Ophthalmologist Shows Levels of Astigmatism🧐How Much Astigmatism Do You Have? #shorts #vision #body

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Hi Dr. Rupa,
Thank you!
As a very curious Electrical Engineer, I use a set of these lenses, to demonstrate the effect of these lenses - to help my immediate relatives understand them. This is part of a process so they can use them to measure their own refraction, at home. A well informed person has the best chance to prevent his entry into myopia.
I also insist that they do no reading closer than 20 inches.
(Effectively a strain of -2 Diopters.)


Dr. Rupa,
Thank you for this thoughtful comparison!
Additional Information:
At 0 diopters? 20/20
At -1 Diopters, vision is like 20/50
At -2 Diopters, about 20/100
At -3 Diopters, vision is about 20/200.

I like to keep this comparison in mind as see you helping your kids keep their nose "off the cellphone".
Of course your knowledge of the LAMP and ATOM results, is crucial to their success.


I’m 14 and I’m a good 3-4. It fluctuates depending how tired my eyes are.
I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 4 at this point it’s part of my face. I look Alien without them


I have 3 diopters in my right eye apparently


So interesting. Never realized this. Until little children are diagnosed, it could be quite troublesome for them.🩵
