How to give a dog a pill, the easy way.

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If you're wondering how to give a dog a pill in this video Becky shows you how to do it the quick easy way. What you use is cream cheese. Take a spoon full of cream cheese and wrap the pill inside it. Then give it to your dog. If your dog never ate cream cheese before you can prime him by giving plain cream cheese to him for a few days before you start giving the pills.
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You probably won’t see this but this really changed my life with giving my girl her meds🙂 I got so tired of shoving pills down her throat she would run from me and try to hide it broke my THANKS!!!!


Y’all this works! My dog was previously taking the pill pockets without any issues but, all of a sudden, he started refusing them. I tried everything: peanut butter, cold cuts, putting the pill in the back of his throat, etc. and he just kept spitting it out. Taking one pill became an all-day struggle. I tried this tonight thinking I have nothing to lose and, to my surprise, it worked like a charm. Thank you for this video!


My dog just had 24 teeth extracted and I was worried about inflicting pain if I used the traditional method of pushing the pill to the back of the throats and holding the muzzle. I tried pill pockets and cheddar cheese. My dog would detect the pill every time. Your trick was perfect! You saved me and my dog a lot of unnecessary pain. Thanks so much! The next 10 days should go much better!


Thanks so much, Becky! I was worried after the first time I tried to get my Rescue, Tyson to take his antibiotic. It became a battle, and I was worried about damaging the trusting bond we were developing. As you suggested I gave him a few small bits of cream cheese to see if he liked it. YES! Then he gulped down his two pills wrapped in cream cheese one after the other. What a blessing!


Oh Man I have been fighting with my dog to give him medicine and it was a chore twice a day. We just tried this, for his morning meds and worked like a charm. Thank You Becky. I love you. You made my day so much easier.


Thank you, Becky!! This world like a charm!!


My current dog is not my first. I thought I knew all the tricks. This has truly changed our lives. Pill time is now (in puppy's mind) treat time! What a transformation from two puppy parents preparing for battle to get the pills down! You win the puppy Nobel Peace Prize!


I just came across your video yesterday, and I really need to thank you! Our dog needs to take meds twice a day, and every day it was a wrestling match … trying to open his mouth and shove it in because he detects pills in EVERY food. BUT the cream cheese trick totally worked! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve made my life so much easier! 🙌🏻💗


When I first started watching this I figured you were going to use a little pill. Seeing that green capsule elevated my hopes as my dog was taking the exact same antibiotic. Your method with the cream cheese worked just as you said it would. Thank you SO much!!!


The best tip!!! My dog is the worst with taking pills, he always seems to know and spit it out. He took this the first try and I'm so happy!!! Thanks


4 years later I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH, this actually works!!! My gsd boy is so picky but with the cheese (he never had it before)...sooo different, I gave him a first ball with nothing inside of it, no pills...he was a little suspicious at first but then ate it and the rest of the balls with the pills, he literally just swallowed them, i'm so happy!! So thank you again, i send you all a big hug from Chile ❤


Thank you for posting this!! It's brilliant. Our family just got our first dog last week, and he needed his monthly flea pill today. I was SO concerned about how to get him to take it, but this made it ridiculously easy.


Thank you so much, I have a very smart picky dog. And this works beautifully. She is on 2 different meds 3 times a day and this is a life saver.


Words cannot express how much I appreciate this. It's the only thing my dog will eat and not find the pills. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!🙌 My frenchie just recently had a surgery and he can smell the pill when we mix it with his food, smart dog. I tried ur way and its easy as pie. Thanks again 🖒


This was spot on! It made giving my 80 lb  pit bull meds a breeze. I am not worried about losing my fingers any more either


OMG, it worked!! I had no idea how much they love cream cheese ! Thank you soooo


I cannot thank you enough!!! Now Miss Fussy Pants looks forward to pill-taking! 100% Philly Cream Cheese works like a dream! You have improved the quality of our lives! God Bless you! :-)


This worked perfectly! I’m glad to not have to force my dog to take her pills. Thank you!


You are a God send Becky! I was at my wits-end trying to figure out how to get my Shepard to take her horse-pills and your cream-cheese trick worked!!!
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I will be a forever follower 💌
