The History of Makeup and What's Inside It

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Ever wonder what is in the makeup you use daily, or where it came from? Well now you know! This episode, Natalie gives you all the details on the history of makeup, and what makes up (no pun intended) your favorite pieces!

JTV is one of the leading experts on gemstones and is the best source on YouTube for all things gem related. Featuring gem history, the science behind the stones, gemstones in pop culture, and much more, you too can become a gem expert by immersing yourself in JTV’s channel. Natalie, our host, is a Graduate Gemologist and an Applied Jewelry Professional.

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JTV always helps me get my rocks off ;P


Pun list:

Rock: There are a few rock-based phrases/idioms that could be used as rock puns: “I’ve hit rock bottom” and “Between a rock and a hard place” and “(Someone) has rocks in his head” and “Rock the boat” and “Rock candy” and “Let’s rock and roll!” and “On the rocks” and “These puns rock!”
Stone: “Stepping stones” and”Leave no stone unturned” and “A heart of stone” and “Etched in stone” and “Rosetta Stone” and “Stone-cold sober” and “A stone’s throw away” and “Squeeze blood from a stone” and “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” and “Cast in stone“
Nice → Gneiss: As in “Gneiss meeting you” and “Gneiss going!” and “No more Mr. Gneiss Guy”
Niece → Gneiss
Bolder → Boulder: As in “You need to be boulder during your presentations”
Solid: This can be slang for “good”, “excellent”, “cool” or similar – as in “Thanks, you did a solid job today.”
Crystallise: As in “The idea began to crystallise in my mind”

Crystal: “Crystal clear”
Gem: As in “There are a few gems amongst all these terrible rock puns.”
Concrete: As in “I haven’t got any concrete proof” and “What are the concrete goals of our mission?”
Granted → Granite: As in “You took me for granite“
Pirate → Pyrite: As in “Downloading pyrited movies” and “Pyrites of the Caribbean”
Elementary → Sedimentary: As in “Sedimentary, my dear Watson.”

Slate: As in “Start with a clean slate“
Sale → Shale: As in “They’re on shale – 50% off!” and “”
Shall → Shale: As in “Seek and ye shale find” and “Shale we dance?” and “Never the twain shale meet”
*rox* → *-rocks-*: Words that contain the “rox” sound can be turned into silly rock puns: app-rocks-imate (approximate), app-rocks-imation, p-rocks-imal, p-rocks-imity, hyd-rocks-ide (hydroxide), p-rocks-y (proxy).
*roc* → *-rock-*: Words that contain the “roc” sound (or something vaguely similar) can be turned into silly rock puns: brockoli, crockery, bu-rock-racy (bureaucracy), c-rock-odile, c-rock-odilian, Irock (Iraq), skyrocket, shamrock.
Sway → Rock: As in “They rocked back and forth slowly.”

Or → Ore: As in “All ore nothing” and “Am I right ore am I right?” and “Be there ore be square” and “Believe it ore not” and “Beg, borrow ore steal” and “Fay ore night” and “Come rain ore shine” and “Friend ore foe” and “Give ore take” and “Hit ore miss” and “Heads ore tails” and “Do ore die” and “Now ore never” and “Like it ore not” and “No ifs ore buts” and “More ore less” and “Ore what?” and “Rain ore shine” and “Trick ore treat” and “Thing ore two”
Hard: “Fall on hard times” and “A hard pill to swallow” and “Hard pressed” and “Feel hard done-by” and “Cold, hard cash” and “Hard luck” and “No hard feelings” and “The hard way” and “Play hard to get” and “Have a hard time” and “Old habits die hard” and “Take a long hard look at”
Pressure: As in “No pressure” and “Peer pressure” and “Under pressure“
Sh*t → Schist: As in “You are completely full of schist” and “That’s bullschist” and “Eat schist and die”
Gist → Schist: As in “I think I get the schist of it”
Aggravate → Aggregate: As in “He was charged with aggregated assault”

Too far → Tufa: Tufa is a variety of limestone – “Mate, that was tufa. You should apologise.”
Two for → Tufa: “A tufa one deal”
Shirt → Chert: Chert is a type of hard, dark, opaque rock composed of silica. Some phrase examples: “Been there, done that, got the T-chert” and “You’ll have to eat your chert if your prediction is wrong” and “Keep your chert on!” and “A hair chert” and “Lose one’s chert“
Cool → Coal: As in “I liked carbon before it was coal” and “Keep your coal” and “Coal bananas” and “Coal as a cucumber”
Cold → Coal: As in “Blood runs coal” and “In coal blood” and “Get coal feet” and “Coal reading” and “Left me out in the coal” and “Knocked out coal” and “Gave me the coal shoulder” and “Catch a coal“
Ignores → Igneous: As in “He just igneous me whenever I try talking to him.”

Worry → Quarry: As in “I was quarried sick” and “Not to quarry“
People → Pebble: As in “Power to the pebble” and “A pebble person” and “Draw pebble together” and “Of all pebble“
Talk → Talc: As in “Talc is cheap” and “A pep talc” and “I don’t want to talc about it” and “Look who’s talcing!” and “Small talc” and “You’re all talc” and “Straight talc” and “Talc about a …” and “Talced my head off” and “Talc to the hand” and “Talc your ear off” and “Talc to hear your own voice” and “Talc some sense into” and “Talc down to” and “Pillow talc“
Grain: “There is a grain of truth to what they’re saying” and “Going against the grain” and “Ain’t got a grain of sense” and “Take it with a grain of salt (or basalt)”
Again → A grain: “I tell him a grain and a grain, but he never listens.”
Polite → Pelite: Pelite is a very fine-grained sediment or sedimentary rock composed of clay or mud particles – “Pelite society”

Marble: “They’ve lost their marbles“
Cobble: “I’m sure I could cobble something together”
Couple → Cobble: As in “How long have you two been a cobble?” and “They’re an odd cobble” and “A cobble of people have asked”
Petrify: “I was petrified“
My car → Mica: The term “mica” refers to a group of sheet silicate minerals.
Tough → Tuff: The word tuff refers to a hard volcanic rock composed of compacted volcanic ash – “Tuff schist” and “A tuff act to follow” and “One tuff cookie” and “A tuff nut” and “Tuff luck” and “Do it tuff” and “Studying volcanoes can be tuff“
Wack → Wacke: The term “wacke” refers to a type of sandstone.
Bed rock → Bedrock: As in “” and “”
Eroded: As in “It slowly eroded what was once a good relationship” and “”
God → Geode: As in “Holy mother of geode” and “Geode willing” and “An act of geode” and “Geode forbid!” and “Geode almighty!” and “Honest to geode” and “Thank geode” and “Ye geodes!” and “For geode’s sake”
Classic → Clastic: As in “That was a clastic rock pun.”
Platonic → Plutonic: As in “It’s just a plutonic relationship”
Chip: As in “Why not chip in and help?”
Metaphoric → Metamorphic: As in “Metamorphically speaking”
Jaded: The word “jaded” means “bored or lacking enthusiasm”, and “jade” is a hard green gem stone.
Courts → Quartz: As in “The quartz will probably find him guilty”
Course/Coarse → Quartz: As in “Of quartz it is!”
Salt → Basalt: As in “No need to rub basalt in my wounds” and “Worth one’s basalt“
The salt → Basalt: “Pass basalt“
Assault → Basalt: As in “It is was a basault on my senses”
Die alright → Diorite: “Dad, stop worrying. It’s just a geology expedition – I’m not going to diorite?”
Chalk: As in “Chalk it up to experience”
Talk → Chalk: As in “Chalk is cheap” and “A pep chalk” and “I don’t want to chalk about it” and “Look who’s chalking!” and “Small chalk“
Cummingtonite: This is a type of rock. There’s an obvious adult-themed pun here that need not be made more explicit.
Bed rock → Bedrock
Evaporate →Evaporite: The term “evaporite” refers to a type of rock that’s formed when water evaporates away and leaves crystallised minerals.
Flinch → Flint-ch: “I didn’t even flintch“
Fill it → Phyllite
A mile a night → A mylonite
Flew right → Fluorite: “Some of your jokes fluorite over my head”
I’ll bite → Albite: “Careful – albite!”
Conundrum → Corundum: Corundum is an extremely hard aluminium oxide that’s often used as an abrasive. Ruby and sapphire are varieties of corundum. A conundrum is a confusing and difficult problem or question.
Grovel → Gravel: As in “They are gravelling at my feet”


i'm really not one for puns, but that granite one was pretty solid.

kill me now


Just wanted to point out Talc is a Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide. Micheal Gordon who is a rockhound that has a youtube channel, Caver461 had a video explaining about the cleavage of Mica group minerals. How it works is that each crystal has layers of Silica tetrahedron atoms that are weakly bonded by layers of certain elements depending on Mica group mineral it is such as Iron from Biotite, Potassium and Lithium from Lepidolite, and so on.


Puns? I don't know :( This channel really ROCKS though!


have you ever considered a career in geology, it'll rock your world


I'm sure we all can agree that you rock and i must say i'm lucky i found your channel it's a hidden gem.
sorry if it's sound like i'm graveling before you, but this opportunity was to goood topaz.
but as long as you keep going rock steady, i'll still be watching, after all it's sedimentary, darling.
but bye for now chalk with you later.


Anyone else thinks this seems like an really good school report


@jtv can you do an episode on crash bandicoot for the crystals and gems of the games ?


How about talking about Baldur's Gate gems and jewelry? I've always wondered what was fake and what was real and was the price verses rarity right?


I do have 1 suggestion... Instead of thanks for watching... How about "Rock on?"


I think we are in bismuth(business) now


Not sure who this lady is, but she is Superfly!


I don't even own make-up but boredness leave me here.


Hi this is a comment (mainly because I don't know what to say)
