Errors of Calvinism and Atheism that Oppose Biblical Christianity

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This video is about what can we learn about the foundational error of Atheism and the foundational errors of Calvinism and how to correctly view and read the Bible. I also speak about Creation vs Evolution, 6 day literal Creation vs the Genesis Gap Theory and the true Gospel vs false gospels.

#Christianity #Calvinism #Scripture #Faith
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I read three books against Calvinism this past summer. 1). The Dark Side of Calvinism by George Bryson. 2). What Love is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God by Dave Hunt. 3). T.U.L.I.P. and the Bible by Dave Hunt. I highly recommend all three books.


Calling Augustine, who was born 3 centuries after Christianity began, an "early church father" is like calling a politician from today a "founding father of the USA" only less accurate because the founding of the US is more recent to us than Pentecost was to Augustine...


Calvinists are cessationists. Thus, they say that portions of Scripture are not for today. That thinking is no different than the gay "Christian" saying that portions of Scripture, against their sin, are not for today. Yes, I blame cessationists, who are mostly Calvinists, for people not believing in the immutability of Scripture.


For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-13)
As far as the details of creation, we have much to learn and God will teach us . Meanwhile, ,, WHOSOEVER !! Amen!


Things I trust more than Calvinism:

1. Gas station food
2. Scammers
3. Petting a tiger
4. Politicians
5. Rats


The gospel of calvinism CANNOT save the vast majority of mankind, since they were purposely born dead & pre-determined by God alone, to be burned forever, "for the good pleasure of His will to glorify Himself "

There is NO propitiation for sin for most of mankind, yet, are simultaneously commanded by God, to "believe the gospel."

What gospel? Its NOT for them. They were rejected for the wedding feast "before they were born, or had done anything either good or bad, in order that Gods purpose of ELECTION might continue."

They have NO savior or gospel to repent to.


Disagreements on some Biblical issues are OK, almost to be expected... as long as the do not bring into question the nature and character of our Heavenly Father.
Calvinism, for example forces people to defend the character of God from the claims of their own system.
They have been trying and failing for centuries years. The best Calvin himself could do was call it a "mystery".


Yes Brian my friend you can get an Amen! Thank you for your wonderful teaching


I just happened across The Door channel the other day for his Calvinism videos.


Calvinist John 3:16 - Thats not the whole world, thats just Calvin's elect.

Calvinist John 1:10-11 - That's all the world 🫠


Once again Brian, Spot On. Already @rogervincent2092 and his little buddies are here repeating their same excuses. It’s getting old.


Everything by Warren McGrue of Idol Killer is really good.


Total Depravity is foundational to meticulous determinism. I would argue it's the foundation for the Calvinist system of thought. Just fyi, Total Depravity is the starting point for substitution theory as well.


When you said Jew and Greek I thought 🤔 for a second that you were giving a shout out to Rod Saunders channel. You both do incredible work debunking Calvinism and Cessassionism. It is great 👍 to get another side of the story when there are so many "Christian" YouTube channels promoting Calvinism and Cessassionism


Another good video, Brian. You alluded to the Calvinist believing the Bible was written only for the elect: an interesting concept. Then God's Word is secondary to their election. Actually, they were saved from the foundation of the world BEFORE Jesus even went to the cross. That would be similar to the government "electing" the winners of the lottery before they came up with the concept. The Bible was written for everyone. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Faith only cometh by hearing the Word, not Calvinist election.


I want to say additionally, I will no longer listen to anyone holding to Calvinist theology. They limit God! If God wants to give me the gift of languages or prophecy, how dare anyone say otherwise!! God can do what He very well pleases! God bless you brother!


Also bro, Jesse Martinez- Bibleline, has done a video exposing Michael Pearl.
God bless


Bible says God made the creation in seven days if there would be a gap it propbably would be explained . We should remember God does not make mistakes and do not lie so if He says 7 days so that is the truth.


Yep. Calvinism and atheism are birds of a feather. They both operate exactly by the same principle. They both have adherants that profess something that they don't really believe. They are both positions of convenience for the adherant - they make their life easier, rather than being honest and facing some difficult truths. And they are both easily exposed. The question an atheist will not answer is: are you an atheist? The question a Calvinist will not answer is "are you a Calvinist?" Another question they will not answer is "is it the case that we are born without the ability to obey God?" In both cases, a reply will be anything other than "yes." It will be a long, vague and rambling reply that tries to profess adherance to the doctrine without actually saying so.
The reason they cannot simply answer "yes" is that they simpluy do not believe it themselves and they know it


Brian, I agree with you completely in this video. But that leaves a problem: Since the Calvinist does not believe the plain statements of Scripture because of his foundational idea of God (fatalism), how do I change THAT idea? Because if changing that foundational idea is impossible, then the Calvinist is accidentally right. But the Atheist can be saved - I've know those who were. Then they become Calvinists afterword for some reason and can no longer believe the Scriptures. That's the problem I want to solve.
