My Testosterone Results

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Taking a natural testosterone booster supplement to build muscle is like peeing into a lake and expecting it to over flow. Technically the water level will rise, but it doesn't mean jack shit in the real world. Yes, there are certain over the counter compounds that have been shown to produce a modest testosterone increase, but it won't be significant enough to directly impact muscle growth. In order for that to happen you're going to need very large increases that are sustained over a long term period. The only potential benefit of some of these test booster ingredients would be in the form of a possible downstream effect. For example, if you took something like ashwaghanda (commonly included in testosterone supplements) and that had a stress reducing effect, maybe your sleep quality would increase leading to better long term results. Or perhaps you get a modest libido boost with an herb like maca root or long jack, and now you feel a little bit more motivated to lift which improves your long term adherence. The other area to consider would be potential micronutrient deficiencies. If you were lacking in vitamin D or zinc for example, that could be negatively impacting your test levels and be assisted through supplementation. However, as far as how most over the counter testosterone increasers are marketed and how most people *think* they work ("I take this... I make more testosterone... I build more muscle"), it's going to be a waste of money. Not to mention that most supplement companies just suck in general and usually sacrifice product quality for higher margins, and so the majority of blends out there are going to be flawed in one way or another as far as ingredients/dosages go. If you want to naturally increase testosterone levels then it's usually going to come down to basic things like consistent exercise, healthy body fat levels, proper nutrition, quality sleep, stress reduction etc.

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Taking a natural testosterone booster to build muscle is like peeing into a lake and expecting it to over flow. Technically the water level will rise, but it doesn't mean jack shit in the real world.

Yes, there are certain over the counter compounds that have been shown to produce a modest testosterone increase, but it won't be significant enough to directly impact muscle growth. In order for that to happen you're going to need very large increases that are sustained over a long term period.

The only potential benefit of some of these ingredients would be in the form of a possible downstream effect.

For example, if you took something like ashwaghanda (commonly included in test booster blends) and that had a stress reducing effect, maybe your sleep quality would increase leading to better long term results.

Or perhaps you get a modest libido boost with an herb like maca root or long jack, and now you feel a little bit more motivated to lift which improves your long term adherence.

The other area to consider would be potential micronutrient deficiencies. If you were lacking in vitamin D or zinc for example, that could be negatively impacting your test levels and be assisted through supplementation.

However, as far as how most over the counter testosterone boosters are marketed and how most people *think* they work ("I take this... I make more testosterone... I build more muscle"), it's going to be a waste of money.

Not to mention that most supplement companies just suck in general and usually sacrifice product quality for higher margins, and so the majority of blends out there are going to be flawed in one way or another as far as ingredients/dosages go.

If you want to naturally optimize testosterone levels then it's usually going to come down to basic things like consistent exercise, healthy body fat levels, proper nutrition, quality sleep, stress reduction etc.


Always appreciate your no nonsense approach!

What song is that playing in the background?


Idk why every time I look at this guy I can't shake the feeling that he has a middle schoolers head on an adult athletic body


All your recent content has been great, really stepped your game up over the last 12 months when I first started watching your stuff


I took a test booster and it gave me crazy dreams.


Exercising and eating right plus cutting out vices such as smoking and drinking (ok in small amounts), losing weight, having fun and lowering stress will increase your testosterone 100x more than anything you buy on the shelf or in a supplement store.


True that! I mixed my own natural supplements for some no bs effects, on top of diet and exercise. I am up from 228ng to 440ng, free test from 6.6 to 9.5. so I dodged the trt bullet. Diet and exercise being the biggest boost. According to my doctors most supplements don't work at all unless you have very low testosterone levels like myself.


You’ve helped me so much thank you for your dedication ❤️


The infinity that used to be on the market back in the day, def worked. The whole gang was killin it 💯


The six star testosterone booster are the best in my opinion, they work if you know how to follow directions


Glad you have addressed this in this video and others. I always wondered. Thanks for saving me a few bucks.


I have prostate cancer, and took 44 radiation treatments and asked my urologist if I could take t boosters.. He said no. He said it may encourage the cancer to progress. He also said buying T boosters on the internet is risky for anyone. Simply because how do you really know whats in it, or where its been made, and what kind of environment was it sitting in, and is it fda approved? He said I was better off doing squats and deadlifts, and eating natural foods to boost T levels.


Thank God for some honesty I was waiting for some bullshit


Now take the strongest illegal testosterone booster in the market and make a Video on that😼


I did too and feel very well rested.

That’s right… it’s sleep.


I boosted my credit card bill by $300😂😂😂 I spit out my water😂😂😂


Natural test booster? Be a man, get enough sleep, stop eating sugar.


The strongest natural testosterone booster are the prime emotions we have the hardest time achieving: belief in self, courage, willpower, these will make you so strong you get bored with the slowness of the world. I'm not there yet but I've seen one person who had it, and it's like looking into a different world


Well if you're talking about sleep and good food, that's pretty free
