Who Is Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Prelude To Dune Part 1

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Stellan Skarsgård has been cast as the main villain in Dune (2021) which is to be directed by Denis Villeneuve. In this video, I break down who the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is and what we can expect to see from the character in this year's movie adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune.

Twitter: @Nerd_Cookies

Background Track: Sappheiros - Smile

Intro Track Name: "Watching The Clouds"
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.

Art Credits
Unreality by Eduardo Peña
The Field Dune Tribute by Gary Jamroz-palma
Dune Redesign: Vladimir Harkonnen by SimonDubuc
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen by John Schoenherr
Baron Harkonnen by Brent Martin
Harkonnen Illustration by Sam Weber
Giedi Prime By Alex Tornberg
Landing in the Desert by Kamen Anev
Baron Harkonnen by Boti Harko
Sandworms Illustration by John Schoenherr
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen By Ivelin
The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen by Raymond Bonilla

All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.

*Fair Use* Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Use of any copyrighted material in this video qualifies as fair use.

*Fair Use*
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
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Now that I've seen his performance, I can say that although his size isn't quite what I imagined when I read the book, his presence on screen was incredibly intense and menacing. For the brief screen time Skarsgard had, he absolutely made the most of it and I found myself repulsed and genuinely intimidated by his performance. Can't wait for part 2.


Just watched it and lemme tell you, I absolutely loved this version of Vladimir Harkonnen. Just hearing him speak in that menacingly deep, hoarse voice was enough to intimidate me. Pure pleasure to watch


Skarsgard's delivery of "You have a wonderful kitchen, cousin." was by far the most menacing, creepy line for me. Just that huge, repulsive man gorging himself, with no utensils, on a whole household's provisions laid out before him in one sitting. That followed by the scene in the black bile bath sold me on him as the actor for Harkonnen.


I really loved the Harkonnen aesthetic in the new movie, especially in contrast to the Atreides. On Caladan, everything looks ancient, which is fitting for a house that is very proud of their heritage. Giedi Prime on the other hand looks so artifical, it's straight up in the uncanny valley. It's as if the Harkonnens even wanted to subdue the very planet they live on. Everything is just black looming structures, as described in the book, and they have this kinda plastic look to them.


As a grumpy old Dune fan I DEMAND that people appreciate this Lore series. The writing, images, and narration are beautiful every time. I hope it's not a Bene Gesserit using voice on us


When I first heard Stellan Skarsgard would play the Baron I immediately thought back to the 2004 King Arthur movie where he played the role of the merciless Saxon leader. I have never forgot his haunting deep voice and terrifying presence in that film, and I knew I would see and feel it again when I saw his Baron Harkonnen. I was not disappointed!


Dune is the best science fiction series of all time. The mind of Herbert was amazing. So bizarre for the time it was written.
I read it 50 years ago. Have read it several times. The movies are great.


Totally excited to see Stellan Skarsgard portray the Baron Harkonnen!! He's going to crush it! Can't wait!


I can’t wait to see how Villeneuve depicts Geidi Prime🤩😩


You have to see Stellan in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. His villain will be EPIC


Looking through the comments no one seems to mention Stellan Skarsgard in Chernobyl. His performance was incredible. Too few people have seen it.
Don't just look at the marvel movies, he has done some amazing work in films and TV series.


The character of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen steals the show when ever he appears in the book for me. He sees himself as a hero in the story. And I often wondered how the story would have been different if the Harkonnens had won.


Even Paul realized that he became less than a hero during his holy war


Saw Dune 2021 in imax on cheap Tuesday. Frickin jaw dropping. Such a cinematic experience like I haven’t had in years. DV and team are artists.


The way Stellan Skarsgard is made up in this film, he reminds me of Marlon Brando's character Col. Kurtz in Apocalyze Now.


"On its way this December - and here I am, having watched it last weekend! Absolute masterpiece!"


Stellan is such a good-looking guy, so I’m really excited at the nod to the fact that, before his physical deterioration, the Baron was supposed to have been exceptionally good-looking (one reason that Paul and Jessica are so gorgeous- they inherited his genes).


I have been very much enjoying these. Thank you for the hard work. It shows it’s a labor of love.


A popular man arouses jealousy and Duke Leto is a very popular man. The other great houses will be glad to get rid of him, Even though they will never admit it. The spice will flow... the emperor will be pleased, and House Harkkonen will be more powerful than ever.

Alone and vulnerable at the edge of the universe, valiant Duke Leto will finally come face to face with fear.

When I am through he will not know whom to trust, not even that bennigeserit witch he sleeps with. They'll all be turning on one another like rats in a flood. By the time the traitor is fully revealed, the fate of Atreides will already be sealed!


80s Baron Harkonnen: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Dr. Robotnik.
Modern Baron Harkonnen: SatAm Sonic Dr. Robotnik.
