Using a Mac Mini for high end audio

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I have been using a Mac Mini since 2010 for playing audio on my system and use TosLink since everything I have is from CD and is 44100 samples/sec stereo 16-bit. I am one who can't hear the difference in 256 MP3 and the original WAV and I guess that is a blessing. My main system in the living room is a Rotel RSX-1560 Receiver from 2009 (which replaced a Yamaha DSP-A1 integrated amp from 1998 that started flaking out) with JPL HP-520 speakers as my mains. This system works well for me for 2 channel stereo (with the surrounds off) and for home theatre as well.


Bitperfect hasn't been updated in five years and in buggy as hell on newer macs. Audirvana has now switched to a subscription model which I won't even consider. For those reasons, both are now non starters for me.


I have worn out 2 Mac Mini's listening to music. I have to confess the iTunes low quality 128kbps podcasts still sounded really really fantastic with my upsampling DacMagic and tube amp. It's great listening to music just alone on the couch without the lights on in the middle of the night... after smoking a joint.


Thanks Paul. You gave me some great new ideas how to add my Mac mini to my audio system. Will try it and compare it with what i know about ROON.


I use Mac Mini and Audirvana as well (with Tidal), with an iPad mini as remote, but the Mac/Audirvana combo is a DLNA server to the SoTM sMS-200 ultra neo streamer, in turn connected to the DAC via USB. This is a huge improvement over running USB from the Mac.


iTunes used to be great, I used it with Audio Hijack as it captured the audio as it came in (not how Windows does it) but when Apple went to become a music 'service' company iTunes is no longer simple to use. Sad.


I use a dedicated intel NUC loaded with Daphile for Qobuz streaming on my headphone rig, cheap and very good results.


Audirvana is a good product and great to hear Paul and PS Audio recommend the software's use via USB. Regretfully Audirvana's UPnP/DLNA feature does not function properly with PS Audio's Bridge II. A great shame for those who have invested in the Bridge II card which is sonically better than USB.
Given PS Audio has recommended and promoted Audirvana, it would be greatly appreciated if Audirvana and PS audio collaborated to make the UPnP/DLNA function work properly with the Bridge II.
So come Paul and Audirvana - please work together and sort out the UPnP/DLNA functionality!!!


This is literally my exact setup for the MacMini in my system as well. Nice video - thanks Paul


Checklist: Audirvana 👍🏽 Curious cable 👍🏽 Qobuz 👍🏽 I have a 2015 MacBook Pro with maximum ram too

At least I’m doing a few things right. I have moved on to Allo DigiOne streamer via a coax cable, the electrical noise which I didn’t notice before has gone! The sound is much cleaner


I regret selling my 2011 Mac Mini, since it was pretty spec-ed out and had a disc drive. Ugh. Now I want one!


Would be great to get an update from Paul on this segment.


Paul how do you wake up the Mac mini when it goes to sleep with an IPad?


I swear I’ll never catch up to all the content you’ve put out. Thank you Paul. I hope someday real soon to visit you, your company and those awesome speakers. 🤝👏👌


Paul, if you opted for Mac mini with maximum RAM possible, you surely have not paid "a little more" for the upgrade. RAM and storage upgrade cost an arm and a leg on any Mac. Only the base models Mac computers could be considered a great value. It has always been like that on Apple computers, regardless of the generation.
And if you use it for playing music only, you most likely did not need that RAM upgrade.
BTW: I really like your videos😁


Adding a solid state drive is important if you’re going to run the MacMini as a Roon server. Makes it much faster, especially when updating the database which happens often.


Hello. Not clear about your signal chain/connections. You have iPad, Mac mini, Qobuz, Audirvana, Screens, dac, amp-pre amp?, speakers? Where are the apps installed? iPad or Mac mini? How is iPad connected to Mac mini? What is ipad used for ? What is connected to what using usb? Confused. P, ease advise. Want to understand this. Also, if an app like Amazon Music Hd Ultra, is installed on an Apple TV or an Amazon Fire stick 4k and these are connected directly to a Yamaha Avr or to a Sony smart tv which is then connected to the avr via toslink (older Yamaha avr)…does the Apple TV or the fire stick 4k mess with sampling rate/frequencies etc like you say the Mac mini does?


I wish someone would do a fast turorial on all of these streaming components, from start to finnish that is. there are loads and loads of tutorials on youtube that focus on single components or just software, and they tend to be lengthy videos containing lots of rambeling. I mean jeez, I am just 42 years old and I feel that i´m falling behind in this area.


Only saw the first 4 seconds and the man already convinced me. I'm getting a Mac Mini... for playback.


I used to run a Mac laptop plus Audirvana direct into my dac via USB and it sounded dull and lacked dynamics. I had given up on computer audio until a friend put me onto what I now do.
I now run an ethernet cable from my PC running Roon to a Sonore microrendu (plus linear power supply) and then connect via USB to my dac. The sound is now in another league.
