham, Justin Peters, Paul Washer, Emilio Ramos, John MacArthur, Conrad Mbewe, Doug Wilson & Steve Lawson during the week for extra spiritual meat!


I’m grateful for the sermons you post.


An excellent message! God bless you and yours


For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
James 2:26 KJV


If required, how much 'works' are needed to be saved ?...Romans 4 : 5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
