CHAOS Allows More Beautiful Things To Happen

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Thank you Justine & Michael 💚

We have become so reliant on the need for order and predictability. We overthink and we over analyze. But what would life be like if we let go of the need for constant control and perfection, and instead decided to embrace chaos? We might find a new world of opportunity and freedom.

"Chaos allows more beautiful things to happen. It is a vibrant, benevolent force of opportunities" - Kosie Theatre

Filmed in Hermanus, South Africa.

All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons.

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Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.

Equipment used - Sony A7 MKIII

Getting Inside - by Alon Ohana
Unbreakable - by Elad Perez
Being Grateful - by Borrtex
Who Else Would Walk Through These Shadows With Me - by The Soundkeeper
Its All About Happiness - by Borrtex

Sound mix by Tamryn Breakey and Stef Albertyn
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..."be comfortable where you are and bloom how wonderful - what a quote! Once again such an amazing video. I start my day with you guys now and you never fail to inspire, uplift and make my soul sing. xx


Someone once said "Insanity is a sane response to an insane world". That this man should experience more of what is real, inside the psych hospital in comparison to those who "guide/serve" our society, is quite profound. Embracing what is, seems to be the open door … entry point … to wholeness and well being. This video has been inspiring. Thank you.


Green take my breath away! I was mesmerized, so drawn in and captivated. Still in tears. What a beautiful soul. How you find these sages among us and capture their gems of wisdom with such poetic and transcendent keep inspiring me! Thank you for another beautiful film. It came at a perfect time as I've been thinking much on the themes of chaos and order. Bless you all and so much gratitude for using your lives and gifts to make these meaningful and important films.


Whether it is false beliefs stemming from OCD, bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism, gluttony, depression or something else, most of us have some sort of false beliefs, things we are afraid of, things we are trying to control. And only when we trust, when we let go, when we embrace unpredictability of life, trusting that somehow, someway everything will be alright, do we become free. And to do this, some of us need professional help. But, most of us need to work on letting go of fears we have picked up along the way. It's an ongoing slow process.... becoming aware.... getting insight into the TRUTH.
Thank you


Comfortable where you are planted and bloom there - Wonderful powerful words 🙏


What a beautiful video, from his story to the landscapes and ocean. I am thinking this must be Hermanus harbor. When I was a little girl we would go stay with my grandparents there. This was so wonderful to see his life and all the beauty surrounding him.


He is such a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul. This video left me stunned. Very inspiring. Thank you so much and thank him so much for sharing so much of his life with me and others.


Thank you for helping my darkest part of my life you in lighten me.


As someone with ocd I found this very inspiring, thanks for sharing


Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for taking responsibility for how you feel and for showing us that we can work with what is, in a healthy way. It's time to take the fear out of mental illness. When I left my x husband he left reality. In and out every year... It's been 10 years of struggle, hiding, anger, fear frustration, confusion, hopelessness and so much more. At first we were all shocked. Then I realised later on that I took it all too personally. It's difficult to separate the person from the illness. Nobody really talks about this and very few people understand. So when you share the way you deal with things and get help when you need it fills my heart with hope and joy. Thank you and
GR for this very positive film clip.


Bless your heart. I raised a child with severe challenges like this. Your aim sounds wonderful. Your artistic gift is amazing!


He survived all the suffirings, to me he is the real super hero. Wherever you are, you should know that you are a walking MIRACLE.. I send you all my love .


What is so beautiful about your films is that they express religion and spirituality without being "religion" and "spiritual". Thanks


'Be comfortable where we are planted & bloom there'. What beautiful words from this beautiful soul...& so very true. It always refreshes me to know that souls like this young man exist. In this world of 'chaos', we do need to find the creative, as he has expressed so well in this video.


Reality is imbued with divinity, Indeed! - Glorious, thanks you.


What an amazingly talented individual he is. I love the way he is able to remove the stigma of mental illness and begin to normalize it for those that don't understand what it is like to live with or have a loved one affected by mental illness.


I have only recently found your channel, but I must say it is one of the most moving, spiritually enriching, positively motivating channels I have ever watched. Your movies are exquisite, and the topics seem to have been intentionally chosen to guide, support, and inform me. The characters say things I say; they do things I do; and they walk toward goals toward which I, too, am walking. Just knowing that there are so many people in the world who share my vision and who have committed their lives to my values has empowered me in ways that no other films ever have. I am deeply grateful, and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to support your work by becoming a Patreon subscriber. Thank you.


As Emily Dickinson would say: "Pardon my sanity in a world insane". What he was saying just reminded me of this quote I consider so true. Again, an uplifting message. I've been struggling with chaos for years. Recently, I'm trying to embrace it for we cannot escape from it. It's just the way life works and it is our obsessive need for moulding it to our own will what keeps us stressed, unhappy and frustrated all the time. Thanks, as usual, for reminding the essential. ❤🙏


Thank you GR for your beautiful films, in essence about reconnecting to our deepest selves, to nature.
My story is somewhat similar to the gentleman in this film, and so I wanted to share my gratitude for filming him and making his story heard. I recognize many things he shares, and it is at times painful to experience the continuing stigma on mental health issues. We live in a time in which knowledge is easily accessible, but the knowledge of our hearts seems to get forgotten in the world.
I feel so very happy for him that he kept on searching and is now feeling more at home within himself. Wishing him the very best! ..And maaany more wonderful art pieces! ⚘🐛


Another wonderful film and charming young man 👏
