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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, commonly known as the Baron Harkonnen, is one of the most notorious and enigmatic characters in Frank Herbert's epic science fiction saga, Dune. As the penultimate ruler of House Harkonnen, he wielded immense power and became the chief architect in the political turmoil that engulfed the universe during the reign of Shaddam IV. His life and legacy are marked by intrigue, cunning, cruelty, and an unquenchable thirst for power.

#dune #frankherbert #scifi #movie

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I was just thinking to myself I missed when H used to do lore videos like back on the good old days, glad he’s back at it!


Love the new intro mans! and as always the content is immense - Thank you.


These, your Alien, Predator, and Cthulhu explanations are gold. Thank you for making them.


Love seeing you getting back to your roots with these types of videos!


Nice touch adding his possession in children of dune


Great video
However you forgot to mention the Dune mini series version of the character


Easily one of the best and most feared villains in sci fi. The man is an absolute demon.


love these oldschool mr h style explained videos!


Love this stuff
As a fan of the film n lore it's useful as I haven't read the books
Hopefully with the Emperor played by Walken, we'll get more scenes in part 2


Your lore videos are still your best videos!


Denis Villeneuve cut a lot out of the first film that would have made people truly hate the Baron.


Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune. He and Giger created Harkonnens castle on storyboard.


You've got a good voice, Nate H. You should do more with it.


The Baron was so underwhelming in Viilleneuve's version. Lack luster and non threatening, the only hint to his depravity and cruelty was the new addition to Dune's lore, a Villeneuve idea.... the giant human rubber sex spider.


I really wish they made the Baron a bit more disgusting, deplorable and cruel in the movie. That was always one let down of the otherwise great movie. I do get that they wanted him to be this mysterious threat looming in the background, so hopefully we’ll see more of what makes him so hated in part two


He’s such a great villain, Herbert effectively brings him back! He’s such a dick. He’s basically the palpatine of Dune.


As cliche as exposition dump speeches in the beginning of Syfy movies are this movie really needed a few minutes of someone just explaining the whole universe and everything before the film started. There's a lot of it that I only now understand after watching the movie and then looking into the universe more. I had a very brief run down of it that helped a lot but there's so much more to it that needed to be explained. But I felt like the movie was already a little bit slow at times and should have ended after the fall of their house. The events afterwards felt like it was the beginning of the second movie and felt way too long after the movie basically already had the climax. Let people wonder if hark is dead or not until the next movie. I just finally watched it the other day and I'm learning more about the universe in preparation for the next movie and thinking about tryna find a way to listen to the books while I work or something.. so much they showed in the movie but didn't really explain that I feel actually really makes the universe unique and stand out from other Syfy dystopian universes. Like the mentats they showed the one guy and didn't explain it at all. I looked into it after and learned about how it's actually 24 thousand years after present day earth and not just 10 thousand. 10 thousand years ago is when the computers were defeated and the new calendar began with the rise of a imperium and everything. The people are now bio computers like super smart math people lol. Idk if they rely on spice to achieve this or not as they don't have blue eyes. I'd like if they explained it a little bit at least. Instead of making people wonder if the guy was a robot or something.. also I've learned about the navigators how they use spice and have to live in a cloud of it at all times. All these things they could have explained and shown and only taken a few seconds. These kinds of things are what really makes this dune universe unique and worth exploring. Otherwise it just feels a little too much like another star wars kinda deal.. I find the universe itself the most fascinating. The rest of it is basically just standard Syfy stuff we're already used to. Regardless of if dune did it first technically or not. It's the way the universe functions and everything that makes dune so unique interesting and special. In the movie it just kinda downplayed these elements of the world and without it all it just feels a little standard and bland.. the universe itself is so rich and interesting how it's futuristic yet almost medieval with the way it's like Egyptian pharaohs and Roman emperors running slaves and crusades across space itself. It lacks the unified humanity almost military aspect most universes have. There's no space marines all from other countries fighting to save humanity from aliens. It's the worst of humanity spreading its cancer across the universe. Technology is hindered by greed and control. Even for the royalty their existence it harder than ours now. They can cross the universe but poverty and servitude are dominant. There's no luxury or joy. There's no recreation or hobbies. Wether they're rich and powerful or poor slaves everyones existence is survival and dominance. It's futuristic yet primitive...


Two days ago, i saw the 1984 Dune and wow! it's an underappreciated gem. The baron guy is kinda ugly gay pedo in that movie which add more creepiness to the mix. The special effects are a little off but the acting and the entire atmosphere and exotic nature balance the shortcomes very well👍


In the book he is one of the most evil sick bastard in the Frank Herbers dune.


Basically? Imagine the Planetary Governors from 40k if they actually mattered. That's the nobles from the Landsraad. And Vladimir is the single meanest one out there.

(That's the one thing I wish GW had done a better job of stealing from Dune TBH. 'Cuz for people who have tenure as the *supreme executive officers* of an entire planet/star system? They get overshadowed and/or chumped way too often, to the point where the only example most 40k fans can name is a deliberate joke whose entire character arc consists of screw ups.)
